The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2122 Embarrassment

"Paralyzed, you are shameless!"

The big black man in gray short-sleeved who stood up to make room just now was furious, and waved his fist at Liu Yifei.

Seeing the oncoming fist, Liu Yifei couldn't help trembling, but soon calmed down, because Liu Yifei believed that with Ye Rongrong by her side, she would not be hurt.

Just when the fist was still half a meter away from Liu Yifei, the big black man in a blue shirt behind the big black man suddenly shot fiercely at the back of the head of the big black man in gray short sleeves.


Before the fist of the big black man in gray short-sleeves hit Liu Yifei, the fist of the big black man in a blue shirt behind him hit the back of the head of this big black man in gray short-sleeves. The gray short-sleeved black man was beaten badly.


"How is this going?"

The sudden scene made everyone in this workshop stunned.

I really don't understand how this could happen.

It was obvious that the two big black men were in the same group. The big black man in gray short-sleeves wanted to beat Liu Yifei, and the big black man in the blue shirt was fine if he didn't help, but he didn't expect to beat his companion so hard.

This thing is really incredible.


The back of the head was hit hard, and the big black man in gray short-sleeved was stunned for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, he turned his head to look at his companion in disbelief.

It never occurred to him that his companion would sneak up on him from behind.

"'s not me..."

The big black man in the blue shirt came back to his senses and shouted in horror.

Just now, the big black man in the blue shirt gave his companion a heavy blow on the back of the head. It was not what he wanted to do, but his hand was out of control, as if controlled by some mysterious force.

"Not you?"

The angry big black man in gray short sleeves froze for a moment.

After all, my good friend was the only one behind me. It wasn't him who gave me the hard blow to the back of the head, but someone who gave me the hard blow to the back of the head.

The main reason is that the big black man in gray short-sleeves didn't believe that his friend would be so cruel to him for no reason.

Hearing the words of the big black man in the blue shirt, the people in the carriage couldn't help looking at him with contempt. Everyone saw the big black man in the blue shirt make a move with their own eyes just now, but now they are so brazen and deny it.

This big black man in gray short-sleeves is really careless in making friends!

To make such a friend, he is really unlucky for eight lifetimes!

With such a heavy strike, this is the rhythm of beating to death!

This is not a friend, this is simply a sworn enemy!

"It's really not you?"

The big black man in gray short sleeves endured a headache and stared at his friend and asked.

Really, this big black man in gray short sleeves couldn't believe that his friend would hit him so hard.


Before the big black man in the blue shirt could explain, the mysterious power that made him fear reappeared. The big black man in the blue shirt realized that he could not control his body, and swung his right hand uncontrollably.


A heavy slap sounded in the car.

The left half of the face of the big black man in gray short sleeves was red and swollen, and the blood-red palm prints could be clearly seen.

"No...not me...I..."

Seeing his friend looking at him with murderous eyes, the big black man in the blue shirt explained nervously.

"You mean to say you didn't hit me, don't you?"

The big black man in gray short sleeves stared at his friend and said angrily.

Now the big black guy in the blue shirt wants to kill his friend.

This person is not my friend, this is my enemy!

It is an endless enemy.


What more does the big black man in the blue shirt want to explain.

"I'm damn!"

The big black man in the gray short sleeves swung his fist and hit the big black man in the blue shirt.

If you don't beat him today, you can't take care of yourself, and you will never give up!

" listen to my explanation, listen to my explanation!"

Although the big black man in the blue shirt was punched, he still wanted to explain it to his friend.

"Okay, explain to me!"

The big black man in gray short-sleeves had fierce eyes and a vicious grin on his face. He stared angrily at the big black man in the blue shirt and said.

"I couldn't control my hand just now, I..."

The big black man in the blue shirt hurriedly explained.

The big black man in the blue shirt just now really received a mysterious force that made him slap his friend uncontrollably.

This really doesn't blame myself, I really don't have the idea of ​​doing anything to my friend.

"Go to hell with me!"

Listen to my friend,

His big black guy in gray short sleeves was furious.

What do you mean you can't control your own hands!

If I hit you now, I can't control my hand.

After shouting, the big black man in gray short-sleeved waved and hit the big black man in the blue shirt.


The big black man in the blue shirt was hit hard on the face, the bridge of his nose was shattered, and he screamed in pain.

I don't care about the big black man in gray short-sleeves. If I don't beat this bastard so hard that I can't take care of myself today, I'm not a mother.

"Don't fight...don't fight..."

cried the big black man in the blue shirt imploringly.

"Go to hell!"

The big black man in gray short sleeves ignored the pleas of the big black man in blue shirt at all, still fisting each other.

Now the two are not friends, but enemies!

"Paralyzed, I'm afraid you won't succeed."

Seeing the big black man in the gray short-sleeves not stopping, the big black man in the blue shirt also became angry.

Clay figurines are three-pointed, not to mention that this big black man in a blue shirt is not a good person.

Soon, the two began to wrestle, beating each other desperately.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yifei couldn't help but feel happy, this is so relieved!

It feels good to have Ye Rongrong by his side.

Soon, the police on the train came and took the two big black men away.

Liu Yifei took out a tissue from her small bag, wiped both seats, and said to Ye Rongrong, "You sit inside."

"What did you say?"

The female flight attendant thought Liu Yifei was talking to her, so she looked at Liu Yifei suspiciously and asked.

"Nothing, I said to myself."

Liu Yifei spoke to the female flight attendant in English.


The stewardess looked at Liu Yifei suspiciously, then turned her head and left.

For some reason, the stewardess always felt that the fight between the two black men just now had something to do with the Chinese woman in front of her.

Otherwise, it's fine, how could such an incredible thing happen.

"Glory, are you there?"

Because Ye Rongrong couldn't be seen, Liu Yifei could only ask the air in a low voice.

"I'm already seated in the inner seat."

Ye Rongrong's voice rang in Liu Yifei's ears.

Hearing that Ye Rongrong sat down on the seat beside her, Liu Yifei couldn't help touching the seat next to her.

Immediately Liu Yifei touched something soft, and she squeezed it subconsciously.


Ye Rongrong couldn't help but gasped.

The position of Liu Yifei's hand is too... too much for Ye Rongrong.

Feeling the instant hardening of the thing in her hand, Liu Yifei was stunned for a moment, realizing that she had caught something, her face flushed, and she hurriedly took her jade hand back.

The whole person is ashamed, this is really embarrassing.

Would Ye Rongrong feel that he did it on purpose, that he came here as a female hooligan?

Liu Yifei lowered her head, feeling uneasy.

Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Yifei who was blushing fiercely, and didn't know what to say.

Just now, Ye Rongrong never thought that Liu Yifei would grab that part of her, and even pinched it, but Ye Rongrong understood that Liu Yifei didn't do it on purpose, she just put her hands in the wrong position for intentional actions.

Suddenly the atmosphere was a little awkward, and both of them fell silent.

After all, there is still a gap that cannot be bridged between the two.


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