The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2226 Uninvited Guest

"This is actually very simple."

As he spoke, Ye Guangrong pointed to a corn cob on the corn stalk next to him and explained to the two little girls: "The simplest and most effective way to see if the corn is ripe is to look at the whiskers of the corn cob. If the whiskers are black, , means it’s ripe, and if it’s any other color, it means it’s not yet ripe.”

Ye Guangrong said as he broke off the corn cob and peeled it open. The corn kernels inside were golden and plump. There was no doubt that the corn was mature.

After figuring out what kind of corn cobs are ripe, Dudu excitedly took Mengmeng's hand and said, "Sister, let's break the corn cobs!"

Two little girls were excitedly breaking corn cobs in the cornfield.

"Sister Mengmeng, look at how big my corn cob is!"

"My corn cob is very long!"

"Hahaha, sister, I broke another long and big corn cob!"

"My corn cob is also big!"

The two girls were still competing with each other to see who could break the bigger corn cobs and who could break the better corn cobs. It didn’t take long for the two girls to fill three baskets with corn cobs.

Looking at so many corn cobs, Ye Guangrong's head felt a little big.

He had only been wandering for a while, but the two girls actually broke off so many corn cobs. Ye Guangrong hurriedly stopped the two girls from continuing to break off the corn cobs. If they continued to break off the corn cobs, it would be a waste.

Ye Guangrong did not cook at noon, but made a whole corn feast by himself.

Golden corn kernels!

Corn braised pork ribs!

Boiled corn on the cob!

Milky roasted corn!

Corn grilled chicken wings!

Golden Corn Pancakes!

A table full of all kinds of corn delicacies!

The nutritional value of corn is very good. It has always been known as a longevity food. It is rich in protein, fat, vitamins, trace elements, fiber, etc. It has the effects of longevity, beauty, eyesight, and prevention of hypertension and coronary heart disease.

Corn also contains a variety of essential amino acids for the human body, which can promote the normal metabolism of human brain cells and help eliminate ammonia in brain tissue. Middle-aged and elderly people often eat corn products to delay aging.

"Husband, what's going on today? Why is there so much corn on the table?"

Liu Qingqing looked at a table full of all kinds of corn delicacies and looked at Ye Guangrong in confusion and asked.

"Ask these two girls!"

Ye Guangrong smiled and pointed at the two girls Mengmeng and Dudu.

The two girls picked so much corn today. If they don't finish it today, although the corn won't go bad if it is left for a few days, the taste will be a little different.

The most delicious corn is the corn just picked from the corn stalks. It has enough sugar and starch, and tastes crispy and sweet.

"Mom, sister Mengmeng and I picked these corns together. I want to share the fruits of labor of sister Mengmeng and me with my mother and aunts."

Dudu said to her mother excitedly.

"That's right, Dudu and Mengmeng are both great!"

Liu Qingqing touched the little heads of Dudu and Mengmeng and said.

"Haha, we want to thank Dudu and Mengmeng for allowing us to enjoy a delicious corn feast."

Nangong Ziyan said with a smile.

After several years of getting along, Nangong Ziyan and her group have completely integrated into the big family of Ye Guangrong, and they even regard themselves as Ye Guangrong's women.

After so many years, Nangong Ziyan and her group of guards have never been in love, nor have they thought about falling in love with any man. They have become accustomed to treating Ye Guangrong as their common man and this place as their home.

Although Ye Guangrong and Liu Qingqing had persuaded them, no matter how Ye Guangrong and Liu Qingqing persuaded them, it was of no use. They just didn't want to find their other half's happiness.

This is also a headache for Ye Guangrong and Liu Qingqing. After all, Nangong Ziyan and the others are already quite old and will be thirty years old in a few years.

Because Nangong Ziyan and the others are all orphans and have been raised by the state since they were young, naturally there are no elders to worry about this important matter of marriage for them.

Ye Guangrong and Liu Qingqing regarded them as their own family members, so they naturally took their marriages seriously and introduced many outstanding men to them, but they were always rejected by them for various reasons.

It's either that he dislikes that one because he's not good-looking, or that he doesn't have feelings for that one. Anyway, he's just dissatisfied in various ways, and he just doesn't want to fall in love.

Ye Guangrong and Liu Qingqing were also helpless.

"These are all made by myself as a chef. Even if you have money, you can't hire a chef like me. Okay, everyone, let's eat while it's hot!"

Ye Guangrong said with some boastfulness.

"Dad, this corn on the cob is so delicious!"

Dudu grabbed a corn cob, put it on his little mouth and bit it, saying happily.

“If it’s delicious, eat more!”

Ye Guangrong said happily.

This Corn Cob Leaf Glory is boiled in water from corn that is medium cooked and medium old. The grains are plump and chewy.

"Uncle, this polenta is also delicious."

Mengmeng was not far behind to please Ye Guangrong and said.

"If it tastes good, drink more. You are all growing taller. Eating more corn is good for your health!"

Ye Guangrong said happily.

This polenta leaf glory is made from corn that is medium cooked and tender, mixed with rice and half a pot of water, and cooked over high heat. Add half a spoonful of sugar to a bowl of polenta and let it cool on the table for a while until the heat has dissipated. It can be said to be a kind of enjoyment to drink a bowl of polenta in this hot season.

Although the portions of the various delicacies made from corn on the table were quite large, they couldn't satisfy everyone's appetites, and they were all wiped out after a while.

“Really delicious!”

Liu Qingqing said with some unfinished meaning.

Looking at the empty table, Ye Guangrong said with a smile: "I'll break some more corn to cook."

"Husband, no need, I'm full!"

Liu Qingqing shook her head and said.

"Master, my stomach is full. If I continue to eat, my stomach will burst."

Ye Piaoyue also said with a smile.

All the dishes cooked by the master are so delicious, and I can eat them until my stomach is full every time, but even so, I still can't help but eat more.

In Ye Piaoyue's opinion, her master's cooking skills are the best in the world.

You must know that Ye Piaoyue has eaten this corn before. Basically, he will get tired of it after eating one or two corns, and he will not want to eat more.

But the corn made by my master is different. Now I still have the fragrance of corn on the bottom of my tongue, savoring the sweet and crisp taste. I have gnawed three corn cobs, drank two large bowls of corn porridge, and eaten a few more. A small golden corn pancake, my stomach can hardly hold it anymore, but I still feel that I haven’t eaten enough.

"Then I declare that today's noon corn feast is officially over."

Ye Guangrong said with a smile.

Eating should be enjoyed to the fullest, but after all, eating until you are seven-tenths full is enough. Eating too much will be bad for your health.

After lunch, Ye Guangrong lay down under the longan tree and took a nap with his eyes squinted. This was Ye Guangrong's habit. If he didn't take a nap at noon, he would not be in good spirits in the afternoon.

"Honey, let's have a meal!"

Liu Qingqing said to Ye Guangrong who had not yet fallen asleep while holding a plate of cantaloupe.

This cantaloupe is grown by Ye Guangrong's family and is watered with diluted "advanced plant nutrient solution", so not only does this melon look like a watermelon, it also tastes particularly good.

Just like now, the strong melon fragrance suddenly overflowed, making Ye Guangrong's mouth twitch uncontrollably, and his saliva almost dripped down.

Even Ye Guangrong, who eats these delicious fruits every day, is still greedy every time. This shows how good the fruits of Ye Guangrong's family are.

Now Ye Guangrong's big melons are sold to hotels, and each one can be sold for more than 10,000 yuan. It has to be said that there are really many rich people in China.

"Feed me!"

Ye Guangrong looked at Liu Qingqing with a smile and said.


Liu Qingqing nodded, picked up a cut piece of cantaloupe and brought it to Ye Guangrong's mouth to feed him.

In fact, Liu Qingqing also enjoys this process very much.

Take a bite gently, the taste is rustling, refreshing, and the juice is like sugar or honey. Especially when your wife feeds it to you personally, the taste can be described in one or two words, "It's so refreshing!"

The days passed by.

In the peaceful Taoyuan Village at night, when everyone was still dreaming, the village roads were deserted. At this moment, a group of uninvited guests sneaked up near Ye Guangrong's yard.

It seems that these people are definitely not from Taoyuan Village. ...

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