The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2227 Lion Mercenary Organization

"You are sure that Professor Ye's family lives here, but don't make a mistake!"

One of the middle-aged men with messy patterns on his face asked ferociously.

"I am certain that this is the home of Professor Ye, who invented effective drugs for cancer and AIDS. I have been staying here for half a month, so I am certain that this is the home of Professor Ye."

The young man next to him, whose face was also covered in messy patterns, nodded and said.

"What about the perimeter security?"

the middle-aged man asked.

"Because I can't enter this courtyard, I only know that there is a security guard at the door. I haven't found out whether there are guards in the courtyard yet. I just heard from the nearby villagers that there is a man named Professor Ye Rongrong who lives in this courtyard. Others They are all beautiful women.”

said the young man.

Although the young man stayed in Taoyuan Village for half a month, because this was a private yard and strangers were not allowed to enter, the young man could only get some useful information from the villagers.

But the villagers in the village don't know much. They only know that Ye Guangrong's family has many beauties. In the minds of many villagers, these beautiful women are actually Ye Guangrong's lovers. No one thinks that these beautiful women are at all. Pretty girls will be guards.

This also made the young man think that there were no guards at Ye Guangrong's house, and there was only a retired special forces soldier at the door as a guard.

"This is impossible?"

Charlie said with some disbelief.

After all, according to the identity and status of the world-famous Professor Ye, he is a national treasure of China. How could the Chinese government not arrange guards to protect his safety?

This doesn't make sense.

But now there is no time for reconnaissance. After all, the time limit given by the employer is running out. Professor Ye must be taken away tonight no matter what.

As one of the top mercenaries in the world, the Lion Mercenary Organization is one of the best in the world in terms of the quality of its personnel and the advanced nature of its weapons.

It's just that in China, the control of weapons is too strict. Even if the Lion Mercenary Organization wants to get some advanced weapons in, it will be difficult.

The weapons everyone has in their hands now are all weapons with average lethality. They were all bought at a high price in China. Weapons from outside cannot enter at all. The few times they smuggled in, they were either disarmed by the Chinese government or local authorities. The organization was in trouble.

The mercenaries who are at ease all over the world are unable to move even an inch in China. As long as they enter the territory of China, they will be monitored by the ubiquitous Skynet. If they are lucky, they will be sent home by the Chinese government. , if you are unlucky, you will disappear from the world in China.

Therefore, if it is not absolutely necessary, mercenaries from various countries will not come to China. It is too dangerous here.

Even the world's top Lion mercenary organization would not easily set foot on the territory of China.

If the employer had not offered a very large price this time, and the top brass of the Lion Mercenary Organization were moved, the Lion Mercenary Organization would never have taken on the task of bringing Professor Ye Rongrong to a certain country.

After all, the danger of this mission is too high.

Moreover, given Professor Ye Guangrong’s international influence,

If people knew that the Lion Mercenary Organization had kidnapped Professor Ye Guangrong, the Lion Mercenary Organization might face a disaster.

You must know that Professor Ye Guangrong invented specific drugs for bird flu, AIDS, cancer, and leukemia.

Before these specific drugs were invented, this disease was a terminal illness. The number of people suffering from these diseases accounted for one-third of the world's deaths every year.

It can be said that Professor Ye Guangrong has made huge contributions to mankind all over the world, and his influence on the world is also huge.

Any person or organization, or even a country, who wants to touch him must weigh his own weight.

If possible, Charlie would not want to lead a team to kidnap Professor Ye Guangrong, because in Charlie's view, this is a very unwise move.

But this was the decision of the top management of the Lion Mercenary Organization. Apart from grumbling in his heart, Charlie had no choice but to obey and bring elites to China to carry out this mission.

In order not to attract the attention of the Chinese government, everyone entered the Chinese border in small groups, and most of the people who came this time were Asian members, and several of them were retired Chinese special forces.

As long as they don't speak, few people will find out that these Asian members are not Chinese.

Everyone has been squatting in Yangping County for a month, and because they have never figured out the specific situation of this yard, their actions have been put on hold.

Charlie also thought about using a drone to monitor the situation in the yard, but every time the drone was shot down by birds in the sky before it flew over the yard.

After the same result three times, Charlie did not dare to use the drone for reconnaissance. If someone discovered that the drone appeared again and again in the sky, it would arouse the vigilance of the security personnel in the yard.

Originally, Charlie wanted to wait a little longer and figure out the situation in the yard before taking action, but the top brass of the Lion Mercenary Organization had given orders to take action tonight, and the organization had arranged personnel to make corresponding preparations. .

This forced Charlie to act hastily before he could figure out the yard.

"Let's go in from the fence on the right. Remember that our mission this time is to kidnap Professor Ye Guangrong's family. Try not to use firearms as much as possible. If you can't hurt people, don't hurt them. Especially if you can't hurt Professor Ye Guangrong's family, this is Do you understand the order above?"

Before taking action, Charlie explained to his team members.



More than a dozen team members nodded and said.

Of course, there are more than a dozen operatives this time, but many people have been arranged by Charlie to provide support in every corner of Taoyuan Village.

Of course, on the highway, Charlie also arranged for response personnel.

You must know that there are hundreds of people in the operation team led by Richard this time alone, not counting the personnel led by others into China to provide support.

It can be said that this time the Lion Mercenary Organization almost all came out for this task.

"Operation, please be quiet and don't disturb anyone. After this mission is completed, everyone can take a good rest for a month."

Charlie explained to everyone.


The team members nodded and climbed up the fence carefully.

For these retired special forces elites from various countries, climbing over this fence is really a piece of cake.

Soon, the dozen or so members of the Lion Mercenary Organization easily climbed over the fence of the yard and entered Ye Guangrong's large yard. ...

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