The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2036 grow old together with you

"Glory, I didn't expect you to have such a beautiful daughter-in-law, you are really blessed!"

Ye Rongyang said happily.

In the past, people in the village always heard that Ye Rongrong was so lazy and unpromising, but who would have thought that Ye Rongrong is now so capable and married a wife like a fairy.

He really complied with that sentence, "It's better to bully the white-bearded man than to bully the poor young man. One day, the dragon will wear the phoenix, and I don't believe that I will wear holes in my trousers forever."

"That is, I also feel that I am very blessed."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

In Ye Rongrong's opinion, the luckiest thing in his life was to marry Liu Qingqing.

Ye Rongrong didn't ask for anything else, he just wanted to grow old happily with Liu Qingqing.

"Brother Rongyang, sister-in-law Ma Hong, let's eat here at noon, and I will prepare the meals."

Liu Qingqing said to Ye Rongyang and Ma Hong.

Liu Qingqing really couldn't stand Ye Xiaoyu's eyes.

He was his elder, so staring at him in a daze made Liu Qingqing feel very unhappy.

If Brother Ye Rongyang and Ma Hong's sister-in-law didn't seem to have a good relationship with her husband, Liu Qingqing would have asked someone to drive Ye Xiaoyu out long ago.

"No, no, we'll leave after talking for a while. There are still several families who haven't left yet. This time I'm going back to my hometown, mainly to meet relatives in my hometown. Time flies. When I left Taoyuan Village, I was still in my prime. , but now when I come back, I am already an old man."

"Many old people in the past, some have already passed away, and some are getting old. It's good to see each other once, and I don't know if we can see each other again in the future."

Ye Rongyang waved his hands and said sadly.

Originally, Ye Rongyang wanted to stay with Ye Rongrong for a while, to catch up with Ye Rongrong and get closer to everyone.

Now Ye Rongyang can be regarded as a small achievement, and there is nowhere to ask Ye Rongrong, but to get closer to each other, if there is anything in the future, he can ask Ye Rongrong for help.

But his son, who is not up to date, is really too ignorant.

How could someone stare at an elder like him.

This Liu Qingqing looks very beautiful, like a fairy.

But no matter what, she is Ye Rongrong's wife, your kid's aunt, and your elder, so she stares at the elder like this.

Regardless of whether you have any bad thoughts in your heart, it is very rude.

Ye Rongyang has no face to stay with Ye Rongyang any longer.

Ye Rongrong looked at Ye Rong and nodded. "Okay then, brother Rongyang and sister-in-law Ma Hong, come to my house if you have time, I welcome you anytime."

Ye Rongrong's eyes are not blind, so he naturally saw that Ye Xiaoyu was staring at his wife. Although he knew that his wife was so beautiful, no matter where she went, there were many men staring at her. There was no way to avoid it. Who makes his daughter-in-law beautiful?

But if you know it, you know it, but seeing Ye Xiaoyu staring at his daughter-in-law, Ye Rongrong is also very unhappy.

How can you say that Liu Qingqing is also Ye Xiaoyu's female elder, so staring at the female elder like this is very disrespectful.

So Ye Rongrong no longer wants to keep Ye Rongyang's family.

And Ye Rongrong also made it very clear that he welcomes brother Ye Rongyang and sister-in-law Ma Hong to come to his house as guests, and not mentioning your family is to have a problem with Ye Xiaoyu.

As for the good relationship with Ye Xiaoyu when I was a child, that was a thing in the past, and now it has been more than twenty years, and it has long been so indifferent that it is no different from a stranger.

"Glory, after the new year is the sixth day of the first lunar month, our Xiaoyu is getting married, so your family must come!"

Ma Hong said to Ye Rongrong.

"Xiaoyu is getting married, congratulations, congratulations."

Ye Rongrong nodded in surprise and said.

It is said that people in the city get married late, and there is nothing wrong with that. Ye Xiaoyu is thirty-two years old after the Chinese New Year, and she is just getting married.

If this is in the countryside,

If you are not married at this age, there will be gossip in the village and outside the village. They will think that this man is either physically sick and no woman is willing to marry him; or he is incapable and cannot afford a wife.

Anyway, he was looked down upon by people in and outside the village.

"Glory, you must participate!"

Ye Rongyang took Ye Rongrong's hand and said.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong hesitated and nodded.

Anyway, when I was young, brother Ye Rongyang and sister-in-law Ma Hong treated me very well, and they never missed me in any delicious food.

Ye Rongrong has always kept this kindness in his heart.

Although Ye Rongrong's parents are not well-educated, they taught Ye Rongrong to be a man since he was a child to know how to reciprocate kindness, to remember what others have done to you, and to remember every kindness.

"Then I'd be so happy."

Ye Rongyang happily held Ye Rongrong's hand tightly and said.

Seeing Brother Ye Rongyang with graying hair, Ye Rongrong felt a little sour in his heart. The high-spirited Brother Ye Rongyang was also old in a blink of an eye.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are the laws of nature, no one can escape, and I will have such a day.


After seeing off elder brother Ye Rongyang and his family, Ye Rongrong stood silently at the gate.

"Husband, what's the matter with you?"

Liu Qingqing saw that Ye Rongrong's mood was a little depressed, so she asked suspiciously.

When I saw brother Ye Rongyang and sister-in-law Ma Hong just now, wasn't my husband quite happy?

How come the mood is a little low in the blink of an eye.

"Brother Rongyang is old, and his head is covered with white hair."

Ye Rongrong said with some emotion.

"This is normal. Brother Rong Yang should be almost sixty years old, and this long white hair is also normal. People are like this when they get old."

Liu Qingqing said.

"That's right, it's the same when people get old. Time flies really fast. In a blink of an eye, decades will pass by, and I will become a gray-haired old man by then."

Ye Rongrong said.

Although this "lazy system" is powerful and even strengthens one's own body, it has no way to change the natural law of birth, aging, sickness and death.

Even the heaven-defying "chain of time" can only delay the aging of the human body, but cannot prolong human life.

In other words, if Liu Qingqing's lifespan is only one hundred years old, this "chain of time" can at most make her look as young as forty or fifty years old when she is one hundred years old, and it cannot make her live another year .

"Husband, don't you still have me? I will grow old slowly with you."

Liu Qingqing hugged Ye Rongrong tightly from behind and said affectionately.

In this life, Liu Qingqing doesn't want the sea to dry up and the rocks to rot, she doesn't want the sky to collapse, she just wants to grow old slowly with her beloved husband.

"Yeah, and you and I are getting old slowly, what else am I not satisfied with?"

Ye Rongrong held Liu Qingqing's hand and said.


In the car, Ye Rongrong was driving while listening to Mengmeng telling herself some stories they had learned recently, and he didn't feel that the journey was boring!

As the Chinese New Year is approaching, Ye Rongrong is going to take his family to the county town to buy clothes. Buying new clothes for the Chinese New Year is an unchanging custom in the countryside, so Ye Rongrong will naturally buy new clothes for the whole family.

What's more, Ye Rongrong hasn't taken his family shopping for a long time, this time he took his family to go shopping. In fact, Ye Rongrong also enjoys the fun of shopping with his family.

In the past, Ye Rongrong didn't like shopping. After all, no matter how lively the market is, no matter how beautiful the tourist attractions are, if you go shopping alone, it will be boring.

But the family is different, the laughter and laughter, even in the boring streets, are very interesting.

This Chinese New Year, many people who work or do business in other places have returned, and many of them came back by car.

After all, everyone's economic level is better now, and the price of private cars is much cheaper.

Tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars can buy a good private car.

Usually it's okay, but during the holidays, the road is very congested.

The current urban road planning can't keep up with the rapid economic development.

Even a small county like Yangping County is severely congested during holidays. You can imagine the congestion in big cities during holidays.

Just like the news that Ye Rongrong read yesterday, the Chinese New Year is almost here, and a family happily drove to a tourist attraction by car, but they were stuck on the road for more than ten hours and hadn't arrived at the attraction yet.

The family lost all interest in playing at last, and the traffic did not resume until midnight. The family drove back directly, and no one was in the mood to go to play again.

Stopping and driving along the way, the journey originally only took 20 minutes, but because of the traffic jam, it took more than an hour to reach the county seat.

As a result, in the county seat, parking became a problem again. The parking spaces were all full, and there was no parking space at all.

In the end, Ye Rongrong parked the car in front of someone else's house, and of course he had to pay for it.

When you go out shopping with your children, you must first meet the requirements of the children. I took Dudu and Mengmeng to the Trojan Horse Kingdom for more than an hour.

After eleven o'clock, everyone went to a nearby restaurant for lunch, and then went shopping in a nearby shopping mall. This was the main purpose of today.

Of course, Ye Rongrong is just a porter and a humanoid wallet!

However, seeing a group of women and children in his family full of interest, Ye Rongrong also happily followed behind, occasionally expressing his opinions.

After all, for the vast majority of men, the biggest challenge when shopping with their girlfriends or wives is not spending money or physical strength, but acting as a commentator.

And the difficulty of being a commentator is much more difficult than writing.

Especially when a woman asks you to comment on every change of clothes, this word is very critical.

And you can't repeat the words you said. Once you say the previous words again, after being found out, women will think you are perfunctory.

"Husband, how do you see me wearing this suit?"

Just when Ye Rongrong was distracted, Liu Qingqing walked out of the changing room and asked Ye Rongrong a little shyly.

This set of white clothes was chosen by Liu Qingqing after a long time of selection.

Although white is not Liu Qingqing's favorite color, it is the color that her husband Ye Rongrong likes.

Women are honored to be happy, of course Liu Qingqing has to choose the color clothes her husband likes to wear.


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