
Ye Xiaoqin was so moved that she didn't know what to say, but her man was still very good.

"Okay, that's all."

Zhao outline said. The main reason is that Zhao Gang didn't want to mention his lazy brother-in-law, and when he mentioned it, he became very angry.


After three days in the hospital, Liu Qingqing didn't want to stay anymore and wanted to go home.

Although the living conditions in the hospital are very good, Liu Qingqing just wants to go home.

If you have a gold den and a silver den outside, you just don’t feel as good as your own dog kennel.

Ye Rongyao also felt that there was nothing to do in the hospital. After all, it was not a caesarean section, and he had to stay in the hospital for ten days and a half months.

Women who give birth naturally can usually be discharged from the hospital in three to five days.

Because there is nothing at all in the hospital, the most uncomfortable, the doctor came to check.

And these, Ye Rongyao is much more powerful than the doctor in Yangping County. After all, Ye Rongrong is a doctor at the level of "skilled doctor".

To be honest, Ye Rongyao didn't want to stay in this hospital too much. The disinfectant smell was too strong. Although the disinfectant can kill many harmful bacteria in the ward, it is not good for the human body.

Before the discharge operation, Ye Rongyao must apply for the child's birth certificate. Without this birth certificate, the child will not be able to register.

The birth certificate is the first and most important document after the birth of a child.

This certificate proves that the child is yours. If you don't have this certificate, it means that the child is a black household. The police station will not give you a household registration, and many things will not be done in the future.

Ye Rongrong took the birth certificate issued by the doctor, as well as his and Liu Qingqing's ID card, marriage certificate, and birth certificate, and went to the window on the first floor to apply for a birth certificate.

Before giving birth to a child, you must have a birth certificate. Without a birth certificate, some hospitals will not give you a birth certificate, but now there are not so many requirements. You can apply for a birth certificate and register with a household registration with or without a birth certificate.

This is a kind of progress in the system. In the past, if someone's child had an overbirth,

To pay a high fine, if you do not allow, you will not be able to register.

This has created a dark life for many people, it is difficult to go to public schools, it is difficult to travel far, and it is even impossible to get married legally...

The staff at the work window on the first floor of the inpatient department all remembered Ye Rongrong, a good man, and the hospital director should humbly please him.

How dare these staff members neglect Ye Rongyao, they quickly gave Ye Rongyao a birth certificate, and told Ye Rongyao to go to the fifth floor of the outpatient building to receive the first-child subsidy.

With the birth certificate, Ye Rongyao came to the fifth floor of the outpatient department building to receive the first-child subsidy, which was only 500 yuan, but Ye Rongrong still received it.

After all, if you don't take this money, it will go into some people's pockets and breed corruption, so in Ye Rongyao's opinion, this subsidy must be taken away, instead of making some people cheaper.

After everything was done, Ye Rongrong went downstairs with Liu Qingqing, Xiao Si'er had already parked the car under the inpatient department building.


"It still feels good at home! We're home, baby"

Back at home, Liu Qingqing was very happy and said happily holding the baby.

"Yeah, it's better to be at home. The smell of the sad disinfectant in the hospital makes me want to vomit."

Ye Rongrong said happily.

It still feels good at home. Back at home, Ye Rongyao is as happy as Liu Qingqing.


In the afternoon, many people came to Ye Rongyao's house, all of them from the village. They all came to see Liu Qingqing after giving birth in the hospital.

In the countryside, the human touch is particularly strong. If anyone has a happy event, everyone in the village will come to the happy event.

Especially for a big happy event like Tianding, the elders in the village will come.

"Glory, congratulations, you have become a father!"

Ye Xianghai, an old villager, said when he saw Ye Rongrong who was handing out cigarettes in the yard.

When Liu Qingqing came back from the hospital, the news spread in the village. As soon as the old village chief heard the news, he got 20 or so eggs from home, packed them in red bags, wrapped them in a red bag, and sent them to Ye Rongyao. Come home.

"Yeah, I'm a dad!"

Ye Rongrong said to the old village chief with a smile.

Today, Ye Rongrong doesn't know how many people from the village he has received, and they all come to congratulate him.

If so many people usually come to his house, Ye Rongyao will feel very annoying.

But today Ye Rongrong is not only not annoying, but very happy, because he has become a father and has a son.

"Boy, girl?" the old village chief asked.


Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Daughter is good, now you don't have to worry about raising a daughter when she grows up. If you know how to be filial, raising a child is not enough. You have to worry about it for the rest of your life."

The old village Ye Xianghai said.

Although it is a big truth, it is said, but it is not the same thing when it is done.

Let's take Ye Xianghai, don't mention Fei, just mention that during the Chinese New Year last year, let's give the children lucky money.

This old secretary has not been fair, the male grandchildren should be more, and the female grandchildren should be much less.

Typical patriarchal old man.

"Yeah, I thought so too"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile. Ye Rongrong knew that the old village chief was enlightening himself, afraid that he would be unhappy with having a daughter.

"What about the child?"

Ye Xianghai asked.

"In the living room!"

Ye Rongrong smiled and led the village chief into the living room.

Today, so many people from the village come to see the child, this child will definitely be held out for everyone to see and to accept everyone's blessings.

"Yes, he looks a lot like you!"

Ye Xianghai glanced at the child in Aunt Zhang's arms and said with a smile.

"Hehe, is it like me? I still hope she is as beautiful as her mother, and if a girl is like me, it will be broken!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

In fact, the child is so young, Ye Rongyao can't tell who it looks like after all, Ye Rongyao always feels that the baby is just born and looks similar.

"Oh, that's it!"

The old village said with a smile.

There is no problem with this boy growing up like Ye Rongyao, it would be a pity if this girl looks like Ye Rongrong.

It is best for a girl to be as beautiful as her mother Liu Qingqing.

"Did you marry the name?"

"Married, her name is Ye Xiandie, her nickname is Dudu!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

Since having this little guy, Ye Rongyao's smile has been much more than before!

"Yes, it sounds good, this is a greeting gift for the child."

Saying that, Ye Xianghai took out a big red envelope from his pocket and gave it to the child.

In this area of ​​Yangping County, whoever has a baby will give a red envelope to the elders, especially the newborn, and some elders who have a good relationship will give a red envelope.

Just this afternoon, this little guy Dudu has already received more than 20 red envelopes, and it is estimated that there will be more in a few days.

There are many red envelopes, some are tens of thousands of yuan, and some are more than 300 yuan. In the area of ​​Wenzhou, although many places are very poor, the relationship between people is very large, and many families live for a year. One-fifth of the income is used for this relationship.

In Wenzhou folk, when some people marry a daughter-in-law, they will check how many brothers the woman has and how many are married. If there are many brothers, but none of them are married.

It is worth considering whether this daughter-in-law should marry or not.

You must know that in Wenzhou, the elder brother-in-law and the younger brother-in-law get married, but the brother-in-law will bleed a lot, ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

It doesn't matter whether you have money or not, you still have to give this amount, even if you borrow money, you have to give this sub-money.

Many Wenzhou people sighed, "I'm not afraid of the sky, and I'm not afraid of the earth, just shoot my brother-in-law to get married and have a baby."

These red envelopes for children, Ye Rongyao handed over to Liu Qingqing for registration, and these human favor red envelopes are all recorded and will be returned in the future.

Ye Rongyao and Liu Qingqing discussed the money for the children, and set up a special card to store in the bank, which will be dedicated to the children's school fees in the future.


Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

This morning, in the Ye family's bedroom.


The baby cries continuously.

Ye Guangyao, who was lying in the bed, was woken up, he turned over and he was so sleepy that he didn't open his eyes.

But the cries were still in his ears, making noise in his ears, Ye Rongyao was depressed, since he had this child, Ye Rongyao had hardly had a peaceful life, not to mention sleeping late in the morning, he would wake up to the crying of the child in the middle of the night.

To change the baby's diaper, to give the baby milk powder.

At the beginning, Ye Rongyao was still very excited, he must take care of the children by himself, and said that he wanted to be a nanny.

But it was really done, Ye Rongyao even wanted to jump off the building, he didn't expect to see the child so tired, Dudu would not be able to stay idle for a moment, this big night, at least two or three times to wake up. .

It's not feces or urine, it's just hungry, so young, can't speak, can't express emotions, and can do all he can do is cry.

My wife was in confinement and couldn't move. At night, except for Ye Rongrong, she was embarrassed to let others come into the bedroom to help.

The happiest thing about Ye Rongyao now is that during the day, he gave this girl to Aunt Zhang and his mother-in-law to take care of them.

Ye Rongyao now understands that it is really not easy for this woman to have children.

It's more tiring than working in the fields!

Not only have to be patient, but also careful, but also to be attentive.

Ye Rongyao is a lazy person, he can do this job there!

On the first day, I was excited and happy, but after two or three days, I couldn't take it anymore.

I don't think it's a man's job.

After a while, the crying stopped.

Ye Rongrong rubbed his eyes and looked sideways, only to see his wife lying beside him also woke up.

Liu Qingqing picked up the baby from the bed, lifted her clothes and fed her.

"Dudu" was sucking milk with his eyes closed.

"Wife, I want to drink milk too!"

Seeing Liu Qingqing breastfeeding the child, Ye Rongrong couldn't help but feel a little envious.

Since the birth of "Dudu", Liu Qingqing has not allowed himself to drink milk, saying that the milk is not enough, and the children are not enough to drink, where can I give him a drink!


In the evening, there is an entertainment, and the second is later. (To be continued.)

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