The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2044 Divine Doctor

"what happened?"

Ye Rongrong turned his eyes away from the magazine, got up and looked behind, and saw an old man lying in the aisle, clutching his chest and rolling over and over, and soon became still.

Ye Rongrong frowned, carefully observing the old man's face, he could basically judge the old man's condition.

Almost at the same time, the stewardesses ran over with first aid kits.

"No, this old man has a sudden heart attack."

A flight attendant yelled in horror.

You must know that this old man's sudden heart attack is very dangerous, especially on this plane without any medical equipment or doctors.

"Who... who is the doctor?"

A flight attendant yelled hastily.

Now we can only hope that there are highly skilled doctors on the plane to find a way to temporarily save the old man's life, and send him to the hospital for emergency treatment when he gets off the plane.

"Who... who is the doctor, save my father."

A middle-aged man next to the old man also shouted anxiously.

Originally, I thought that my father had never been abroad in his life. This time I took my father to travel in Myanmar, but I never thought that my father would have a heart attack on the plane.

The middle-aged man knew that his father had heart disease. He took some medicine on weekdays, and there was nothing wrong with it. The middle-aged man didn't care about it. He was afraid that his father would be nervous before boarding the plane, so he took a medicine.

But it never occurred to him that when the plane took off, his father had no problems at all, and he had a heart attack when he was about to arrive in Myanmar.

This is really terrible.

You must know that this place is thousands of miles high in the sky, it is really called every day, and the earth is not working!

"I am a doctor!"

When Ye Rongrong was about to go to treat the old man, the young woman named Chen Haishao excitedly stood up and shouted.

"She's a doctor?"

Ye Rongrong was really surprised that this young Chen Haishao was actually a doctor.

"Doctor, take a look at my father."

Seeing that there was a doctor in the cabin, the middle-aged man immediately shouted excitedly to Chen Haishao.

Although this Chen Haishao looks very young, it is good to have a doctor at this time, who has the time and qualifications to pick and choose.

"Let me see!"

Chen Haishao hurriedly squatted down to feel the pulse of the old man, who still had a faint pulse.

"Doctor, how is my father?"

The middle-aged man asked anxiously.

"It's very dangerous. Now it must be sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. Later, the old man's life will be in danger."

Chen Haishao said anxiously.

Hearing Chen Haishao's words, many people in the cabin shook their heads secretly.

Is not this nonsensical?

Everyone is not blind, and they can tell at a glance that the old man's life is in danger, so is there any need for her to say it?

Immediately, many people were disappointed with Chen Haishao.

"Doctor, save my father, as long as you save my father, I will give you as much as you want."

The middle-aged man begged Chen Haishao anxiously.


Chen Haishao didn't know how to speak.

I am just an intern doctor, how can I save this old man.

Even the chief doctor who took him with him must be helpless in this situation without any medical equipment.

"Doctor, see if you can save his life first. The plane will arrive at the airport in an hour."

The purser anxiously asked Chen Haishao.

Now there is only such a young female doctor on this plane, and she can only count on this young female doctor.

"The old man's condition is very serious now, I...I can't help it."

Chen Haishao shook his head.

In this situation, no one can save the old man.

"Let me do it!"

At this moment, Ye Rongrong walked over and said.

"you are a doctor?"

The purser looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously and asked.

After all, Ye Rongrong's current attire, coupled with his big and thick body, is far from the doctor's image.


Ye Rongrong nodded,

He squatted down and gently held the old man's hand. He only felt that the other's hand was a little cold, but there was still a trace of heat. It seemed that the old man's vitality was constantly fading.

When this person reaches a certain age, the functions of the human body will decline in all aspects. This is why the elderly are most afraid of falling and getting sick, because a bad one may lose their life.

This is the case with the old man now.

"you are a doctor?"

Chen Haishao looked at Ye Rongrong in surprise.

According to Chen Haishao's guess, Ye Rongrong was either a bodyguard, a worker doing physical labor, or a retired soldier.

It never occurred to him that he is also a doctor. He is a big and three rough, and he doesn't have the temperament of a doctor at all.

"Go aside!"

The situation of this old man is very dangerous, Ye Rongrong has no time to talk nonsense with this Chen Haishao.


Chen Haishao is furious!

After all, she is also a beautiful woman, and she is also one of the beauties in the city hospital. It's disgusting that this stinky man treats her like this!

If this was in the hospital where he worked, his flower protectors would fight him desperately.

Ignoring the others, Ye Rongrong immediately concentrated and began to treat the old man.

Ye Rongrong took out a pack of silver needles from his pocket, and slowly acupunctured and moxibusted the silver needles on several acupoints on the old man's heart.

After the silver needle was inserted into the old man's body, Ye Rongrong obviously felt that the old man's heartbeat began to gradually recover, but it was still very weak, only slightly more obvious than before.

Although the effect is not very good, but because of the improvement, at least, the old man is no longer in danger of life.

There is a saying, "Meeting is fate."

Now that they met, Ye Rongrong naturally cured the old man's heart disease once and for all.

The principle of Ye Rongrong's treatment of people is that if they don't cure them, they will cure all the root causes of the patient's illness.

Next, Ye Rongrong will use the "Bian Que Extra Acupuncture Method", which is an ancient acupuncture technique that has been lost for thousands of years. It is only after Ye Rongrong has the "Lazy System" that he knows this "Bian Que Acupuncture". Queqi Point Acupuncture and Moxibustion".

This set of "Bian Que Acupuncture at Extraordinary Points" was created by Bian Que more than 2,000 years ago.

Bian Que is known as the "ancestor of medicine". He wrote many classic medical works and created many powerful medical methods.

In just two thousand years of history, China has experienced countless wars and dynasty changes. Many of the traditional Chinese medicine academics handed down by the "ancestor of medicine" Bian Que have been lost.

This "Bian Que Acupuncture at Extraordinary Points" is one of them. This "Bian Que Acupuncture at Extraordinary Points" is an acupuncture technique created by Bian Que in his later years with decades of medical experience.

Since the ancient medical inheritance was passed on from male to female, from internal to external, and Bian Que’s descendants were killed because of the war, this set of “Bian Que’s Acupuncture and Moxibustion at Extraordinary Points” was also lost.

The so-called "Bian Que Extra Acupuncture" is to use silver needles to stimulate the acupuncture points of the human body and stimulate the activity of cells in the human body.

We must know that everyone's potential is unlimited, even for people who are facing death, as long as their potential acupoints are stimulated, they can have strong vitality for a short time.

Just like many martial arts TV dramas we watch, when some martial arts masters encounter life-and-death battles, when their lives are dying, they insert silver needles into their bodies to stimulate the power of their acupoints, so that they can gain powerful strength in a short time. Power, so as to escape from death or conversely kill the opponent.

However, the method of motivating one's potential seen on TV has both advantages and disadvantages. Generally, after the potential is exhausted, the person will die as well.

Of course, there are some who are not dead, but those who are not dead are almost disabled.

The old man's heart disease was very serious, and it was difficult to cure it quickly by ordinary methods, so Ye Rongrong used silver needles to stimulate the old man's acupoints and stimulate the vitality of the cells to cure the heart disease.

After taking out a ten centimeter long silver needle, Ye Rongrong slowly inserted the silver needle on the top of the old man's head.

In fact, the silver needle does not have to stimulate the Baihui acupoint on the top of the old man's head, but the old man is too old, so stimulating this point is the best choice.

After inserting the silver needle into the old man's Baihui point, the old man's eyes slowly opened.

"Great, my dad, my dad is awake!"

The middle-aged man shouted excitedly.

Just now my father passed out while clutching his chest. After shaking his whole body a few times, there was no response. It really scared the middle-aged man.

"Shut up!"

Ye Rongrong glared at the middle-aged man and said.

Immediately, the middle-aged man obediently shut his mouth.

If someone dared to shut him up, the middle-aged man would definitely fight him, but now the middle-aged man knows that the doctor told him to shut up to save his father.

Now it's too late for the middle-aged man to be grateful to Ye Rongrong, so how could he be angry.

"Old man, don't talk, relax, you will be fine soon."

In order for the old man not to be nervous and affect his acupuncture, Ye Rongrong said softly to the old man.

Listening to Ye Rongrong's words, the old man nodded and slowly closed his eyes.

Now the old man does not feel the pain in his chest, and knows that he has met a miracle doctor.

Ye Rongrong took out more than a dozen silver needles in a row, and then inserted them into some acupuncture points of the old man's body and the soles of his feet.

You must know that the soles of the feet are equivalent to the second heart of the human body. The meridians on the soles of the feet are connected to the internal organs, and different positions represent different parts of the internal organs.

This is why foot massage is so popular these years, because it really maintains health.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the old man who was originally pale now had a ruddy complexion.

"A miracle doctor!"

"This is too amazing!"

"A few silver needles can save this old man."

"Huaxia's doctors are really good, just a few thin needles can save people!"

"Miraculous doctor, this is a real miracle doctor!"

The passengers in the economy class were discussing in low voices, and everyone could see that the old man was fine.


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