The eyes of the people waiting outside also looked at each other. Hearing that Liu Qingqing was about to give birth, President Zhang of the county hospital just came over immediately.

Dean Zhang knew it, as did several leaders of the county party committee. In addition, Xiao Sier secretly sent a message to his daughter-in-law, and many people came to the foundation.

Now in the aisle outside the operating room, there are a lot of people around, and everyone is very anxious.

Under the watchful eyes, the door of the operating room was pushed open from the inside, and a female doctor came out. She obviously saw Dean Zhang's, but she saw that several leaders of the county party committee were here.

The two doctors and two nurses who came out immediately took a deep breath, and looked at the people in the corridor a little cautiously. The situation was a bit big, and the county party leaders were all here.

This is really scary.

These doctors and nurses are now curious about the identity of Mr. Ye, but no one knows it.

This is mainly due to the fact that today's young people don't watch the news much. You must know that Ye Rongrong has been on the Huaxia News Network. Although it is only a few seconds, people like Dean Zhang can remember Ye Rongrong.

As for the other people, because they felt that such a character was too far away from him, they didn't pay attention, and of course they couldn't remember Ye Rongyao.

Seeing the doctor coming out, Ouyang Lizhu immediately asked anxiously, "Doctor, how is my daughter?"

The female doctor recovered from the shock and said to Ouyang Lizhu with a smile: "In there, congratulations, mother and daughter are safe, they are a daughter!"

After the female doctor said that the mother and daughter were safe, the pot was fried in the corridor, and everyone was very happy.

Especially Director Zhang of the County People's Hospital, heaved a long sigh of relief, knowing that since Mr. Ye's wife was hospitalized, Director Zhang has not been able to sleep well, eat well, and work hard for the past two days. Not in the mood to do it.

Every hour, I have to call to ask about the situation, for fear that something may go wrong.

Because Dean Zhang knows that if something goes wrong, he will be the dean.

Some hospital directors prefer leading cadres to see a doctor in their own hospital, so that they can walk their horses, but there are also hospital directors who do not want their leaders to see a doctor in their own hospital.

Because if it is cured, it is fine, but if it is not cured, the trouble will be big.



As soon as she heard that the mother and daughter were safe, Ouyang Lizhu's restless heart was relieved.

"Born! Great!"

"Still a little princess!"

"Definitely beautiful!"

"The child is so small, how can he look so beautiful!"

"Sister Qingqing is so beautiful, and her daughter will definitely inherit her beautiful genes."

"That's for sure, and Brother Ye is also very handsome, and their daughter must be very beautiful."

"Doctor, how much does the child weigh?"

After hearing that her daughter was safe, Ouyang Lizhu began to care about the child.

"It's six pounds and three taels."

"Hehe, not bad, quite slender!"

Ouyang Lizhu said happily.

"What about people, why haven't people come out yet!"

Fang Bolin asked anxiously.

"Why so many people!"

Ye Rongrong hugged the child and walked out of the operating room. Seeing so many people outside, he said in surprise.



Seeing Ye Rongyao carrying the child out and Liu Qingqing sitting in a wheelchair behind and being pushed out by a nurse, the people waiting outside immediately became excited.

Liu Qingqing's mental state is also looking good, but his face is relatively poor, and he still feels so pale, and the sweat on his head is faintly visible, and he smells haggard.

"Brother Ye, quickly show me the baby." Pan Chengchen said excitedly.

"I'm asleep, everyone, be quiet, don't disturb her!"

Ye Rongrong said in a low voice.


Hearing Ye Rongyao say this, everyone dared not speak out loud.

"Qingqing, are you alright?"

Ouyang Lizhu asked about her daughter.

"Mom, I'm fine, I'm just a little powerless."

Liu Qingqing said.

In addition to weakness, there is also a leg that does not dare to move, and it hurts a little when I move.

"It's fine."

Ouyang Lizhu was relieved to see that her daughter had no other problems except her pale face.

At this time, looking at Ye Rongrong, Ouyang Lizhu couldn't help frowning, "This baby can't be held like this, let me come."

Ouyang Lizhu walked up to Ye Rongyao and said.


Ye Rongyao was a little reluctant to give up, but he still gave "Dudu" to his mother-in-law.

After all, she was right, she wouldn't hold a child at all.

This can't blame Ye Rongyao, Ye Rongrong is the first time to officially hold a baby when he grows up, how can he know how to hold a baby comfortably!

"Glory, have you named the child?" Liu Yifei asked.

"Take it, the real name is Ye Xiandie, and the nickname is Dudu."

Ye Rongrong said happily.

"Ye Xiandie, Dudu, the name is really nice."

Liu Yifei nodded and said.

"Everyone, don't be here anymore, hurry back to the ward, do the children and adults have to rest?"

The middle-aged female doctor said.

This child has just been born and needs to sleep. After a pregnant woman gives birth, people are very weak and need to rest. Now that so many people are crowding the aisle, it is not a problem.

"Yes, yes, hurry to the ward."

After being reminded by the doctor, everyone reacted, and this is not the time for everyone to be surprised.

"This is for you, hard work!"

Ye Rongyao took out a red envelope from his pocket and handed it to a doctor.

There is a habit in rural areas, that is, if someone delivers a baby to his wife, he will give a red envelope, and the person who helps will also give it.

Although the child was delivered by himself, these doctors and nurses also helped, and this red envelope is indispensable.

Of course, in the past, children born in rural areas were all born at home. If they did not go to the hospital, they had to give red envelopes to the midwife.

As for giving birth to a child in the hospital and giving the doctor a red envelope, I hope that the doctor will take special care of his wife, reduce the pain of his wife, and let the child be born healthy and healthy.

And Ye Rongyao gave red envelopes to doctors and nurses, just to be happy, who made himself happy.

Of course, the deep-seated reason is that Ye Rongyao can't spend all his money now!

At such a festive moment, Ye Rongyao of course wanted to spread his wealth to please the celebration.

You know, before the child was born, Ye Rongyao prepared a lot of red envelopes, and each red envelope contained 200 yuan.

Ye Rongrong thought about it, as long as the day his child was born, everyone he met would give him a red envelope.

Let everyone be in a good mood today.

"Thank you, I can't take this!"

The female doctor was startled and hurriedly shook her hand and said.

What a joke, the hospital department clearly stipulates that doctors cannot accept the red envelopes given by the patient's family, otherwise they will be dealt with seriously.

Now that the director of my hospital is here, and there are so many county leaders, if I openly receive red envelopes, would I still want to do it!

Usually it’s okay to secretly receive red envelopes, but now in this situation, even if a female doctor is killed, they dare not accept red envelopes.

Didn't you see the dean's eyes glaring over?

As long as she accepts this red envelope, the female doctor estimates that she will wrap the package and leave tomorrow.

"Take it, it's okay, everyone has it."

Ye Rongyao put the red envelope directly on the doctor's hand, and before she could react, he sent red envelopes to several other doctors and nurses.


The female doctor wanted to cry, this red envelope was hot in her hand!

I really don't want it, I dare not!

"Take it all, this is Mr. Ye's heart."

Seeing the uneasy expressions of these doctors and nurses, the county magistrate Hou Yaohui said.

After all, if there was no opening, these doctors and nurses would really not dare to accept the red envelope given by Ye Rongrong.

These doctors and nurses couldn't help but look at President Zhang.

After all, the county magistrate is not as good as the current one. In the hospital, the director is the one who controls everyone's lifeline.

"Take it, thank you Mr. Ye."

Dean Zhang nodded and said.

The county magistrate has spoken like this, how dare Dean Zhang say no!

"This is for you?"

Ye Rongrong handed the red envelope to Dean Zhang and said.

"give me?"

Dean Zhang was dumbfounded, how come he has a red envelope too!

"Yes, it's festive, everyone has a share, accept it!"

Having said that, before Dean Zhang could recover, he put the red envelope in his hand.

"Okay, other people's red envelopes, I'll send them out when I'm in the ward."

After giving President Zhang a red envelope, Ye Rongrong said.

"Hehe, no, we also have red envelopes!"

Wang Dafu said with a smile.

"Of course, today is so festive, everyone has a red envelope!"

Ye Rongyao said with certainty.


Wang Changbo said with a smile.

"Okay, the elevator is on, let's go."

At this time, the elevator in the aisle opened, Ouyang Lizhu said while holding the child.

With so many people, one elevator would definitely not be able to squeeze it, and the key could not be squeezed. There are children.

"Little sister, I'll give you a red envelope."

Walking into the elevator, there is a mother and daughter, the girl is only seven or eight years old.

Ye Rongrong came in and gave the little girl a red envelope.

"Mom said you can't take things from strangers."

The little girl did not take Ye Rong's red envelope, and explained the reason to Ye Rong.

"Ha ha……"

"Ha ha……"

Hear the little girl.

Wang Dafu and several people couldn't help laughing.

"Well, today my wife gave birth to a daughter, I'm happy, so I give everyone a red envelope to celebrate!"

Seeing the girl's mother looking at him vigilantly, Ye Rongrong explained with a smile.

Today's children are much smarter than those children when they were young. At that time, if they had money and a red envelope to take, they would just take it and run away.


Seeing Ye Rongyao say this, and looking at Ye Rongyao's group of people who don't look like bad people, the woman also breathed a sigh of relief and said to Ye Rongrong.

"Thank you, this is your red envelope."

Saying that, Ye Rongyao handed a red envelope to the woman.

"I have that too?"

The woman said in surprise.

"Yes, there are."

After giving the woman a red envelope, Ye Rongrong took another red envelope, squatted down and said to the little girl, "Look, your mother has already accepted the red envelope, do you want to accept the red envelope from your uncle?"


Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry that some accidents happened to the local lazy group 4 of the system. Many people were forcibly withdrawn. It has been dealt with. The number of group 4 is 415~224~848, and group 1 has been upgraded to a large group of 2,000 people. (To be continued.)

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