After talking on the phone with Liu Qingqing, Liu Yifei looked at the door of Ye Rongrong's room with complicated emotions, and opened her own door as soon as she gritted her teeth and walked in.

It seems that I have no destiny with Ye Rongrong in this life.

No matter what, Liu Yifei wished Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing happiness from the bottom of her heart.

To love someone is to know how to let go, a man only has one share of love, so let this love belong to Liu Qingqing completely!

If there is fate in this life but no relationship, then we will practice in the next life, hoping that I and Ye Rongrong can become husband and wife in the next life...

Liu Yifei leaned against the door, tears streaming down her face, making such a decision was very difficult for Liu Yifei.


In the room, from Liu Yifei's footsteps to his door, Ye Rongrong already knew that Liu Yifei was outside his door.

Just like Liu Yifei, there is an insurmountable gap in Ye Rongrong's heart, and that is his wife.

The woman I am willing to love for the rest of my life.

Feelings are selfish, Ye Rongrong knows that once he has two or more women, his love for Liu Qingqing will be divided equally.

This is also where Ye Rongrong is most contradictory.

A fair lady is a gentleman, although Ye Rongrong has some thoughts about some women, but Ye Rongrong has always abided by his inner bottom line.

Just like what the heroine said to the hero in a certain TV series: "You can have ideas, and you can have heartbeats, but you can never have actions."

Just as a man can't accept his woman wearing a cuckold for himself, how can a woman want her man to wear a cuckold for herself?

Just when Ye Rongrong was struggling, Liu Yifei received a call from Liu Qingqing. This call not only turned Liu Yifei from emotional to rational, but also woke up the wandering Ye Rongrong.

I am a man with a wife!

Worrying about gains and losses, Ye Rongrong suffered from insomnia all night.


In the morning, in Ye Rongrong's room.

Liu Yifei made two breakfasts and entered Ye Rongrong's room.

"Didn't sleep well yesterday?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the dark circles under his eyes, and Liu Yifei asked with concern.

"Maybe I'm going back to China, I'm so excited that I can't sleep."

Liu Yifei shook her head and said.

In fact, last night, like Ye Rongrong, Liu Yifei suffered from insomnia.

"Let's have breakfast then, and you can sleep for a while when you get on the plane."

Ye Rongrong said.


Liu Yifei nodded.


Johannesburg airport security checkpoint.

This time, Liu Yifei also bought two air tickets with two seats together, mainly to allow Ye Rongrong to have a seat on the plane.


As soon as Liu Yifei arrived at the security checkpoint, a security inspector said softly to Liu Yifei.

Although the Huaxia language was not standard, Liu Yifei could still hear the word "tip" very clearly.

"What tip?"

Liu Yifei was stunned for a moment, looked at the security inspector with some doubts and said.

"A tip is a tip, hurry up, the people behind are still waiting?"

The security inspector looked at Liu Yifei impatiently and said.

"Why didn't the person who passed by just give a tip, why should I give a tip?"

Liu Yifei pointed dissatisfiedly at the foreigner in front of her, and said to the female security inspector.

"He is from the country of Magnesium, and you are from China."

The security inspector looked at him confidently and said.

It turned out that the security inspector at the airport did not ask for tips after checking the staff, but later some Chinese people let the security inspector turn a blind eye to let some luggage in his luggage for convenience. Or be gentle when checking your luggage, and often tip these security inspectors.

In this way, these security inspectors will release the water appropriately, and the security inspection time will be faster, and even some prohibited items can easily pass the inspection.

After a long time, the security inspectors here will ask for tips when they see Huaxia people. Many Huaxia people are abroad because they are abroad.

If you can do less things, do less things, and spend money to avoid disasters.

So it slowly fueled this unhealthy trend.

In this country, as long as you see a Chinese person, someone will come over and ask for a tip.


Liu Yifei said bluntly.

As a diplomat, Liu Yifei will definitely not get used to this evil trend.

"Poor ghost!"

The female security inspector looked at Liu Yifei with a sullen face, and spoke to Liu Yifei in broken Chinese.

For this kind of Chinese people who don't give tips, these security inspectors will scold them with harsh words, and will deliberately check their luggage very severely. As long as there is even a little prohibited thing, they will be taken away by the police at the airport conversation.


Suddenly there was a heavy slap.

"Who... who... hit me?"

This sudden slap caused severe pain on one side of the female security inspector's face.

The key point is that the female security guard didn't know who was doing it to her. The speed was too fast. She didn't see anything, and the slap hit her on the right side of the face.

"is that you?"

The security inspector looked at Liu Yifei angrily and asked.

"Which eye of yours saw me do it?"

Liu Yifei said coldly.

Here, only Liu Yifei knew who beat the security inspector.

But seeing the security inspector being slapped, Liu Yifei felt particularly relieved.

"It's you, it must be you!"

The security inspector pointed at Liu Yifei angrily, and wanted to rush out of his work area to fight Liu Yifei, but the security inspector hadn't rushed out yet...


A heavy slap sounded, and the security inspector was slapped a few meters away, falling to the ground and howling.

"How is this going?"

"What the hell?"

"Could it be that the security inspector is directing and acting on his own?"

"Isn't this acting too realistic?"

People queuing up at the security checkpoint looked at the security inspector who was blown away suspiciously, not understanding how she behaved like this.

To know that everyone's eyes are watching.

No one slapped the security inspector at all, where did the slap come from, and the security inspector behaved as if she was really slapped.

But everyone didn't see who slapped the security inspector at all?

There is only one result, that is, the security inspector is acting.

As for why you want to act?

Could it be because of the tip of this young Chinese woman?

Even if you don't get a tip, you don't have to spoil yourself in this way!

It seems that some people in this country are extremely shameless.

It's just that in everyone's opinion, this security inspector has no brains, thinking that acting in such a play can do nothing to this young Chinese woman?

How stupid!

The young Huaxia woman didn't even move her hand. With so many people watching here, and the monitoring equipment overhead, it is basically impossible to slander the young Huaxia woman.

"what happened?"

"Erna, what's wrong with you?"

"What happened?"

The security inspector suddenly fell to the ground and howled, which immediately attracted the attention of other security inspectors, and a group of people immediately ran over to ask questions.

"She...she hit me!"

Erna endured the pain, pointed at Liu Yifei and said angrily.

"Evidence is everything, which eye of yours saw me hit you!"

Liu Yifei said very unhappy.

Anyway, she didn't do anything, and Liu Yifei was not afraid of what they could do to her.

After all, he is now a diplomat of the Huaxia Kingdom, and without any evidence to prove that he beat the security inspector, they dare not touch him.

They didn't do anything themselves. Whether they were questioning witnesses or investigating surveillance video, they could clearly see that they didn't do anything. It was a farce directed and performed by the female security inspector.

"what happened?"

A person in charge of the airport frowned and asked several security inspectors beside him.


A security inspector who had just witnessed the whole process whispered in the ear of the person in charge what happened just now.

"What a fool!"

Hearing what the security inspector said, the person in charge of the airport site glared at the female security inspector who was still wailing on the ground, and cursed secretly.

If you don't get a tip, you don't have to get a tip. There's no need to act in such a play without IQ.

Really embarrassing Johannesburg Airport.

"Take her down for treatment! Everyone else goes back to their respective jobs."

The person in charge of the airport scene called out to the people around him and left the scene.

The unpleasant episode passed quickly, and Liu Yifei also passed the security check.

This time, no security guard asked Liu Yifei for a tip.


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