The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2169 Please explain

The restaurant on this roadside is not big, and apart from a few private houses, there are no other people around. ⌒Miscellaneous§Zine§Insects⌒

When Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing entered the restaurant, there were not many guests in the restaurant, so they randomly found a table near the window, and Liu Qingqing and Ye Rongrong sat down.

As soon as Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing entered the restaurant, they attracted the attention of some people in the restaurant, mainly because Liu Qingqing was too pretty.

"You two, what do you want to eat?"

Soon, the proprietress of the restaurant came over and asked.

"Honey, order it!"

Ye Rongrong handed the menu to Liu Qingqing and said.


Liu Qingqing didn't refuse either, she took the menu and randomly ordered a few home-cooked dishes. When going out, especially in this kind of roadside restaurant, don't think about how delicious the dishes are, just fill your stomach.

"Wait a moment!"

After the proprietress said, she took the list with the names of the dishes and went to the back kitchen.

"Boss, look quickly, that girl is really beautiful, she looks like a fairy, if she can sleep for a while, tsk tsk, she is really worth dying for!"

Sitting in the corner of the restaurant were four men in their thirties. One of the men with a scar on his face exclaimed in a low voice to the burly man beside him.

"It's really beautiful. I have never seen such a beautiful woman in my life. That kid is really blessed. If I have such a beautiful woman, I can't get her out of bed every day!"

The man called "Boss" nodded and said.

"Boss, I don't think this woman may be this man's woman. The car parked at the door is a domestically produced Boyue, and it's only worth a few hundred thousand. Such a beautiful woman must be able to afford more than a million dollars." People with cars can afford it.”

A man with a cropped cut offers his thoughts.

"Fourth, you missed your mark this time. This man must be rich. Among other things, the Versace he is wearing is worth 40,000 to 50,000 yuan."

The bronze-skinned man said.

"Third brother, are you kidding too much? What kind of clothes are worth 40,000 to 50,000 a piece? They are worth as much as our Wuling Hongguang."

"Fourth" asked in disbelief.

"The third one is right. Both men and women are very rich. Have you noticed the watch on that woman's hand? It's a Patek Philippe watch. This watch is worth 100,000 yuan!"

The boss looked greedily at the watch on Liu Qingqing's hand and said.

"A watch costs 100,000 yuan!"

The fourth child opened his mouth wide in surprise, and couldn't believe that he met such a rich owner in this dilapidated restaurant by the side of the road.

"Boss, according to what you said, they are so rich, why don't they drive a good car, and why do they drive this kind of domestic car worth more than 100,000 yuan?"

The third child asked puzzledly.

"They saw that they were rich people who came out of other places to drive. Some rich people are worried that they will be robbed by others when they drive a luxury car, so they drive a broken car. This is called not revealing their wealth, and it is safe, understand?"

said the boss.

After all, few people in China know about Patek Philippe watches and Versace clothes, but many people know about luxury cars.

Whether it is a luxury car or not, people can tell at a glance.

Especially the well-known luxury cars such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Porsche.

"Boss, you are right. I also think that these two people should be super rich. They are afraid of getting into trouble, so they drive a low-end car like Boyue!"

The third child nodded and said.

"Keep your voice down, come closer and tell you something, wait for us"

The boss asked several other people to put their heads in front of him and whispered to them.

"I got it!"

The three nodded.

These four people thought that their voices were low and others couldn't hear them, but unfortunately they didn't know that Ye Glory, who has excellent physical fitness, could hear very well now, and he could hear their murmurs from more than ten meters away Glory couldn't help frowning.

"Husband, what's the matter?"

Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously and asked.


Let's eat! "

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

The so-called soldiers came to block the water and cover them with earth. For Ye Rongrong, he really didn't pay attention to these people.

However, these people verbally insulted his wife, which made Ye Rongrong very upset.

Ye Rongrong has already thought about it, if they really want to die, he will send them to the west.

Anyway, according to their words, these people are definitely not good birds, and they must have done many things that hurt the sky and reason, and I can be regarded as doing justice for the sky.


Liu Qingqing nodded, and didn't ask any more questions.

Anyway, with my husband in my body, the sky won't fall down!

After a while, the dishes were ready, and Liu Qingqing and Ye Rongrong ate with their heads down.

The main reason is that the weather is hot now, and there is no air conditioner in this hotel. The fan hanging on the wall is spinning, and the blowing is basically hot air. Neither of them wants to stay here for a long time.

"Your dishes are here!"

As soon as the proprietress put the dishes on the table, she walked away.

Don't even think about how good the service attitude is at a roadside restaurant like this.

This kind of restaurant is only for passers-by, and basically there are no first customers, and they don't expect to have first customers.

"The food in this restaurant is terrible! The service attitude is also bad!"

The third child said with some dissatisfaction.

"Just order it. There is only one restaurant nearby. There is no place in front of the village or behind. If you want to find a second restaurant to eat, you have to drive for three hours."

The fourth child walked this road and knew that there were no villages in this area of ​​hundreds of miles. It was just a restaurant. If he didn't have lunch here, he would have to drive hungry.

"what is this?"

The third child felt something unclean was being chewed in his mouth, so he couldn't help but spit out, only to spit out a big cockroach, which was so disgusting as to die.

"Paralyzed, let me eat cockroaches!"

The third child suddenly became angry, and shouted loudly at the proprietress who was sitting on the counter: "Miss proprietress, come here!"

"whats the matter?"

The proprietress came over and asked impatiently.

"You have cockroaches in your dish, please explain!"

The third child pointed to the big cockroach on the table whose joint he had bitten off, and said angrily to the proprietress.

The proprietress looked at the cockroaches on the dining table indifferently, and said with an unhappy face: "Why do you want to renege on the debt? Get a cockroach to ruin the reputation of my restaurant?"

"What, do you mean we made the cockroach on purpose?"

The third child was furious.

"Did you guys know how to do it? You know it in your heart. Anyway, don't want to rely on the meal money!"

The proprietress said in an old spirit.

"What if we don't?"

The boss patted the dining table and said angrily.

"Why are you playing tricks on my old lady?"

The proprietress looked at the four of them, and shouted in the direction of the back kitchen: "Master, someone wants to eat the overlord's meal, and they won't give you money!"

"Who dares to eat without paying, he is tired of living!"

As soon as the proprietress finished her words, four or five tall and thick men popped out of the back kitchen, either holding kitchen knives or iron bars.

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