The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2204 200 million

"You mean they appeared in the living Buddha's room out of thin air?"

Master Maka said with a bad expression.

"Master Maka, we can guarantee in the name of Buddha that these two people will never enter the living Buddha's room under our noses."

"I can also guarantee it in the name of Buddha."

"There is absolutely no way they could have entered under our noses, and we are not blind!"

A group of lamas said affirmatively.

"Did those two people enter the Living Buddha's room through other channels?"

"Master Maka, is it possible that there is a secret passage in the living Buddha's room, and the two people entered through the secret passage?"

Several fast-thinking and courageous lamas asked Master Maga.

"How is that possible!"

Master Maka shook his head and said.

The room where the female living Buddha retreats is chosen by Master Maga. Master Maga knows very well whether there is a secret passage in this room.

"Then how did they get in?"

The group of lamas were dumbfounded when Master Maka said that there was no secret passage in the living Buddha's room.

There was no secret passage, and it was impossible to enter the room in front of him. How could they teleport?

"Are you sure you didn't let them in?"

Master Maka looked at the group of lamas with doubts and asked.


"Absolutely not!"

"That's impossible!"

"How can outsiders be allowed to see the living Buddha's room casually?"

"We are not blind, how could we not see these two big living people!"

The group of lamas said one after another.

"Then I understand. You guys should stay here carefully and don't let outsiders disturb the living Buddha's retreat!"

Master Maka thought for a moment and explained to these lamas.

Now Master Maka understands what the Living Buddha said. Those two people just now are definitely not simple.

"Husband, let's donate some incense money to this temple?"

After visiting the main hall of the temple, Liu Qingqing said to Ye Guangrong.

After all, the Living Buddha gave her such a precious bracelet, and Liu Qingqing always felt a little bit regretful.


Ye Guangrong nodded and said.

Buddhism emphasizes cause and effect. This female living Buddha gave Liu Qingqing such a precious bracelet of dzi beads. This was a cause and effect with her husband and wife.

According to Buddhism, this cause and effect must be repaid.

Therefore, Ye Guangrong very much agreed to donate money to the Sanding Temple and repay part of the karma.

"Master Liner, we want to donate some incense money to the temple. Where can we donate?"

Ye Guangrong asked the little lama who was following him.

"Two donors, the merit box is right there. You just put the incense money in it."

The young lama pointed to a large merit box on the platform of the main hall and said to Ye Guangrong and his wife.

This temple does not require donations from believers. Even believers can donate one or two cents. Even if believers don't have money to donate, they can take money from the merit box and donate it.

This is much better than many temples in the mainland, which are too commercialized.

"We have donated so much that this merit box cannot accommodate it."

Ye Guangrong shook his head and said.

This merit box is so big that it can hold hundreds of thousands of yuan even if it is full. The amount of money Ye Guangrong plans to donate this time is not a small amount!

No matter what, Ye Guangrong didn't want to take the Dzi bead bracelet from the female living Buddha in vain.

"Donate a lot of money?"

The little lama looked at Ye Guangrong in surprise.

The lamas in the temple also need to live and pay, and the construction of the temple requires money. The finances of Sanding Temple have been very tight in recent years, and everyone's life is not very good.

Suddenly a person came who was willing to donate a lot of money to the temple, and the little lama was naturally very happy.

Now the little lama somewhat understands why Master Maka asked him to serve him all the way. This is the God of Wealth!

"Yes, we need to donate a lot of money, and this merit box will definitely not be able to fit in it."

Ye Guangrong nodded and said affirmatively.

"Then...then please come with me!"

The little lama said excitedly.

For a relatively large temple like Sanding Temple, there are always several generous bosses who donate large amounts of incense money to the temple every year, all in the form of transfers.

The Sanding Temple has a department that specializes in financial management. Large donations like this are handled through the financial account.

Under the leadership of the young lama, Ye Guangrong and Liu Qingqing came to the financial department of Sanding Temple.

Even in the financial department of Sanding Temple, Ye Guangrong and his wife could only see modern high-tech computers.

The office staff in this financial department all wear Tibetan Buddhist monk robes, and they are also monks from Sanding Monastery.

"Liner, who are these two donors?"

Seeing Reiner taking two tourists into the financial department of the temple, a middle-aged lama in the financial department asked with a bad expression.

After all, the financial department is an important place and ordinary people are not allowed to enter, let alone tourists.

"Master Jiashan, these two are distinguished guests of our temple. They want to donate a large sum of money for incense to our temple."

The little lama said hurriedly.

This financial department is an important place, and the little lama naturally knows about the rule that outsiders are not allowed to enter, but isn't this situation special?

Besides, didn’t those big bosses who came to donate money in the past transfer money into this financial department?

"Two distinguished guests, please come this way!"

Upon hearing that Ye Guangrong and his wife wanted to donate a large sum of money for incense to the temple, Master Jiashan's attitude immediately changed and he hurriedly asked Ye Guangrong and Liu Qingqing to go to his office.

"I wonder how much incense money you two are planning to donate to this temple?"

After Ye Guangrong and Liu Qingqing sat down, Master Jiashan asked with a smile.

Unlike those lamas in the temple who have Buddhist scriptures on their foreheads, Master Jiashan is responsible for the finances and knows that all expenses of the temple are inseparable from money.

If there is no money, this temple will not survive for three days before it will be disbanded, let alone improving the temple to a higher level.

A monk may say that he has escaped from the mortal world by becoming a monk, but he is still a human being and still has to eat, drink, and defecate, all of which cannot be separated from money.

Therefore, Master Jiashan is happiest when someone donates money to the temple.

"I'm going to donate 200 million!"

Ye Guangrong said.

After all, the Dzi bead bracelet that the female living Buddha gave to Liu Qingqing was worth the price.


Master Jiashan, who had just taken a sip of tea, couldn't help but spit out the tea in his mouth.

Did you hear it correctly?

This person said he wanted to donate 200 million to the temple?

Not twenty thousand, not two million, but two hundred million!

This is the first time in the hundreds of years since the Sanding Temple was opened that we have encountered such a large amount of money for incense!

If we have these 200 million incense money, we can renovate the entire temple, and also allow the temple to hold several large-scale Buddhist gatherings to expand the temple's influence.

" mean to donate 200 million incense money to our temple?"

Master Jiashan asked in disbelief.

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