The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2148 President Ye's daughter?

"Everyone, please be safe and don't be impatient, sit down and drink water to calm down!"

Zhao Yafen hurriedly said to these angry parents.

"Calm down, how do you want us to calm down, Director Zhao, look at it, look at what this girl has done to our child!"

"That's right, Director Zhao, look at our Xiaowei, his face is covered with blood, how can I explain this to his grandparents when I go back!"

"Principal Zhao, we sent our children to your kindergarten because we trusted you and believed that your kindergarten could take good care of the children, but it turned out that we came to the kindergarten on the first day of school, and our Yang Zi was beaten like this. How can we rest assured!"

"Principal Zhao, you have to give us an explanation. We are really disappointed that there are so many teachers around you, and there is such a thing as children fighting!"

The parents complained to Zhao Yafen one after another.

"I'm really sorry, we didn't do our job well, and we sincerely apologize to everyone!"

Zhao Yafen apologized sincerely.

Today's incident, on the one hand, was caused by "Taoyuan Kindergarten"'s first day of school, a lot of things, chaos and negligence.

Of course, the main reason was that the kindergarten leaders like Zhao Yafen had just taken over their positions, and they were indeed in a hurry to make arrangements for the first day of school today, so that they didn't find out about the children's fights in time.

"Director Zhao, we trust you, we can't let this happen again."

A parent said dissatisfiedly to Director Zhao.

"Mr. Wu, don't worry, this matter will definitely not happen again."

Zhao Yafen hastily promised.

"What's the matter, we've been here for so long, why hasn't the girl's parents come here, are they afraid to come?"

A parent said dissatisfiedly after looking at his watch.

"I'm really sorry, this matter is mainly the responsibility of our kindergarten, so I didn't notify Ye Xiandie's parents to come over."

Zhao Yafen explained hastily.

Originally Zhao Yafen was not going to tell Ye Rongrong about the children's fight.

After all, Ye Rongrong trusted her so much, and as a result, such a thing happened on the first day of school, and Zhao Yafen was too guilty to face Ye Rongrong.

What's more, this matter also involves Ye Rongrong's daughter?

So Zhao Yafen wanted to suppress this matter as much as possible, and pay some medical expenses, so as not to let this matter become a big problem, and it would not cause trouble to Ye Guangrong.

What makes Zhao Yafen helpless is that these parents are very strong now, and they insist on asking Ye Xiandie's parents for an explanation. No matter how Zhao Yafen apologizes, it is useless to persuade them.

When there was really no other way, Zhao Yafen bit the bullet and called Ye Rongrong.

Zhao Yafen called Ye Rongrong after all these parents arrived and couldn't talk well. Although Ye Rongrong's home was the closest, he came the latest.

"Director Zhao, you are partial!"

Suddenly a parent looked at Zhao Yafen dissatisfied and said.


Zhao Yafen was a little speechless by what the parent said.

After all, Zhao Yafen was indeed favoring Ye Xiandie.

"What's the matter with Director Zhao?"

Just when Zhao Yafen was embarrassed and didn't know how to answer the parent's words, Ye Rongrong's voice came from the office door.

"Ye... President Ye, you are here!"

Zhao Yafen hurried to the door and said respectfully to Ye Rongrong.

Although he and Ye Rongrong are classmates in junior high school, so what, Ye Rongrong is his boss now, so Zhao Yafen naturally clearly positions himself.

"Principal Ye, why are you here?"

"Hello, Principal Ye!"

"I haven't seen Principal Ye for half a year. Principal Ye is getting more and more handsome."

Some of the parents in this group had seen Ye Rongrong before and knew Ye Rongrong. When they saw Ye Rongrong walk into the principal's office, they were all shocked, and when they realized it, they rushed to greet Ye Rongrong enthusiastically.

For them, Ye Rongrong is a very important person, and it is almost impossible to see him at ordinary times.

These parents were naturally excited to see him in the principal's office of "Taoyuan Kindergarten" today.

"Who is this person? Why are they all so excited!"

A parent of a child who had never met Ye Glory asked suspiciously another parent of a child beside him.

"He...he is the legendary principal of 'Taoyuan Primary School'."

Another child's parent said excitedly.

It is said that this "Taoyuan Kindergarten" is also run by Ye Rongrong. At the beginning, everyone was a little worried, worried that they would be deceived by others, but now they saw Ye Rongrong appearing in this "Taoyuan Kindergarten".

The slightest worry in everyone's heart is gone.

It seems that the rumors outside are true, this "Taoyuan Kindergarten" is Ye Rongrong's property.

This is also one of the reasons why many parents in Yangping County send their children to this "Taoyuan Kindergarten" to study.

This is the trust in Ye Rongrong!

"He is the legendary Principal Ye? So young?"

The parent looked at Ye Rongrong who was at the door in surprise.

This is too different from the legendary figure she imagined.

If you want to be specific, it is too young.

"It's very young. It would be great if our Yang Zi grew up to be capable!"

Another parent nodded.


When these parents greeted Ye Rongrong excitedly, Dudu, who was sitting quietly on the sofa in the office reading comic books, raised his head to look at his father, then stood up from the sofa, ran over happily and shouted to Ye Rongrong :"dad!"


"Is this little girl Principal Ye's daughter?"

"Why is this so?"

"This thing is messed up."

The parents who greeted Ye Rongrong enthusiastically were dumbfounded when they saw Dudu running over and calling Ye Rongrong "Dad".

This was really beyond their expectations.

Unexpectedly, the fierce little girl who injured her own child was actually Ye Rongrong's daughter.

It suddenly made them feel that this matter was tricky.

If they had known that this little girl was Ye Rongrong's daughter, they would have been arguing in the director's office for a long time, and everyone would have dispersed.

After all, none of our children have any serious injuries to their hands, just some small scratches on their bodies, nothing serious, children have strong resilience, and they will basically be completely healed in a few days.

Everyone blames Director Zhao. If she had told everyone that this powerful girl was Ye Rongrong's daughter, no one would make a fuss here!

Some parents complained in their hearts.

"Did you get into a fight at school?"

Ye Rongrong picked up Dudu, looked at her and asked.


Dudu nodded bluntly and said.

"Why fight?"

Ye Rongrong didn't come up and criticized his daughter, but asked the reason first.

If those children bullied Dudu and were knocked down by Dudu, not only would Ye Rongrong not criticize Dudu, but he would also have a good talk with these parents.

Walking around the world with reason, it is difficult to walk without reason. As long as there is reason, Ye Rongrong will always support his daughter.

This is also the way Ye Rongrong taught his daughter to live in the world since childhood.


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