The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 906 Sister

"Thank you, uncle."

The woman said to her daughter.

Some people give away money for free, so don't be stupid. Of course, women are very happy for their daughters to get red envelopes.

Not to mention such a festive red envelope.

"Thank you uncle."

The little girl took the red envelope and thanked Ye Rongrong.

"Really polite kid."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile, touching the little girl's head.

In a few years, my daughter will grow up and be so polite.

Ye Guangyao couldn't help thinking.

Soon the elevator will reach the fourth floor.

"Uncle, goodbye!"

The little girl said politely to Ye Rongyao, and followed her mother out of the elevator.

"What a cute little girl!"

Seeing such a polite little girl, Ye Rongrong felt that her future daughter would be as cute as her.

"Two hundred, this man is so rich!"

Walking out of the elevator, the woman opened the red envelope and saw that it turned out to be two hundred-yuan bills, and she was in a good mood.

Unexpectedly, I was so lucky today that I met a local tyrant and sent a red envelope.

"Give you a red envelope!"

"Give you a red envelope!"

When he got out of the elevator, Ye Rongyao gave red envelopes to everyone he met along the way.

It's a pity that there are few people on the top floor. The people I meet along the way are basically doctors and nurses. Ye Rongrong prepared more than 100 red envelopes. After this journey, only 20 red envelopes were sent, and there were more than 100 red envelopes. .

"Wife, I'll take you to bed!"

In the luxurious ward, Ye Rongyao was lying on the bed with Liu Qingqing in his arms.


Baby! "

Liu Qingqing's eyes never left the child in his mother's arms.

"Mom, let Dudu sleep beside Qingqing!"

Ye Rongrong said to the mother-in-law who was holding the child happily.

"it is good!"

Although very reluctant, Ouyang Lizhu still held her baby granddaughter beside her daughter and let her sleep beside her mother.

"Everyone, don't stay here, let Qingqing have a good rest."

Ouyang Lizhu said to a group of people.

After all, so many people are crowded in the room, it seems crowded, and it also affects the rest of his daughter and granddaughter.

"Let's sit in the living room."

This room is the most luxurious ward in the County People's Hospital. It has a separate large living room. Generally, it is for the senior leaders of the county. When guests come, there is also a separate living room to receive others.

"Come on, I'll give you a red envelope!"

Ye Rongrong distributed big red envelopes to everyone who came.

"No, I came here to give red envelopes to children, how did I become a recipient of red envelopes." Wang Changbo said with a smile.

As soon as he heard that Ye Rongyao's child entered the delivery room, it was born immediately. Wang Changbo also specially asked his daughter-in-law to take out a red envelope and wrapped a large red envelope. Before this red envelope could be given to the child, he accepted Ye Rongyao's instead. Red envelope.

This thing is quite interesting!

"Hehe, who makes me happy!"

Ye Rongrong said happily.

Ye Rongyao was really happy today. With so many red envelopes sent out, he didn't feel bad at all, but he was very happy. It meant that the whole world should celebrate.

"Indeed, congratulations, this is my red envelope for the baby!"

Wang Changbo took out a big red envelope from his bag and handed it to Ye Rongrong.

Originally, this red envelope was to be given in front of the child, so it could be regarded as a greeting gift, but now that the child and the adults were going to rest, Wang Changbo had to hand the red envelope to Ye Rongrong.

In this area of ​​Yangping County, when a child is born, the elders will give the child a red envelope, which means good luck.


Ye Rongrong didn't refuse either, these are all red envelopes for children, auspicious.

"I gave this to the baby. I wish the baby good health and happiness!"

"Congratulations, Brother Ye, this is my gift to the baby!"


Soon Ye Rongrong received a stack of red envelopes in his hands.

These red envelopes, Ye Rongrong did not refuse a single one, and accepted all of them according to the order.

In Huaxia, people pay attention to etiquette, and Ye Rongyao is too lazy to be polite, so he accepts it all. When they have a festive event, they can add some more money and return the favor.

"Okay, I won't disturb your rest!"

Wang Changbo stood up and said.

After all, so many people are here, and it also affects the rest of their children and adults. When this favor arrives, just leave quickly, and see that the children can come back in a few days.

Soon, all the people left. After all, this adult has just given birth and needs to rest. Too many people can easily affect the adult's rest.


After sending everyone away, Ye Rongyao remembered that he hadn't called Mr. Liu yet.

Ye Rongrong took the mobile phone and dialed Mr. Liu.

"Hey, grandpa, Qingqing gave birth to a baby, and gave birth to a little princess. Mother and daughter are safe!"

Ye Rongyao said excitedly when he saw the phone call.

What Ye Rongyao likes most now is to let everyone share their joy together.

"Born, good, good!"

The old man laughed.

Mr. Liu's laughter was so loud that everyone around him could hear it.

After calling the old man, Ye Rongyao called his father-in-law again.

"Dad, Qingqing is born!"

The phone is connected, Ye Rongyao said on the phone.

"Born? Great, is it a boy or a girl?" Liu Yunlong asked excitedly.

I never thought that I would become a grandfather so soon!

"It's a girl!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"Girl? The girl is good! The girl is close to her father."

After Liu Yunlong was stunned for a while, he said to Ye Rongrong.

Liu Yunlong was worried that his son-in-law in the countryside would prefer sons over daughters.

His daughter gave birth to a girl for him, fearing that Ye Rongrong would be unhappy.

"Yes, my daughter is very good!"

Ye Rongyao nodded and said.

It is said that the daughter is her father's caring little padded jacket and her father's lover in his previous life. In fact, Ye Rongrong still likes girls very much.

At the very least, girls are not as naughty as boys, making their parents worry.

Besides, Ye Rongyao likes all his children, regardless of gender.

Of course, if you want to give birth to a boy, you must have a boy.

You must know that this daughter is going to marry sooner or later and become the daughter-in-law of someone else's family.

Ye Rongrong didn't want to wait for his husband and wife to grow old and not have a single child by his side.

So after two years, let his wife give birth to a boy.

After announcing the good news to his father-in-law, Ye Rongrong thought about it and dialed a number.

It's been a long time since I called this number.

But for such an important matter today, Ye Rongrong felt the need to make this call.

Soon, the phone will be connected!

"Hey, who are you?"

A voice that was both unfamiliar and familiar came from the phone.

Hearing his sister's voice, Ye Rongrong couldn't help but think of being with his sister when he was a child.

It's a pity that every bit of the past has become a memory.

"Sister, it's me!"

Ye Rongyao was stunned for a while, then said a little excitedly.

In this world, apart from his wife and children, his sister is Ye Rongyao's closest person!

It's a pity that she is married to a sister in a foreign land, and it is difficult to come home to see it.

There is a brother-in-law who looks down on him very much, and Ye Rongrong will not go to his sister's house to see her.

So as not to look at his brother-in-law's disgusting eyes.

Ye Rongrong has the same temper as his father, sometimes very stubborn!


Hearing Ye Rongyao's voice, Ye Rongyao's sister couldn't help being a little excited.

Ye Rongyao's sister is called Ye Xiaoqin, she is eight years older than Ye Rongyao, and there is a big two-year difference between her siblings. When Ye Rongyao was young, her parents were very busy.

So the relationship between the two siblings is very good, it can be said that the elder sister is like a mother!

It was only ten years ago that Ye Rongrong's sister had no contact after marrying away from home.

After all, once a woman gets married, her heart is no longer in her parents' family, and her focus is on the husband and the child.

"Sister, it's me!"

For some reason, Ye Rongrong felt a little strange, and some didn't even know what to say.

Time can make many familiar people become unfamiliar.

"Brother, are you okay now?"

Hearing her younger brother's voice, Ye Xiaoqin couldn't help but her eyes were red, and she was such a relative at her parents' house.

Since my parents passed away, I haven't gone back to my hometown to take a look!

It's not that I don't want to go back to see it, but there are many reasons why I can't go, because of work, and because of family.

In the end, the biggest reason is money.

For ordinary people, this kind of long-distance travel costs thousands of dollars, not to mention other consumption.

Therefore, for many children who are married far away, they have not returned to their hometown to see their parents for a year or two.

It's not that they don't want to, but the pressure of life makes them have to resist the urge to go home and take a look.

"I'm fine, sister. I have good news for you. Qingqing gave birth to a girl."

Ye Rongrong said happily.

After the death of his parents, the person Ye Rongrong wanted to share his joy with was his sister.

"That's great!"

Hearing this news, Ye Xiaoqin was also very happy, and was sincerely happy for her younger brother.

Back then, my parents found such a beautiful and fairy-like daughter-in-law for their younger brother.

Ye Xiaoqin was very worried about whether her younger brother would be able to keep such a beautiful one too much. At first glance, she was a charming girl from a big family.

After all, the condition of the younger brother is the same. He is a lazy person, and he has no great ability. Although he is tall, five, and three thick, the grains are not divided, and he has never even planted the land.

A delicate eldest lady who has not just finished farm work from a big family, even if she repays her favor by marrying her younger brother, Ye Xiaoqin has no idea how long this life will last.

But he couldn't raise any objection. The condition of his younger brother was there, and the girls in the nearby eight townships disliked his younger brother and were unwilling to marry him.

Now that a girl is finally willing to marry him, it's too late for the family to be happy, how can they think about whether they can hold it in the future!

You can't let your brother be a bachelor for a lifetime!

In the words of his mother, when the two have children, the family will be stable.

After all, before a woman has a child, she is wronged or dissatisfied, and it is easy to run away.

But after giving birth to a child, it is different. After a woman gives birth to a child, she will accept her fate and stay for the sake of the child.

It's just that this beautiful younger brother and sister is married, and they are not pregnant, which makes Ye Xiaoqin, who is a sister, very uneasy, for fear that this beautiful sister-in-law will run away.

You must know that your younger brother and Liu Qingqing have not received a marriage certificate from the civil affairs department except for the banquet.

Even about this sister-in-law, except for her name and age, the family does not know anything about it.

Especially her mother's family, her sister-in-law is tight-lipped, and she doesn't leak a word.

It was her name and age, which she said herself, and no one could tell whether it was true or false.

In case of running away, I don't know where to find this sister-in-law.

Now that she finally has a child, Ye Xiaoqin is sincerely happy for her younger brother. Only if a man has a wife and children can he be considered a complete family. (To be continued.)

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