The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2206 The stinking fart doesn’t stop


Ye Guangrong glanced at the young woman wearing Tibetan clothes, nodded and said.

"You haven't bought the tickets yet, right?"

The young woman continued to ask.


Ye Guangrong shook his head and said.

"That's good. Tickets for the Potala Palace are very expensive. An adult ticket costs three hundred yuan, and it costs six hundred yuan for the two of you. It's too expensive. I can take you into the Potala Palace. , you two just need to give me the price of a ticket, which is half the price of buying tickets, and you don’t have to wait in long lines to buy tickets.”

The young woman wearing Tibetan clothes brightened her eyes and said to Ye Guangrong.

"Why is it so much cheaper if you take us in?"

Liu Qingqing looked at the young woman wearing Tibetan clothes with confusion and asked.

"I'm a local. It's free to enter the Potala Palace. The people checking tickets at the door are all my relatives. I don't need a ticket to take you in."

"However, I have to give some benefits to my relatives. Each person will be charged 100 yuan to enter, and I will take a 100 yuan hard-earned fee."

The young woman wearing Tibetan clothing explained.

Seeing that Ye Guangrong and his wife were still hesitating, the young woman in Tibetan clothes became a little anxious and continued hurriedly: "Think about it, I can save half of the money by taking you in. It's really cost-effective. When you travel, of course you have to spend the least amount of money to visit the best attractions. As long as you give me three hundred yuan, I can take you to the Potala Palace now. "


We'd better go to the ticket office and buy tickets. "

Ye Guangrong shook his head and said.

In this strange place, Ye Guangrong didn't believe what these people said.

The main reason is that the more people flow in a place, the more scammers there are.

They just catch people's greed for cheap and defraud them of money.

For people who take the initiative and talk about how much money they can save, it's best to stay away from them and just say that they don't need it.

The longer you chat with him, the harder it is to know when the wallet in your pocket has been stolen.

"It's so expensive to buy a ticket. Well, it's two hundred and eighty yuan. As long as you give me two hundred and eighty yuan, I will take you into the Potala Palace."

Seeing that Ye Guangrong was unmoved, the young woman in Tibetan clothes hurriedly lowered the price.

"We still think it's better to buy tickets. Fare evasion is very unethical."

Liu Qingqing shook her head and said.

"Two hundred, this is the lowest price. It can't go any lower, otherwise I'll be shouting for nothing!"

The young woman in Tibetan clothes still looked at Ye Guangrong and Liu Qingqing with some reluctance and said.

"We don't need it, please go away!"

Ye Guangrong looked at the young woman in Tibetan clothes with some displeasure and said.

These scammers are like this, if you are not firm, they will keep pestering you.

The young woman in Tibetan clothes glanced at Ye Guangrong and cursed Ye Guangrong and Liu Qingqing in Tibetan unhappily: "a¥%\u0026amp;amp;..."

After cursing, he turned around and left to find the next target.

"Husband, what did she say?"

Although Liu Qingqing couldn't understand the words of the young woman in Tibetan clothes, she could tell that she was scolding herself and Ye Guangrong.

"It's nothing. It's better not to listen to some curse words!"

Ye Guangrong shook his head and said.

The words that the female liar just scolded were a bit unpleasant, and Ye Guangrong didn't want to translate them.


Seeing that her husband didn't say anything, Liu Qingqing didn't ask any more questions, but took Ye Guangrong's hand and went to the ticket office.

Not far away, a young woman wearing Tibetan clothes stopped a young man who had just gotten out of the car.

"Sir, you haven't bought a ticket yet. If you haven't bought a ticket, you don't have to buy one. The ticket office is too deceptive. One ticket costs three hundred yuan. I can..."


As soon as the young woman in Tibetan clothes said this, she heard a fart sound.

The air immediately filled with stench.

"It stinks!"

The young man covered his nose and walked away quickly.

"You...don't leave. I'm not satisfied with the price. We can still..."

At this point, the young woman wearing Tibetan clothes suddenly felt her butt tightening again, and with a "pop" sound, she began to fart loudly and smelly again.


Before the young woman in Tibetan clothes could relax, another loud and smelly fart came out.

Soon, the young woman wearing Tibetan clothes seemed to have no control over her buttocks, and she kept letting out loud and smelly farts one after another.

"It stinks!"

"What did this man eat? Why did he fart so loudly?"

"It stinks!"

"You look pretty good, why do you keep farting!"

"It's better to go farther away, it really stinks!"

"I've seen people who can fart, but I've never seen people who can fart like this. One after another it's like setting off firecrackers!"

People around the young woman in Tibetan clothing walked away.

Listening to the comments of the people around her and the contemptuous looks in their eyes, the young woman in Tibetan clothes was so ashamed that she had no shame to stay here and hurriedly left here.

As for why she kept farting, the young woman in Tibetan clothes thought that she either ate something bad in the morning or caught a cold last night.

She never thought that she was punished by Ye Guangrong because she just scolded Ye Guangrong and Liu Qingqing just to maintain her temper.

"Two tickets to the Potala Palace!"

At the ticket office, Ye Guangrong said to the conductor.

"Two hundred in total!"

said the conductor.

"two hundred?"

Ye Guangrong was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted, took out two hundred-dollar bills from his wallet, handed them over, and bought two tickets to the Potala Palace.

"A ticket costs 100 yuan. That young woman just lied to us."

Liu Qingqing held the ticket and said unhappily.

It is said that there are many scammers in big cities, and it seems that they are not wrong at all.

The tickets at this ticket office only cost 100 yuan each. Those scammers actually lied to people and said they cost the same as 300 yuan. Many people were deceived and felt that they were taking advantage of the boss.

Fortunately, the two of them were not greedy, otherwise they would have been deceived by the young female liar.

This is not a question of money or lack of money, but that people will feel very unhappy if they are cheated.

"The more crowded a place is, the more scammers and thieves there will be, but the liar just now has received the punishment he deserves."

Ye Guangrong said with a smile.

Just now, Ye Guangrong used his "mind power" to tap several acupuncture points on the female liar's body. Within a month, the female liar would fart non-stop.

"What punishment?"

Liu Qingqing said curiously.

"A month of stinky farts!"

Ye Guangrong whispered in Liu Qingqing's ear.

"Hehehe... Husband, you are too bad!"

Liu Qingqing couldn't help laughing one day.

"Okay, let's go visit the Potala Palace!"

Ye Guangrong took Liu Qingqing's hand and walked towards the entrance of the Potala Palace.


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