The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2147 Dudu fighting

"But my mother said that the man who earns money is the most capable. My mother said that when Xixi grows up, she must marry a man who can earn money."

After hearing Xu Qi's words, Chen Yuxi immediately expressed his mother's point of view.

"But Qiqi's father doesn't know martial arts, doesn't know how to play the piano, doesn't know how to draw, and he can't sing very well..."

Xu Qi emphasized how useless her father was.

Obviously, at home, Xu Qi's mother often said that the child's father was useless in front of Xu Qi.

So much so that in Xu Qi's mind, her father is very useless, only her mother is the best.

"Don't say bad things about Dad. My mother said that Dad is the hardest man in the world and the cutest person. Without Dad's hard work, there would be no happy family for us."

Dudu interrupted Xu Qi's words.

"But my mother said my father was useless and only made money. My mother beat him and scolded him, but my father dared not fight back."

Xu Qi said weakly.

Now Xu Qi also feels that her mother's words are not always right, her father is very kind to her, but her mother always bullies her father.

"This is domestic violence, Kiki, your mother is a bad mother."

Dudu said with certainty.

"Kiki's mother is not a bad mother!"

Xu Qi looked at Dudu unconvinced and said.

However, this unnutritious discussion was quickly stopped by Mr. Lin.

Such a profound question should not be discussed by such a group of four- and five-year-old children.

Today is the first day of kindergarten. For the small class, the morning is a process of getting familiar with the environment. In addition to letting the children introduce themselves, the teacher is to comfort these crying children.

Soon the morning passed, and at noon, the aunt of the kindergarten delivered the meal to the first class, so that the children could eat by themselves.

There are also some children who can't eat by themselves, and their parents feed them at home. For these children who can't eat by themselves, the teachers in the school will come to feed them.

Naturally, this is not for a long time. Gradually, the teacher will let the children feed themselves.

"Dudu, Dudu, someone bullied me!"

Just after lunch and about to take a break, Zhao Xiaobao, who was in the "Primary Class 2", ran to the side of "Primary Class 1" Dudu, hesitant to speak, stood up and sat down again, which made people very anxious !

"What's wrong with the baby?"

Dudu looked at Zhao Xiaobao and asked.

"I... I was bullied!"

Zhao Xiaobao said timidly to Dudu.

"A boy like you was bullied?"

Dudu suddenly looked at Zhao Xiaobao with some contempt and said.

"They... a few of them bullied me, I can't beat them."

Zhao Xiaobao said with his head down.

In this kindergarten, Zhao Xiaobao is familiar with Dudu now, so whenever he is wronged, he goes to the first class to cry to Dudu.

"It's really useless!"

Saying that, Dudu took Zhao Xiaobao's hand and walked out of the classroom.

"Doo, wait for me!"

Chen Yuxi hurriedly chased after him.


The entrance of Class Two classroom.

"You guys bullied Xiaobao?"

Dudu looked up at the tall and strong little boy in front of him and asked.

This boy was very tall. Standing in front of Dudu, he was like a dark cloud covering Dudu and Zhao Xiaobao's sight. He was surrounded by several four- and five-year-old boys.

It was obvious that the little boys were headed by this tall, strong little boy.

"What's wrong with me?"

Chen Lei looked at Dudu and said.

"Why do you bully Xiaobao?"

Dudu looked at the little boy who was taller than himself and asked.

"I want to make friends with him and let him listen to me in the future. If he is not willing, then I will beat him until he is willing."

Chen Lei said naturally.

"My parents said that you should listen to the teacher at school, and I don't want to listen to you."

Zhao Xiaobao hid behind Dudu and said timidly.

"If you don't listen to me, I'll hit you until you are obedient!"

Chen Lei stared at Zhao Xiaobao and said.

"With me here, you don't want to bully Xiaobao."

Dudu protected Zhao Xiaobao and said.

"This is a man's business, you women stay aside!"

Chen Lei said to Dudu pretending to be old-fashioned at a young age.

"No, I won't let you bully Xiaobao!"

Dudu shook his head and said.

Dudu doesn't like other people's fierce look, and this boy who is taller than himself dares to be fierce to him, Dudu is very angry.

"Hmph, then I'll bully you!"

Chen Lei looked at Dudu and said.

In the compound, I am the king of children, and in this kindergarten, I also want to be the king of children. Chen Lei will beat anyone who dares not to listen to him.

"You think I'm afraid of you, but I know kung fu!"

Dudu was not scared at all, and even looked at Chen Lei with some contempt and said.

"Doo, there are a lot of them."

Zhao Xiaobao tugged on his clothes and said in a low voice.

"Dudu knows kung fu, so I'm not afraid of them!"

Dudu said proudly.


In the afternoon, in the yard of Ye Rongrong's house.

Since Dudu went to school in the morning, the whole yard has become much quieter, without the noise of Dudu and Mengmeng at home.

All of a sudden, there were no children in the yard, and the whole yard became deserted.

It is said that children are the buttons to maintain a marriage, which is really not wrong at all.

A couple with children is much more likely to divorce than a couple without children.

Because men and women get married for a few years, and after a few years, their relationship with each other will become cold, which is the so-called "seven-year itch", but it is different after having children.

There are children in the family, it will become lively, and the two have also found a new goal of struggle, which naturally makes the marriage longer and longer.

Once they became used to each other, they were reluctant to part again, and the marriage became stable.

The idle and boring Ye Rongrong is writing his "Super Gourmet" with his computer.


This person didn't care whether Yuan Zhou was in a daze or not. After seeing Yuan Zhou's serious statement that you're welcome, he bent down and bowed sincerely.

"No need for that."

Yuan Zhou also immediately bent down and bowed back to him.

The man smiled and said nothing, then nodded to Yuan Zhou.

"excuse me."

The man turned around and walked out of the shop after speaking.


Yuan Zhou also walked to the door in two steps, just in time to see this man take out a wallet from the inner pocket of his suit.


He took out a few red cards of Grandpa Mao from his wallet. Yuan Zhou had extraordinary eyesight and could see them clearly. They were five.


Just as Ye Rongrong was typing in front of the computer according to the memory in his mind, the phone rang, and Ye Rongrong took it out to see that it was Zhao Yafen, the principal of "Taoyuan Kindergarten".

Ye Rongrong hesitated for a while, then pressed the answer button.


Hearing what Zhao Yafen said on the phone, Ye Rongrong shouted in surprise.

But soon, Ye Rongrong came back to his senses and said, "Okay, I'll go to the kindergarten right away."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Rongrong didn't say anything to anyone, and drove straight to "Taoyuan Kindergarten".

Soon, Ye Rongrong drove to the gate of "Taoyuan Kindergarten".

Although "Taoyuan Kindergarten" stipulates that outsiders are not allowed to enter during class, Ye Rongrong, as the owner of "Taoyuan Kindergarten", is naturally not restricted by this rule. When the guard saw that it was Ye Rongrong, he didn't even ask Ye Rongrong went in.

"I said that you big boys can't beat a little girl, don't you feel ashamed!"

As soon as Ye Rongrong arrived at the dean's office, he heard a male parent's rough voice.

"She knows kung fu!"

A boy's childish voice came out.

"What kind of nonsense martial arts, where did she come from at such a young age, you have completely disgraced me, and even a few boys can't beat a girl who is about your size..."

The man with a rough voice roared again.

"Where are you, our children have been beaten like this by this girl, and you still complain about the injured children, are you out of your mind!"

"that is!"

"There must be an explanation for this matter. This little girl is really bad. She beat our child with a bruised nose and a swollen face. At home, we are reluctant to beat him at all."

"The same goes for our child. Seeing that his face is broken, we must give an explanation for this matter."

"Why hasn't the girl's parents come yet!"

In the principal's office, a group of parents shouted angrily.

Now every child is the baby of the family, and these parents are so distressed by being labeled like this!

My own child was beaten on the first day of school, and he will be beaten again after that.


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