The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2205 Ending Cause and Effect

"Yes, 200 million!"

Ye Guangrong nodded and said.

Although 200 million yuan is a lot of money, it is no longer that much money for Ye Rongrong.

The most important thing is that Ye Guangrong doesn't want to have anything to do with Sanding Temple.

Ye Guangrong estimated the value of the Dzi bead bracelet Liu Qingqing was wearing at about 100 million.

After all, those Dzi beads are the most common one-eye Dzi beads, and their value is much different from the nine-eye Dzi beads that Ye Guangrong picked up yesterday.

Dzi beads made of the same material, depending on the number of celestial eye beads they contain, the difference in value between them is very large.

The greatest value of this one-eye Dzi bead bracelet given to Liu Qingqing by the female living Buddha is that it has been worn by the female living Buddha for decades.

Based on Ye Guangrong's understanding of the value of Dzi beads, this string of Dzi beads is worth about 150 million. The 200 million that Ye Guangrong donated to the Sangding Temple will definitely not be a loss for the Sangding Temple.

More importantly, Ye Guangrong completely settled the cause and effect.

In fact, this is like owing a favor, which must be repaid sooner or later.

Cause and effect is a mysterious thing. It is not that Ye Guangrong is superstitious, but that cause and effect does exist.

It’s just that people of different faiths understand it differently.

For example, someone has helped you before or given you an expensive gift, but you accepted it.

But one day if he encounters difficulties and comes to you, you will usually help him. If you don't help him, he will feel guilty and uneasy, and even worse, he will be condemned for the rest of his life.

This is actually a kind of cause and effect.

"Buddha Infinite Life, the donor is truly a great benefactor!"

Master Jiashan put his hands together and said.

In fact, the lamas of Tibetan Buddhism never used to say the words "Infinite Life Buddha", and most of them would say the words "Tashi Delek".

However, as more and more people from other parts of China come to travel to Tibet, the lamas in this Tibetan Buddhist temple have begun to keep pace with the times and can also say "Amitābha" and "Namo Amitabha".

"Transfer money?"

Ye Guangrong looked at Master Jiashan and asked.

"Okay, okay, this benefactor is here, please."

Master Jiashan said happily.

Although believers from all over the world donate a lot of money for incense to the Sanding Temple every year, they cannot support the huge expenses of the Sanding Temple.

Every year, the temple has to renovate some buildings. The materials used in this temple are naturally not the ordinary materials used in temples. They are basically sandalwood and nanmu. They also need to hire specialized architects, which are very expensive. .

This does not include holding some large-scale Dharma meetings. If a temple wants to expand its influence, it must often hold various large-scale Dharma meetings.

This is the most expensive one, so I receive a lot of money for incense every year, but the cost is also very high. Master Jiashan is responsible for this finance, and he has the deepest understanding.

On the Tibetan Plateau, ordinary believers are basically miserable. They don’t have much money, and the money and materials they can donate to temples are limited.

The money and goods in the temple mainly come from incense money from some big businessmen and passing tourists. Especially a distinguished guest like this one who donated 200 million, which is equivalent to the total incense money the temple has received in several years.

How could Master Jiashan not be excited by this!

Sitting in front of the computer, Ye Guangrong opened his bank account and transferred 200 million yuan to the designated financial account of Sanding Temple through online banking operations.

Of course, the money could not be transferred to the bank account designated by Sanding Temple so quickly. After all, the amount involved was too much, and the bank had to review it. Only if the review was passed, the money could be transferred.

"The two donors are really worthy of immeasurable merit!"

Master Jiashan said to Ye Guangrong gratefully.

"It's nothing, it's just a favor in return. I also want to thank the living Buddha for giving my wife this Dzi bead bracelet."

Ye Guangrong said with a smile.

"The living Buddha's Dzi bead bracelet?"

Hearing what Ye Guangrong said, Master Jiashan noticed the Dzi bead bracelet on Liu Qingqing's hand.

That is really the Dzi bead bracelet that the Living Buddha wears!

Who are these two benefactors that allowed the Living Buddha to give her such precious belongings?

"It's getting late, we have to say goodbye!"

Ye Guangrong looked at his watch and said.

The reason why Ye Guangrong mentioned this matter at the last moment was because he wanted Master Jiashan to tell the female Living Buddha that she gave Liu Qingqing a bracelet of Dzi beads and donated 200 million Chinese coins to her temple. .

This cause and effect is finally over.

In the room of the female living Buddha, Master Jiashan reported the situation to the female living Buddha and the elders of the temple.

After all, receiving a donation of 200 million Chinese coins at once is definitely a big deal for Sanding Temple, and it must be reported to the temple directors.

"Jiashan, are you sure that the other party donated 200 million Chinese coins to our temple?"

Master Maga looked at Master Jiashan and asked.

"Yes, I'm sure, because the money has been transferred to the temple's special account."

Master Jiashan nodded and said.

"They are really kind people. May the Buddha bless their family!"

An old lama said.

"By the way, Living Buddha, the benefactor said that this is just a favor in return. He wants to feel the Dzi bead bracelet you gave me."

Master Jiashan thought for a while and said.

"He is truly a man of great wisdom!"

The female living Buddha was silent for a moment and said.

It turns out that the female Living Buddha gave Liu Qingqing the Dzi bracelet in order to create a good cause and a good result for Sangding Temple in the future.

But she never expected that the good result would come so soon. Ye Rongyao directly donated 200 million to the temple and ended the cause and effect.

To be honest, this is not the result the female Living Buddha wanted.

But it is too late to say anything now. The temple has already put all the money into the account.

In the eyes of the Living Buddha, this may be a major loss for Sangding Temple.

In the morning, Ye Rongyao was awakened by Liu Qingqing early in the morning. Today, they were going to visit the Potala Palace, which is the most dazzling building on the western Tibetan Plateau.

Of course, this is also the last stop of Ye Rongyao and Liu Qingqing's journey westward. After visiting the Potala Palace, Ye Rongyao and Liu Qingqing will go back.

After all, after being out for such a long time, both Ye Rongyao and Liu Qingqing miss their children.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Ye Rongyao and Liu Qingqing drove to the Potala Palace. At this time, there were already many tourists outside the Potala Palace. After all, the Potala Palace is a mysterious and sacred place in people's hearts.

It is said that this magnificent palace originated in the seventh century AD. At that time, Songtsen Gampo, the Tubo King of western Tibet, built a nine-story palace with a thousand rooms on the Red Mountain to marry Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty, and named it the Potala Palace.

After the demise of the Tubo Dynasty established by Songtsen Gampo, most of the ancient palaces were destroyed in the war. It was not until the seventeenth century AD that the Fifth Dalai established the Ganden Phodrang Dynasty and was officially named the local political and religious leader of western Tibet by the Qing government that the Potala Palace was rebuilt. After that, it was expanded successively in successive dynasties, so the Potala Palace became today's scale.

The main building of the Potala Palace is the White Palace and the Red Palace. The whole palace has a Tibetan style, more than 200 meters high, with 13 floors on the outside, but only 9 floors in reality. Because it was built on the mountainside, and the large area of ​​stone walls stand like a cut wall, the building seems to be integrated with the hills, and it is majestic.

The Red Palace is the stupa hall of the Dalai Lama and various Buddhist halls. There are 8 stupas in total, of which the Fifth Dalai Lama is the first and largest one.

The White Palace is the winter palace of the Dalai Lama and was also the office of the original western Tibetan local government. It is seven stories high.

The sixth and fifth floors of the White Palace are living and office rooms.

The White Palace is connected to the Zhasha below the Red Palace. The Zhasha is located on the west side of the Red Palace. It is the residence of the lamas serving the Potala Palace. At most, more than 25,000 monks lived there.

Its exterior walls are all white, so it is usually regarded as part of the White Palace.

These buildings and palaces are stacked, tortuous, and organically integrated with the mountain. This is the most direct feeling of the Potala Palace.

The roofs and floors of all buildings in the Potala Palace are sealed with "Aga soil" mined locally. The main component of Aga soil is calcium carbonate. During construction, large pieces of Aga soil are crushed and then screened and graded.

Aga soil has poor water resistance, and its internal viscous material is easily washed away by rain. It becomes rougher and rougher under the sun and rain, causing widespread leakage on the roof after rain.

After the leakage, Aga soil is used again, and the roof becomes heavier and heavier, causing the house to deform, which has become a fatal weakness of Tibetan ancient buildings.

"You two, are you going to visit the Potala Palace?"

Just as Ye Rongyao was holding Liu Qingqing's hand to buy tickets accurately, a young woman in Tibetan clothes came over and asked in a low voice. ...

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