The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2146 Dudu's self-introduction

"Hello, children. I am your head teacher, Mr. Wang. This is Mr. Lin, and this is Aunt Zhang. We will study and play with you for a long time in the future."

After calming down the group of children, Teacher Wang came to the podium in the classroom and said to the children.

However, these children still played by themselves and ignored Teacher Wang at all.

However, as a teacher with many years of experience in early childhood education, Teacher Wang naturally knows that children of this age have very poor self-control, and he doesn't expect them to listen to him seriously.

"Kids, it's the first day for everyone to come to kindergarten, but everyone doesn't know each other, so let's introduce ourselves first, shall we?"

Teacher Wang said to the children.

Allowing children to introduce each other can make children familiar with each other, quickly integrate together, and reduce the fear of unfamiliar environments.

"it is good!"

A few courageous children shouted immediately.

"Very good, whoever comes first, besides introducing your name, also tell you what you are good at, such as singing, dancing, drawing..."

Teacher Wang said with a smile.

"Whoever wants to be the first to introduce himself on stage please raise your hand."

Teacher Wang looked at the children sitting on the small stools and said.

Soon, many children came to raise their hands.

"Yang Yang, please introduce yourself to everyone first!"

Teacher Wang looked around, and said to the tallest boy in the class, who was a bit darker.


The boy named Yang Yang raised his hands high and stood up. He was so excited that he forgot what to say when he stood up.

"Introduce your name first."

Teacher Wang reminded.

" name is Yang Yang, five years old!"

Yang Yang summoned up his courage and said.

"Okay, little friend Yang Yang, what are your hobbies?"

Teacher Wang continued to remind gently.

Such a young child can basically remember their name, how old they are, and they can't tell how complicated it is.

But these are not important, today is to let everyone get acquainted with each other and know each other's name.

"I, I can dance."

When it comes to dancing, Yang Yang's voice is obviously louder. It seems that he is still very confident in his dancing level.

"Very good, then Yang Yang would like to dance for everyone."

Teacher Wang looked at Yang Yang encouragingly and said.

"I like dancing "Little Apple" the most."

Now Yang Yang no longer has stage fright, and even said excitedly.

"Well, everyone applauds and welcomes Yang Yang to dance a piece of "Little Apple" for everyone."

As Teacher Wang said, he took out his mobile phone and played a piece of music from "Little Apple".

I plant a seed,

Finally grew fruit.

Today is a great day,

Take off the stars and give them to you,

Pull down the moon and give it to you,

Let the sun rise for you every day.

become a candle and burn itself,


This kid Yang Yang danced to the music of "Little Apple".

"Dudu, you look at Yang Yang so well, he can dance "Little Apple"."

Chen Yuxi whispered to Dudu.

"I can also dance "Little Apple", and I can also dance "Peacock Dance"."

Dudu said a little unconvinced.

"I can sing, and I sing very well."

Chen Yuxi also said.

Soon, the dance "Little Apple" by Yang Yang started.

"It's great. Yang Yang danced very well in "Little Apple" just now. Let us welcome Yang Yang to join our primary class."

Teacher Wang applauded and said.

After letting Yang Yang sit down, Teacher Wang asked other children to introduce themselves on stage.

After Yang Yang took the lead, other children in the class got up excitedly and introduced themselves, and those with artistic expertise even performed on stage.

Soon, it was Chen Yuxi's turn.

"My name is Chen Yuxi. I am five years old. I can sing and dance."

Chen Yuxi explained to himself at the front of the classroom.

It can be seen that this Chen Yuxi's tutor is very good, and this Chen Yuxi is not stage-frightened at all when speaking on stage, and he is very personable.

"Then what will Kid Xixi perform for you?"

Teacher Wang looked at Chen Yuxi and said with a smile.

"I'll sing for everyone!"

Chen Yuxi thought for a while and said.

"Student Xixi, what song do you want to sing for everyone?"

"I'll sing 'The Olive Tree' to everyone."

"Okay, let's welcome Chen Yuxi to sing us the beautiful "Olive Tree" with applause."

After speaking, Teacher Wang took the lead in applauding and said.

Don't ask me where I come from,

My hometown is far away,

why wander,

wandering far away,


For the birds that fly in the sky,

For the clear stream in the mountains,


Chen Yuxi's voice is very pleasant, and this song "Olive Tree" has a taste of the voice of heaven and valley.

"Very good, kid Chen Yuxi's singing voice is very nice, what does kid Chen Yuxi want to be when he grows up?"

After Chen Yuxi finished singing "Olive Tree", Teacher Wang applauded and said.

"I'm going to be a star when I grow up!"

Chen Yuxi said immediately.

"I want to be a star when I grow up!"

"I want to be a star when I grow up!"

"I want to be a star too!"

The children below shouted one after another.

Twenty years ago, children's dreams were to be scientists, teachers, doctors, workers, farmers, etc., but today's children's dreams are basically to be stars.

I have to say that the influence of the current stars is too great.

When you turn on the news, most of the time it’s about those celebrities. Many news media report on the celebrities’ eating and farting.

"Very good. If you want to be a star when you grow up, you have to study hard and listen to the teacher. Do you understand?"

Teacher Wang said to the children in the class.


Many children responded.

Soon, it was Dudu's turn. This was the first time that Dudu introduced himself in front of so many children and the teacher.

She didn't feel anything down there yet, and Dudu was more or less a little nervous when she came on stage, and subconsciously squeezed the hem of her skirt.

Teacher Wang was still worried that she didn't know how to say it, and when she wanted to remind her, Dudu still spoke.

"My name is Dudu... No, no!"

Dudu thought of something, waved his hands with a blushing little face and said, "My name is Ye Xiandie, and my baby name is Dudu."

Dudu was a little confused in organizing his language. After all, he was still young and he was a little nervous.

But Dudu articulates clearly, unlike many children who have bumps and bumps when they speak on stage.

"I can draw. My dad draws beautiful pictures. He taught me to draw beautiful pictures. I can also kung fu. My dad is very good at kung fu. There is a foreign student. I can also play the piano. My dad taught me how to draw. , my dad can play the piano very well, and I can swim..."

Dudu began to talk about a lot of skills she knows, and of course she must bring her father.

"Dudu's father is amazing, he can do everything!"

"My father is also very powerful. My father is a policeman who specializes in catching bad guys."

"My father is also very powerful. My father is a big boss and very rich."

"The big boss is amazing. My father is the chief of the bureau. He is even more powerful than the big boss. Many big bosses have come to my house to listen to my father's lectures."

Dudu's words caused many children in the class to compare with their father, as if his father was the most powerful person in the world.

"It's great. Our kid Dudu's father is very powerful and has many skills. The kid Dudu's self-introduction is also great. Let's applaud her and welcome her to join us!"

After Dudu finished speaking, Mr. Wang applauded and said.

It is said that a powerful girl has a powerful father behind her. This Dudu's father is so powerful, and this Dudu will be very powerful when he grows up.

Amidst bursts of applause, Dudu also sat down happily.

Now Dudu is smiling and in a very good mood. She likes life in this kindergarten a little bit.

"Hello, my name is Xu Qi, and my parents call me Yanzi."

Just as Dudu sat down, a very shy little girl on her right hand courageously introduced herself to Dudu.

"I know, you introduced yourself on stage just now, you like drawing."

Dudu nodded and said.

"Dudu, your father is so good, he can do everything, unlike Qiqi's father, who knows nothing but making money, and is scolded by my mother every day for being incompetent."

Xu Qi blushed slightly and said.


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