The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2301 Borrowing the Kitchen

Watching Li Qingyong get into the car and leave, Chen Jie stood at the door of the hotel and hesitated for a while. After gritting his teeth, Chen Jie walked into the hotel.

After the banquet, Ye Guangrong came out of the hotel's kitchen.

"Sir, this is the kitchen of our hotel, you can't go in."

As soon as Ye Guangrong walked to the kitchen of the hotel, he was stopped by the hotel staff.

The back kitchen of every hotel is an important area of ​​the hotel, and no idlers are allowed to enter.

"I know this is the back kitchen, I just want to borrow a stove from your back kitchen to use."

Ye Guangrong said.

"That's not okay. Our hotel stipulates that outsiders are not allowed to enter the kitchen. Sir, please understand."

The female staff member shook her head and said.

Even the hotel's waiters are not allowed to enter the hotel's kitchen at will, let alone a guest.

"Call your kitchen manager over."

Ye Guangrong said to the female staff member.

Ye Xiandie was in a bad mood and had not eaten until now. Ye Guangrong planned to cook her an egg fried rice himself.

This requires the use of the hotel's kitchen.

"Sir, even if the person in charge of the kitchen comes over, he will not allow you to enter the kitchen. If you need to eat, you can ask our chef to cook it for you."

The female staff member shook her head and said.

"I want to make egg fried rice, but your chef can't make it taste the way I want, so I want to make egg fried rice myself. You'd better ask the person in charge of the kitchen to come over, or the general manager of your hotel to come over."

Ye Guangrong said.

"Sorry, our general manager is off work. I can ask the person in charge of our kitchen to come over."

The female staff member glanced at Ye Rongrong and said.

The main reason is that although Ye Guangrong's dress is very low-key, for the staff working in a five-star hotel, their taste is very sharp.

The female staff member could tell at a glance that Ye Rongrong's unbranded high-end clothes were all specially made. This kind of specially made clothes was not something that ordinary rich people could obtain, and they required a certain social status.

Soon, the female staff member invited the person in charge of the kitchen over. He was a fat old man, probably in his early sixties.

"I am the head chef of this kitchen. My surname is Zhang. Do you want to borrow our kitchen?"

Chef Zhang looked Ye Guangrong up and down and asked.

"Yes, I want to make an egg fried rice."

Ye Guangrong nodded and said.

"Egg fried rice, it's simple. We can make it for you. Our hotel has regulations. Outsiders are not allowed to enter the hotel's kitchen."

Chef Zhang shook his head and said.

"You can't make such delicious egg fried rice, so I'll make it myself."

Ye Guangrong said.

Ye Guangrong is very confident that there is no other person in the world who can make egg fried rice that is more delicious than him.

"Are you a chef?"

Chef Zhang asked, staring at Ye Rongrong.

"No, you just need to lend me a stove. I'll make an egg fried rice and go back."

Ye Guangrong said.

"This is not okay!"

Chef Zhao still refused to let Ye Guangrong enter the kitchen.

For every chef, the back kitchen is their territory, and outsiders will not be allowed in easily.

Seeing that the head chef wouldn't let him enter the back kitchen, Ye Guangrong was a little helpless. He couldn't force his way in.

After thinking about it, Ye Rongrong picked up his cell phone and called Zhang Wansan.

This hotel is one of the five-star hotels in the chain opened by Zhang Wansan. Ye Rongrong did not expect to call Zhang Wansan in order to borrow a chef.

The call got through soon. Ye Rongrong told Zhang Wansan about the situation and hung up.

"It doesn't matter who you call. The back kitchen is the heart of the hotel and no outsiders are allowed to enter."

Seeing Ye Guangrong hang up the phone, Chef Zhao said with a smile.

Ye Guangrong didn't speak, just waited quietly.

At this moment, Chef Zhao's cell phone rang. Chef Zhao saw that it was the hotel general manager's call.

"Mr. Zhao..."

"um, yes……"

Chef Zhao couldn't help but glance at Ye Guangrong in surprise, and continued talking on the phone, "Okay,...well...Don't worry, Mr. Zhao, I know how to do it."


Soon, Chef Zhao put down his cell phone and said to Ye Guangrong respectfully: "You are Mr. Ye, I'm so sorry, I..."

"I just want to borrow your kitchen!"

Ye Guangrong directly interrupted Chef Zhao's compliments and said.

"Of course, of course, please...please..."

On the phone just now, Mr. Zhao repeatedly said that he must meet all the requirements of Mr. Ye. If he is not happy, the entire kitchen staff will directly settle their wages and leave tomorrow.

If he could not tell that the middle-aged man in front of him was a very distinguished person, he would have lived more than sixty years in vain.

Ye Guangrong didn't waste any time. He walked into the kitchen and directly found a stove.

"Mr. Ye, how can I help you?"

Chef Zhao asked Ye Guangrong.

Ye Guangrong looked at the various food items on the shelves in the kitchen, shook his head and said, "No, I can do it myself."

After speaking, Ye Guangrong stopped paying attention to the others and began to collect food by himself.

After ordering some leftover white rice from today, Ye Guangrong put the white rice aside. Then Ye Guangrong picked up the carrots next to the chopping board and began to cut them evenly...

This knife skill and these fluid movements immediately stunned all the chefs in the back kitchen.

"This knife skill..."

Chef Zhao also opened his mouth.

This is extremely fast, yet smooth and harmonious to the extreme.

This shocking visual impact left Chef Zhao's mind empty, with no thoughts emerging at all, just like a dream.

Ye Guangrong ignored the shock of the chefs in the back kitchen and didn't stop moving his hands for a moment.

Put an appropriate amount of oil in the pot and heat it to about 70% hot, pour the rice into the pot and stir-fry.

During the frying process, Ye Guangrong used chopsticks to stir up the rice to keep the integrity of the rice grains and let the rice dance in the oil pan.

After the rice is fried and scattered, turn on the high heat. At this time, each fried rice grain will perform a tap dance in the pot, accompanied by a crackling sound.

Take an appropriate amount of eggs and beat them in a bowl, then quickly pour them over the dancing rice and stir-fry so that every grain of rice is evenly coated with a layer of egg liquid...

Three minutes later, Ye Guangrong put the fried egg fried rice in the pot onto a clean plate.

At this time, the chefs in the kitchen just woke up from a dream and returned to their bodies. As the chefs returned from their dazed state, everyone looked at Ye Guangrong as if they were looking at monsters.

Is this person making egg fried rice or performing a magic show?

He chops vegetables, cooks, and flips the pot so fast that his naked eyes can hardly keep up with his rhythm. Although the movements are very fast, extremely fast, the fried egg fried rice looks golden and very beautiful.

Especially the aroma of egg fried rice is extremely pleasant, giving people an unstoppable appetite. The fragrance of chopped green onion, the mixed aroma of eggs and rice, and the smell of just the right amount of golden dragon oil make people feel unbearable. The urge to feast.

Everyone was drooling when they saw it, and I really wanted to rush over and take a few bites.

"Mr. Ye... Mr. Ye, your egg fried rice is great!"

Now Chef Zhao finally understood why Mr. Ye said that people like him couldn't make the egg fried rice taste the way he wanted.

It really can’t be done!

Regardless of the color, flavor, or flavor, no one can make it!

Chef Zhao feels inferior when it comes to making this egg fried rice.

"It's okay, thank you for being the chef!"

Ye Guangrong said something to Chef Zhao and left with the egg fried rice.

After all, my daughter is still hungry!

Seeing Ye Guangrong walking out of the kitchen, Chef Zhao turned to stare at the pot where Ye Guangrong had fried egg fried rice just now. There were still a few golden egg fried rice on it.

Chef Zhao picked up the spoon, collected all the golden egg fried rice in the pot, and put it into his mouth.

Immediately, I felt the warmth and aroma of the fried rice melting into my mouth.

Savor carefully, the eggs are crispy, the green beans are tough, the ham is firm, the rice is soft, the mushrooms are tender, and the shrimps are fresh. There is an indescribable feeling from the tip of the tongue to the root of the tongue, giving people an endless aftertaste.

"Master, how does this taste?"

A young chef looked at Chef Zhao curiously and asked.

"Beautiful, really beautiful. This is definitely the best egg fried rice I have ever eaten."

Chef Zhao said with an intoxicated look.

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