The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2170 I... Where's the money in my pocket?


Seeing four or five tall and thick men surrounding him with murder weapons, the originally angry third child was immediately discouraged and looked at the burly man uneasily.

The burly man was silent for a while, and said to the proprietress: "Sorry, it's our fault, we will pay for the meal."

The hero doesn't suffer from immediate disadvantages, comparing the strengths of the two sides, this burly man gave up!

"It's nineteen hundred yuan in total!"

The proprietress looked at the dishes on the table and said lightly.

" are blackmailing. Just such a table of food costs less than a hundred yuan at most, but you actually say two thousand yuan. Why don't you grab it!"

The third child said angrily.

What kind of black shop is this? How dare you call out 1,900 yuan for dishes that cost less than 100 yuan.

"Why are we blackmailing? Our prices are clearly marked here. Our dishes are all natural and pollution-free green food, so the prices are naturally much more expensive than those outside."

Said the shopkeeper's wife.

"The price is clearly marked. Let's look at the price of the menu. These dishes are only a dozen or dozens of yuan. For such a table, we don't even need to count a hundred yuan."

The fourth child said.

"That's because your eyes are dazzled and you misread it. There is no dish like ours that costs less than 100 yuan."

As the proprietress spoke, she took out a menu and threw it on the table.

The fourth child took a look at the menu curiously, and was immediately dumbfounded. This menu was definitely not the one he had seen just now. The prices of the dishes on this menu were all ten times higher than the prices on the menu he had seen before.

To put it bluntly, it is a new menu that multiplies all the prices of the original menu by ten.

It is obvious that this restaurant has long been prepared to blackmail people, and this menu is specially prepared for two copies. When showing the guests, they take the normal menu, and when they want to calculate the money, they take the expensive menu. come out.

"You guys are cheating!"

The third child said angrily.

Usually it's my brothers who bully others,

Unexpectedly, today in this ghost place, a few of them would be bullied by others.

Not only did he eat disgusting big cockroaches, but he was also blackmailed.

It's unreasonable, if the other party didn't have the murder weapon in his hand, there would be more people than him.

Of course, the most important thing is that this is their territory, who knows if there will be a group of big men with murder weapons in a while.

So although these four people were very angry, they didn't dare to make a move.

"In a word, whether you give money or not, there is no way if you want to eat the overlord's meal!"

The proprietress said domineeringly.

Dare to open a black restaurant in a place where there is no village and no shop behind. Naturally, there is support. If there is no support, someone will have already been taken over.


The inch-cut man looked at the burly man and asked.

The current situation is that the situation is not as good as people!

If you don't accept softness, you can't get out of this black shop.

This person who has nowhere to go before the village or behind the store, no one will know if he died here.

"Fourth, give them money!"

The burly man gritted his teeth and said coldly.

The current situation is that if you don't give money, people like yourself can't get out of this store.

Everyone is a person who lives on the tip of a knife. The burly man can feel that the other party is not a good boy, and can even smell blood from these people. These people must have had murders in their hands, and there are more than one or two.

You can't lose everyone's life here just because of 1,900 yuan.


Reluctantly, the inch-cut man took money out of his pocket, counted 1,900 yuan, and handed it to the hag-like proprietress.

"Can we go?"

The burly man looked at the proprietress coldly and asked.

"get out!"

The proprietress waved her hand and said.

It's not that the proprietress doesn't want to blackmail more, but that the amount is too much. If these people report the crime, the police will come, and the restaurant will not be able to open by then.

1,900 yuan, even if these people report to the police station, the police station will not file a case. After all, the amount is not enough, and the police will file a case only after 2,000 yuan.

Of course, more people would find it troublesome, knowing that there is no use in calling the police, and naturally they don't bother to call the police. This is why this black restaurant has been open in this place for several years without the police coming to investigate.

"let's go!"

The burly man was also very straightforward, turned around and walked outside the restaurant.

"At my old lady's place, even if it's a dragon, I have to obediently give money to my old lady!"

The proprietress said proudly with her arms akimbo.

The whole is the image of a dominatrix!

"Madam Boss, are there many people watching?"

A big man with a kitchen knife kindly reminded him in a low voice.

At this time, the proprietress also noticed that the people eating in the restaurant were all looking at her, and immediately shouted unhappily: "What are you looking at, hurry up and eat, don't even think about repaying your debt!"

This makes the people who eat in this restaurant can't help being afraid, everyone understands that this is entering a black shop.

"Honey, let's go!"

Liu Qingqing put down her chopsticks and said to Ye Rongrong.

This restaurant is not only in poor sanitation, but also a black shop, Liu Qingqing immediately lost the appetite to eat.

Especially thinking about the cockroaches in the dishes, I felt a little nauseous.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Don't say that Liu Qingqing has no appetite now, and Ye Glory has no appetite now either.

This is also the reason why Ye Rongrong seldom eats in restaurants outside. No matter how high-end the restaurant is, the sanitary conditions will never be as hygienic as the food made at home.

After all, restaurants are all about profit. Whether they are buying vegetables, washing vegetables or other processes, they will not clean them up like private people. Some dishes are even broken, and they are all burned out for guests to eat.

As long as you don't eat it to death and don't make people have diarrhea.

"Boss lady, check out!"

Ye Rongrong shouted.

"The total is 1,588 yuan, minus the change, you can give me 1,580 yuan!"

The proprietress came over with the menu, glanced at Ye Rongrong and said.

Obviously, the proprietress wanted to extort money.


Liu Qingqing couldn't help looking at Ye Rongrong.

After all, what I ordered was just a few home-cooked dishes, even if it was in a big hotel, it would only cost three to five hundred yuan. If it was in a small roadside shop, these few dishes would only cost tens of dollars.

Now the proprietress of this store asks for 1,580 yuan, which is simply stealing money!

"One thousand five hundred and eighty dollars, right? This is nineteen hundred dollars, don't change it!"

Ye Rongrong didn't even frown, he took out a stack of money from his pocket and said to the proprietress.

"One... nineteen hundred dollars?"

The shop proprietress looked at Ye Rongrong with a look of surprise, and said in disbelief.

I only need 1,580 yuan, how can this person give me more than 400 yuan?

Had he been kicked in the brain by a deer?

"This is nineteen hundred yuan, you count it, right!"

Ye Rongrong handed 1,900 yuan to the proprietress of the shop and said.

"I... I count."

After a moment of dullness, the proprietress picked up the money and counted it, and it happened to be 1,900 yuan, neither too much nor too little.

"That's right, it's nineteen hundred yuan!"

After counting the money, the proprietress nodded and said.

It seems that this tall and thick man was frightened by the scene just now, so he took the initiative to give more money to keep him safe.

It must be so!

The store owner figured it out quickly.

Immediately I feel very good.

He didn't expect that the shock of his might just now would scare such a tall, tall and thick man like a cat.

"Can we go?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the proprietress of the shop and asked.

"let's go!"

The proprietress waved her hand in satisfaction and said.

If everyone who comes to eat in his restaurant cooperates like this, the business will be much easier.

But there are always a few people who don't know how to flatter and provoke themselves.

"Miss Boss, is there something wrong with this person's brain, why did he give us so much extra money?"

A bald man holding a kitchen knife asked the proprietress suspiciously.

"Who knows! I guess this person's brain is not very good."

Said the shopkeeper's wife.

"If I had known this person's brain was not good, I should have asked for more money just now."

A chubby man said.

"You're stupid, it's more than two thousand yuan. If these people call the police, the police will file a case. I don't want the police to come to my door."

The store proprietress scolded.

The reason why this black shop has been able to stay in this place for so long is because it took advantage of this loophole. As long as the funds do not exceed two thousand yuan, even if someone calls the police, it will not be filed.

What's more, in such a remote place, it takes more than two hours to drive here from the nearest police station, not to mention that my store is located at the junction of three provinces, which belongs to the three-way zone.

"Well, I... Where's the money in my pocket?"

Just as the proprietress was about to put the money in her pocket, she suddenly found that the nineteen hundred dollars that had been corrupted and put in her pocket just now had disappeared.

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