The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2123 Two Parallel Lines

Johannesburg is the largest city in South Philippines. It is located on the upper reaches of the Vaal River in the northeast, with an altitude of 1754 meters.

Founded in 1886, Johannesburg was originally a prospecting station and developed into a city with the discovery and mining of gold mines. Located in the center of the world's largest gold mining region and South Africa's economic hub.

By the time Ye Rongrong and Liu Yifei arrived in Johannesburg by train, it was already past seven in the evening, and there was no direct flight from Johannesburg to China at night, so Ye Rongrong and Liu Yifei could only find a star hotel near the airport. Liu Yifei used her identity to open two rooms.

The hotels here are not as strictly managed as domestic hotels. A person can use her ID card to open several rooms in the hotel, and the hotel won't bother.

Of course, there are two rooms, and Liu Yifei and Ye Rongrong still live in separately, although Ye Rongrong understands that Liu Yifei is willing to accompany him at night as long as he asks.

But thinking about the virtuous wife in his family, Ye Rongrong still couldn't let go of his knots, and couldn't do that irresponsible thing.

If you have an idea, it is an idea, and you really want to do it.

Ye Rongrong found that he still flinched.


After taking a shower, Ye Rongrong lay down on the big bed. Ye Rongrong was going to use the hotel landline to call Liu Qingqing, but just dialed a few numbers, Ye Rongrong paused, thought for a while and put down the phone.

After all, international calls like this must be monitored. It is a secret that I came to Africa. If I call Liu Qingqing, I will expose myself.

Don't be afraid of 10,000, just in case, if this is found out by the intelligence agencies of other countries, it will be very unfavorable to me.

Although Ye Rongrong is very powerful now, he doesn't want to go against the power of a country.

After all, they may not be able to do anything to Ye Rongrong, but they can do nothing to get the relatives and friends around Ye Rongrong!

So Ye Rongrong still suppressed his thoughts about his wife and daughter, and put down the microphone.

The bored Ye Rongrong put his hands on his head, staring at the ceiling with exquisite patterns in a daze.

After experiencing this "Heavenly Tribulation", Ye Rongrong understood a truth. There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. Although he has the "lazy system", he is not invincible.

For your own safety, or for the safety of your family.

Ye Rongrong felt that it was better for him to keep a low profile.

Just be a hermit in the village with peace of mind.

Jielu is in a human environment, without the noise of cars and horses.

Ask Jun He Nenger? The heart is far from self-biased.

Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan.

The weather in the mountains is beautiful at day and night, and the birds return each other.

There is true meaning in this, and I have forgotten the words if I want to distinguish it.

Ye Rongrong felt that he could live the leisurely life of a hermit in Tao Yuanming's eyes.

There is a saying that "Fame and fortune are all floating clouds".

After experiencing this life and death, Ye Rongrong has seen through many things and understood what kind of life he wants to live.


When Ye Rongrong was lying on the bed, thinking about his future life, Liu Yifei was gesticulating in the mirror and trying on sexy clothes.

The pink bra seems a little too cute. I'd rather take the mature and sexy route, let's say it's red. Glory should prefer sexy and mature.

Is the shorts transparent or is it better...

Of course, all of this is proceeding according to Liu Yifei's plan.

After spending an hour, Liu Yifei finally picked out and put on the sexy clothes she thought were very sexy and charming, and then walked out of Ye Rongrong's room with a nervous and expectant mood.

After this life and death, Liu Yifei has secretly made up her mind that this time she will never miss this man who made her heart flutter.

But when she stood at the door of Ye Rongrong's room, Liu Yifei's heart rose to her throat, her plump breasts heaved violently, and she dared not knock down with her raised jade hand.

There was an invisible shackle in her heart that made Liu Yifei's hand unable to knock it down.


Still not going in?

Liu Yifei was very conflicted.

Thinking of Liu Qingqing treating herself as her own sister, and even giving her precious amulets to herself, but what did she do?

Get her man into bed!

Do you still want to be ashamed?

Do you still have any shame?

But if she doesn't enter this room this time, Liu Yifei even has a premonition that she and Ye Rongrong will become two points on a parallel line in this life.

There will never be any crossover in this lifetime.

Liu Yifei stood at the door and hesitated, in a dilemma.

"Who can tell me how to choose?"

Liu Yifei couldn't help feeling a little pained in her heart.

when the moonlight shines on my face

I think I'm about to change

There is a soup called Heartbreaker

drink it has magical powers

close your eyes and see heaven

that's where you hide your smile

I dodge the guns of countless hunters

Drive away the sorrow that climbed out of the grave


Just as Liu Yifei was hovering at Ye Rongrong's door, Liu Yifei's cell phone rang suddenly.

After recovering from the contradictory thoughts, Liu Yifei picked up the phone and looked at it, and suddenly she woke up.

"Sister Yifei is that you?"

After pressing the answer button, a familiar voice came from the phone.

Liu Yifei looked at the door of Ye Rongrong's room, gritted her teeth, turned around resolutely and walked back.

Maybe I and Ye Rongrong will always be two parallel existences in this life.

"Sister Yifei, are you there?"

Did not hear Liu Yifei's response, Liu Qingqing on the other end of the phone asked anxiously.

"Qingqing, it's me, haven't you slept yet?"

Liu Yifei said.

"Sister Yifei, do you have any news about Glory? I haven't been able to contact him for three days?"

On the phone, Liu Qingqing asked anxiously.


Liu Yifei was almost about to say that she was with Ye Rongrong, but she reacted quickly, "I haven't contacted him, and I don't know where Glory has gone, but don't worry, Glory is so powerful, nothing will happen."

"I also believe that he will be fine. It's just that I haven't heard from him for three days. I'm really worried. You know, if he left before, he would call me every day to report his safety. He hasn't called me for three days like now. Phone, I can’t get through when I called, this is the second time, the first time something happened, and this time there must be something wrong.”

Liu Qingqing said very uneasy.

For her husband's ability, Liu Qingqing knew better than anyone else, just because she knew her husband's ability, Liu Qingqing believed that her husband would be fine.

There was no news for these three days, Liu Qingqing still couldn't help but feel worried.

After all, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

"Don't worry, sleep peacefully, believe in Glory, he will be fine, maybe you can get a call from him when you wake up tomorrow."

Liu Yifei said comfortingly.

Although Ye Rongrong was by her side, Liu Yifei couldn't tell Liu Qingqing.

It's not that I'm worried that Liu Qingqing will eat her jealousy.

It was for safety. After all, there were hundreds of thousands of lives, which made Liu Yifei and Ye Rongrong have to be cautious.

As a diplomat, Liu Yifei was not sure if her mobile phone was being monitored, so Liu Yifei was very careful on the phone.

Ye Rongrong stayed incognito along the way, just to avoid being noticed by others, everyone was careful, so Liu Yifei could only hide it from Liu Qingqing.

I believe Liu Qingqing will understand if she knows it.


Liu Qingqing said anxiously.

Since marrying Ye Glory, Liu Qingqing has not lost contact with her man for such a long time except the last time he went to look for her sister. Suddenly, she had no news from her man for three days. Liu Qingqing knew that something must have happened to her man. up.

"Don't worry, Glory will be fine, you have to believe in Glory, be obedient, go to bed early!"

Liu Yifei said comfortingly.

"Well, Sister Yifei, you should go to bed earlier too."

Liu Qingqing said.

For some reason, Liu Qingqing always felt that her husband was with Liu Yifei now, which was why Liu Qingqing called Liu Yifei.

It seems that I feel wrong, where is my husband?

Liu Qingqing was always a little uneasy!

If there is something wrong with my man... what should I do...



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