The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2300 Elementary school classmates

Hearing what Chen Jie said, Ye Rongyao actually blinked and said, "I was just about to say that. Have we met before? From the moment you walked in, I always felt that you looked very familiar. I must have seen you somewhere before."

"Me too. When I walked in, I felt that you looked very familiar, but I just couldn't remember it for a moment..."

Chen Jie thought hard.

Suddenly, Chen Jie's expression was startled, and she looked at Ye Rongyao and said, "You are... Ye... Ye Rongyao!"

At this time, Chen Jie finally remembered why she felt that the "Boss Ye" in front of her was very familiar. He was her elementary school classmate.

Although decades have passed, the shadow of his childhood can be vaguely seen in Ye Rongyao's face, but he has grown up.

"Yes, I am Ye Rongyao, you are..."

Chen Jie recognized herself, but Ye Rongyao still couldn't remember where she had seen her.

"I am Chen Jie. When I was in the third grade of elementary school, I sat in front of you. You always liked to lift my stool during class."

Chen Jie said excitedly.

It was really exciting to meet my elementary school classmate in this strange big city.

"Chen Jie?"

Ye Rongyao recalled in his mind, and he no longer had any impression of this name. After all, there were too many people named Chen Jie. Ye Rongyao remembered more than three women named Chen Jie, but none of them matched the one in front of him.

However, she said that she sat in front of him when she was in the third grade of elementary school, and he especially liked to kick her stool, so Ye Rongyao had an impression.

Recalling the memory of the third grade of elementary school, Ye Rongyao remembered that there was indeed a beautiful girl sitting in front of him at that time. Although everyone was still young at that time, they still had a natural liking for beautiful girls. The reason why Ye Rongyao always liked to mention her stool was just because he wanted to attract her attention.

It was so simple at that time, just simply wanting to attract her attention.

However, 20 or 30 years have passed, and without being reminded, Ye Rongyao can't remember this memory, let alone the beautiful girl who sat in front of him in elementary school.

As for the name, to be honest, Ye Rongyao can't even remember the name of the female classmates in elementary school.

"So it's you, I remember it, I remember it! Oh my! That's really a coincidence!"

Ye Rongyao said excitedly.

I didn't expect to meet my elementary school classmates while having a meal in the provincial capital. It was really extra friendly.

Since Ye Rongyao dropped out of school and went home, he basically didn't meet his elementary school classmates. I didn't expect to meet his elementary school female classmates in this provincial capital.

"No way!"

"Wow, these two are elementary school classmates!"

"This is interesting. They are looking for a drinking companion, and they actually find elementary school classmates."

Li Qingyong and the others were all stunned. Oh my god, you two are classmates!

"Well, are you really elementary school classmates?"

Li Qingyong looked at Ye Rongyao and Chen Jie with some embarrassment and asked.

I invited a female star to come and drink with Ye Rongyao, but I didn't expect that I would invite his elementary school classmate.

This thing made Li Qingyong not know what to say.

"Yes, I really didn't expect to meet Ye Rongyao here!"

Chen Jie said excitedly.

Chen Jie still had a deep impression of the boy who sat behind her in elementary school, because he always liked to kick her stool and let her quarrel with him.

And he was the kind of person who never changed after repeated criticism.

I just didn't expect that after nearly 30 years of not seeing each other, he has become a big boss, and I... I seem to have achieved a lot too!

At least he was once a popular first-line female star in the Chinese entertainment industry!

"Haha, then you are really destined to be together!"

Li Qingyong said with a smile.

"Yes, I really didn't expect it!"

Chen Jie said excitedly.

Ye Rongyao looked at Chen Jie and said, "When did you become a star? I haven't heard about it."

"It's normal.

After finishing elementary school, my family moved to the city. I basically have no contact with my elementary school classmates. It's normal that everyone doesn't know about my situation, just like I don't know that you have become a big boss."

Chen Jie said with a smile.

"I'm not a big boss, I'm just idle at home,"

Ye Rongyao shook his head and said.

"I don't believe it. Don't worry, I won't borrow money from you."

Chen Jie said jokingly.

"If you don't believe me, ask Mr. Li if I'm idle at home now!"

Ye Rongyao said with a smile.

"I can prove this point. Rongyao is indeed free, but no matter how free he is, he has more money in his pocket than us." Li Qingyong said with a smile. It seems that Chen Jie invited the right person. Look, the atmosphere is getting better. "If you hadn't remembered me, I really wouldn't have remembered you. You have changed so much. Women change a lot when they grow up. They are really different every year! How did you recognize me?" Ye Rongyao said with a smile. "I felt familiar with you when I just came in, especially with those thick eyebrows. Your last name is Ye. I remembered it in my mind after recalling it." "You women still have good memories!" Ye Rongyao said with emotion. "It's not that we women have good memories, but that you men don't change as much as we women." Chen Jie shook her head and said. Ye Rongyao sighed: "Yes, time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, everyone has entered middle age." The past is like a shuttle. Youth is gone.

The meal was eaten until eight o'clock, and Ye Guangrong left early.

Because in the evening, Ye Guangrong promised his precious son to video chat with him at eight o'clock in the evening.

"Chen Jie, I didn't expect that you and Ye Guangrong were classmates in elementary school."

At the door of the hotel, Li Qingyong said with a smile.

"Yeah, I didn't expect to meet him here either."

Speaking of this, Chen Jie remembered something and looked at Li Qingyong and asked: "Mr. Li, what is my classmate doing now? I think you are very supportive of him..."

"Respectfully, right?"

Chen Jie didn't say those two words, but Li Qingyong said it for her.

"That's not what I meant. I'm just curious about what my elementary school classmate is doing now. He avoids this topic and doesn't talk at the wine table."

Chen Jie said curiously.

Women are inherently curious animals. The more you don't tell her, the more curious she becomes and the more she wants to know.

Now Chen Jie was particularly curious about what sound Ye Guangrong made.


Li Qingyong thought for a moment and said: "His status is priceless. Don't you want to become famous again now? You can find him. As long as he says hello to some people, you can become famous. It is not a problem to become an international superstar." ”

"No way, his status is so powerful?"

Chen Jie looked at Li Qingyong in disbelief and asked.

"I won't say much, and I can't say it. If you want to become famous in the entertainment industry, you can go find this elementary school classmate of yours."

After Li Qingyong finished speaking, he ignored the shocked Chen Jie, got into his car and left.

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