The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2043 Don't dare to look?

Chapter 2043 Don't dare to read?

"Beauty, the passenger next to you is snoring, please remind him!"

The middle-aged man sitting next to Chen Haishao whispered to Chen Hai.

"Why did I remind him, why don't you remind him?"

Chen Haishao looked at the middle-aged man very unhappily and said.

Chen Haishao, who was very confident in his appearance, was already very annoyed by Ye Rongrong's ignorance of her beauty. Now that this middle-aged man hits the gun, it's no wonder that Chen Haishao can give him a good attitude.

"You are a beautiful woman, he won't be as knowledgeable as you."

The middle-aged man said in a low voice.

The main reason is that Ye Rongrong is wearing a black suit today, and he also wears big sunglasses, coupled with his extremely strong body shape, it gives everyone the impression that he is not a good boy.

The middle-aged man was afraid that his loud voice would wake up Ye Rongrong, and Ye Rongrong would settle accounts with him.

It is human nature to bully the weak and fear the strong.

"That's right!"

Thinking about how beautiful he is, Chen Haishao has confidence in himself, and believes that the men around him will not be cruel to him.

Of course, the most important thing is that Chen Haishao himself can't stand the snoring.

The snoring was really loud, like thunder.

I was the closest to him, and wearing the earphones on my ears didn't have much effect.

"Hey, wake up!"

Taking a deep breath, Chen Haishao pushed Ye Rongrong's arm and said.

"Hmm...the plane has arrived?"

Ye Rongrong opened his eyes, turned to look at the young woman who pushed him awake and asked suspiciously.

"'s not here yet!"

For some reason, being stared at by the man beside him, Chen Haishao suddenly became nervous.

This man looks really fierce!

Will sleeping with such a man at night be frightened to wake me up?

Chen Haishao himself didn't understand why such a strange idea popped up in his mind.

"The plane hasn't arrived yet, why are you waking me up?"

Ye Rongrong suddenly became a little unhappy.

Originally, Ye Rongrong was flirting with his wife in his dream, and when he took off his pants, he was woken up by this woman.

Such a beautiful dream was so shattered.

Ye Rongrong is so depressed!

"I...I...I'm going to the bathroom!"

Stared at by Ye Rongrong, Chen Haishao was a little frightened, and said with a red face hesitatingly.

This man must have a problem with his orientation, otherwise he would not know how to pity a beautiful girl like himself in front of him, and talk to him so fiercely.

"Oh, it's urgent!"

Ye Rongrong nodded, stood up and let the young girl pass by.

People have three urgencies, and they really can't bear it.


The seats in the economy class are very small, if Ye Rongrong doesn't get out of the way, Chen Haishao can't get out.

At this time, Chen Haishao didn't pee, so he had to go to the toilet.

Ye Rongrong took out his mobile phone to check the time. It was only eleven o'clock, and there were still more than two hours to arrive in Myanmar, which was still a long time.

Now the mobile phone is in airplane mode, unable to surf the Internet or play games. The bored Ye Rongrong can only close his eyes and continue to sleep, hoping to achieve the dream just now.

Unfortunately, Chen Haishao came back before Ye Glory fell asleep, "Let me in."

No urine, Ye Haishao came out after two minutes in the toilet.


Ye Rongrong stood up and made room for Ye Hai to come in.

The first class is better, the space is large, the space in the economy class is really small, with Ye Rongrong's height and physique, sitting in this seat, basically there is not much room left to move around.

After Chen Haishao walked in, Ye Rongrong closed his eyes and prepared to sleep for a while.

"It's like a pig reincarnated!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong sleeping with his eyes closed, Chen Haishao cursed angrily inwardly.

Chen Haishao, who was frightened by Ye Rongyao's eyes just now, doesn't dare to let Ye Rongyao sleep now.

The way this man stares is really scary.

Chen Haishao was worried that he would have nightmares at night!

"Coo coo... Coo coo..."

Ye Rongrong quickly fell asleep again.

As a lazy person, Ye Rongrong is particularly easy to fall asleep, as long as he closes his eyes, he can fall asleep within a few minutes.

"Coo coo... Coo coo..."

The roaring snore sounded again in the economy class of the plane.

"It's ringing again!"

"Can't it stop?"

"How can this make people rest!"

"Is there anyone in charge!"

Immediately, many people in the economy class made dissatisfied voices, but this voice could not cover Ye Rongrong's roaring grunt.

"Stewardess, stewardess!"

Some people couldn't bear it anymore, and they didn't dare to provoke Ye Rongrong, so they had to call the stewardess over.

"Sir, what can I do for you?"

A young female stewardess came over and asked the male passenger.

"That person snored too loudly, which seriously affected my rest."

The male passenger said dissatisfiedly pointing in the direction of Ye Rongrong.

"That's right, I don't have any sense of public morality, and my snoring is so loud, it's frightening to death."

"Yeah, this is not snoring, it's just thunder."

"Stewardess, do you care?"

"That is, if you don't care, I will complain to you when I go back later."

The other passengers also shouted.

Everyone didn't dare to look for the "culprit", but they were quite fierce to this frail stewardess.


The young stewardess was in a bit of a dilemma. There is nothing in the flight management regulations that does not allow passengers to sleep and snore.

None of my stewardesses are deaf, so I naturally heard the thunder-like snoring.

It's scary enough.

However, there is no rule in the flight management regulations that passengers are not allowed to snore while sleeping. The passenger snores loudly while sleeping, but there are no regulations, and these flight attendants are not good at preventing passengers from snoring.

"What about me? You can't control me. Get your purser here. Really, how can everyone stay in this cabin with such a loud snoring noise?"

"Call the purser over here!"

"This matter must be explained!"

These people dared not provoke Ye Rongrong because they bullied the weak and were afraid of the strong, but they were very good at bullying this weak young stewardess.

"Well, I'll go talk to that passenger."

The young stewardess said helplessly.

I really didn't expect that passengers who snore while sleeping can arouse public outrage.

"Sir... sir..."

The young flight attendant softly shouted beside Ye Rongrong.

Feeling someone calling him, Ye Rongrong opened his eyes, looked at the stewardess who woke him up and asked doubtfully, "What's the matter?"

"Sorry, sir, your snoring sound is too loud, which affects the rest of other passengers."

The young flight attendant said politely to Ye Rongrong.


Ye Rongrong froze for a moment, remembering his habit of snoring when he slept, and the sound of his snoring was very loud, and even those who were not used to it could scare him when he heard his own snoring.

"Okay, I just don't sleep."

Ye Rongrong nodded and smiled at the young stewardess.


The young stewardess was a little surprised, she didn't expect this fierce-looking man to be so easy to talk to.

You must know that young stewardesses are mentally prepared to be scolded.

"Can I make a cup of green tea?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

Since he couldn't sleep, Ye Rongrong had no choice but to drink a cup of tea to wake up.

In fact, the refreshing effect of Red Bull is very good, but Ye Rongrong doesn't like to drink.

"OK, just a second."

The young stewardess nodded and went to make tea for Ye Rongrong.

After drinking a cup of hot tea made by the stewardess, Ye Rongrong felt much better and was no longer sleepy.

"Beauty, do you have extra magazines?"

Ye Guangrong, who was really bored, asked Chen Haishao beside him.

Sitting like this with nothing to do, Ye Rongrong would fall asleep easily, so Ye Rongrong wanted to borrow a magazine from the young woman next to him to pass the time.

"Am I a beauty?"

Finally, when the man next to him talked to him, Chen Haishao looked at Ye Rongrong with some resentment and asked.

"Of course, you are a beauty!"

Ye Rongrong nodded.

When you meet a young woman outside these days, there is absolutely nothing wrong with calling her a "beauty".

Women naturally want to look beautiful.

"You said I was a beautiful woman, so why didn't you even look at me straight in the eye?"

Chen Haishao couldn't help asking curiously.

Isn't this man naturally astringent? Sitting next to him with such a beautiful woman, he didn't even look at him. Is he really a beautiful woman in his heart?

Chen Haishao was a little suspicious.

"How do you know I didn't look at you?"

Ye Rongrong asked amusedly.

Cooperating with the beautiful woman beside him has been observing him.

"Anyway, I know you didn't look me in the eye."

As a young woman, Chen Haishao naturally couldn't admit that she secretly observed Ye Rongrong.

"Actually, I dare not look at it!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Don't dare to look, what do you mean?"

Chen Haishao asked dissatisfied.

"My wife has already explained that you can't watch too much when you meet beautiful girls when you go out."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

This is the truth, Liu Qingqing did tell Ye Rongrong before, don't stare at beautiful women when you go out.

"Hehehe, so it is like this!"

Hearing what Ye Rongrong said, Chen Haishao was in a very good mood immediately.

It turned out that it wasn't that I wasn't attractive enough, but that the wife of the thick-looking man next to me didn't allow him to look at pretty girls.

Fortunately, this man is so burly, so he is a henpecked master.

Immediately, Ye Glory's image in Chen Haishao's mind plummeted.

Some women are like this, they look down on men who are afraid of their wives, but want their husbands to be afraid of themselves.

"for you!"

Chen Haishao, who was in a good mood, took out a magazine from his bag and handed it to Ye Rongrong.


Although Ye Rongrong doesn't like reading magazines very much, but in the current situation, he can only use them to pass the time.

As time went by, the plane got closer and closer to Myanmar.

Suddenly someone fell to the ground with an exclamation, and then someone shouted: "Stewardess, hurry... come here, someone is sick!"


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