The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 909: Meet the Little Monkey Again

"Hehe, how old are you, and you still want to drink milk!"

Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Rongrong with a smile and said.

"Wife, just treat me like a child!"

Ye Rongyao stared at his wife's full position, feeling a little jealous.

Baby girl, you have now taken up your father's breastfeeding position!

Before there were no children, he was No. 1 in Liu Qingqing's heart, but now that he has children, Ye Rongyao found that his family status was really declining!


Liu Qingqing glanced at his man and said.

In fact, Liu Qingqing also knows that his man has been holding back for too long, and Liu Qingqing also wants to satisfy his man, but the doctor said that he can't have intercourse within two months.

"Wife, you look prettier after giving birth."

Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Qingqing and said.

Before she was pregnant, Liu Qingqing was thin, especially slender.

After giving birth, her figure is much plump now, but Ye Rongrong is not worried. With her own medical skills, Liu Qingqing's figure can be recuperated by herself in a few months.

But to be honest, Liu Qingqing's plump appearance now looks very beautiful.

more mature face.

A more sensual body.

Fuller peaks.

Compared with before, it is a little more attractive.

"Husband, don't look at me like this, but the doctor said that we can't have the same room for two months."

Seeing her husband looking at him with colorful eyes, Liu Qingqing couldn't help but say uneasy.

After all, when her husband looked at his eyes now, it was as if he was going to be stripped and swallowed alive.

"Look how much you think, is your man like that? I just want to take a sip!"

Ye Rongyao put his head close,

I want to grab food with my baby girl.

"Hehe, husband, I don't have your share!"

Liu Qingqing pushed his man's head away with a smile and said.

Before the baby was born, I could eat whatever I wanted, but now that the baby is born, the baby doesn't have enough food, so how can I give him this big stomach king.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have drunk three or two mouthfuls.

"Wife, I'm thirsty, give me a drink and I'll be fine."

Ye Rongrong stared at Liu Qingqing's fullness, and envied the baby who was breastfeeding deliciously.

I'm thinking of the baby girl in my heart, save a bite for your father!

"I'm thirsty, pour water and drink it myself, I'm not used to your problem."

Liu Qingqing said that Ye Rongyao was not allowed to drink it. Now in Liu Qingqing's heart, his children are the first.

As for my husband, I had to move back.

"Depressed, I won't sleep anymore, I got up, let Aunt Zhang help you."

Although it's still early, Ye Rongyao can't sleep anymore. After drinking milk, this baby girl will have to change her diaper. Ye Rongyao always fails to fix that thing, so she just doesn't sleep anymore, let Aunt Zhang come into the house.

After all, if a big man doesn't get up, Aunt Zhang and her are too embarrassed to come into the house!

"Husband, I have wronged you. After a few days, I will be confinement. It will be fine."

Knowing that she has worked hard on her man these two nights, Liu Qingqing said apologetically.

"Well, I'll ask Aunt Zhang to come in and change the baby's diaper."

Ye Rongrong said, got up, put on clothes, and went out.

Although it was a little after six o'clock in the morning, Aunt Zhang and the others had already woken up.

"Glory, why did you get up so early today?"

Ouyang Lizhu looked at her son-in-law with some doubts and asked.

You must know that your son-in-law usually doesn't get up so early.

"Mom, Dudu she woke up, and Qingqing is breastfeeding her!" Ye Rongrong said.

"Wake up, then I'll go in and have a look."

After speaking, Ouyang Lizhu went to the bedroom. In fact, Ouyang Lizhu liked her precious granddaughter, and she was worried that her eldest son-in-law could not take care of her precious granddaughter.

Seeing that his mother-in-law had entered the bedroom, Ye Rongyao thought about it, and then drove out the Audi Q7. Ye Rongrong was going to go to the town to buy some paper money, red candles and other offerings.

Now that I have a child, I have been busy a few days ago and have yet to go up the mountain to burn paper money for my parents and tell them the festive news.

Now that it was still early, Ye Rongrong was going to buy some offerings and went to the mountain in the morning to worship his parents.

The small shops in the town opened very early. When Ye Rongrong arrived in the town, it was not even seven o'clock, and the shops in the town were basically open.

Ye Rongyao bought some offerings, some more fruit, and a few fruit bowls, and then Ye Rongrong drove home.

"Glory, where have you been? It's time for breakfast."

Seeing Ye Rongyao driving back, Ouyang Lizhu said to Ye Rongyao.

"Mom, eat, I have something to do."

After Ye Rongrong took the sacrifice from the car, he said to his mother-in-law.

"What's more important than eating?"

Ouyang Lizhu looked at Ye Rongyao suspiciously and asked.

"I'm going up the mountain to worship my parents, and I'll eat when I get down."

Ye Rongyao said, he took the sacrifice and walked out. There are people here, of course, Ye Rongyao will not use Lingbo Weibo.

Walking to the foot of the mountain, there was no one on the side of the mountain in the early morning, Ye Rongyao directly used "Lingbo Microsteps" to travel in the forest.

Ten minutes later, Ye Rongyao arrived at his parents' cemetery.

Although Ye Rongyao often came over to clean up the weeds on the edge of his parents' cemetery, every time he came over, the vigorous weeds began to grow again.

After Ye Rongrong put down the sacrifice, he took out the sickle from the Qiankun ring and began to clean up the weeds in his parents' cemetery.

Unlike many people who clean up the weeds on the cemetery of their elders during Qingming and Chinese New Year, Ye Rongyao will go to the mountains to clean up the weeds in the cemeteries of his parents, grandfather and grandmother basically every three months.

It can be said that Ye Rongyao is lazy, it can be said that Ye Rongyao is a bitch, but one thing must be admitted, Ye Rongyao is really a filial person.

It took Ye Rongyao an hour to clean up the weeds on the edge of the cemetery, lit red candles, and arranged sacrifices. Ye Rongrong sat at his parents' place and chatted with his parents in front of the tomb.

In the more than a year since his parents passed away, Ye Rongyao has been very sad, and even a little self-sacrificing, but now that he is better, the sadness in his heart is much less.

After all, the dead are gone, and the living must continue to live.

Every time Ye Rongyao had a happy event, he would come to his parents' tomb to share with his parents.

As for the painful things, Ye Rongyao certainly wouldn't tell his parents, lest they still worry about themselves in the kingdom of heaven.

"Mom, Dad, my son is here to see you again. Today my son is here to announce the good news to you."

"I think if I don't say it, you can guess what happened."

"Yes, your daughter-in-law, Liu Qingqing, gave birth to a girl. When she was born, she weighed six pounds and three taels. She was very cute."

"Liu Qingqing's grandfather named the child Ye Xiandie, a very nice name, and I also gave the child a nickname, Dudu."

"She is still young and can't come to see you. When she is older, I will bring her to show you. She is very beautiful and cute."

"Dad, Mom, let me tell you some good news. My sister will be here in a few days, and she will come to see you then."


Ye Rongyao sat in front of the tomb and chatted alone for half an hour before getting up and burning all the paper money and sending it to his parents.

After all the paper money was burned, Ye Rongyao put out all the open flames and was ready to leave.


Suddenly, a cry not far away caught Ye Rongyao's attention.

Ye Guangyao walked towards the source of the sound involuntarily.

"This is?"

Ye Rongrong couldn't help being stunned by the scene in front of him.

I saw a skinny monkey being entangled by a big python, and the whole body was entangled by the big python except for the head and legs.

The big python did not bite the thin monkey, but entangled the little monkey, trying to suffocate the little monkey to death.

The main method of the python to attack its prey is not its mouth and teeth, but the entanglement of its body.

Many prey were suffocated and suffocated by the python, and then swallowed by the python.

I don't know why this little monkey was so unlucky, and was entangled by a big python.

You must know that if you are entangled by such a big python, even a wild boar may not be able to escape, let alone a little monkey.


The little monkey went to Ye Rongyao, the little monkey squeaked at Ye Rongyao in a hurry...

Seeing the little monkey's eyes asking for advice, and the helpless struggle of the little arms and legs, and hearing the little monkey's tender and desolate cry, Ye Rongrong couldn't help but feel compassion.

In fact, Ye Rongrong felt a little familiar when he saw this little monkey.

I remembered that this little monkey was the little monkey who threatened him in the woods when he took Liu Qingqing and the others up the mountain last time.

In this way, it is considered an old acquaintance.

Looking at the situation of this little monkey, it is estimated that it won't last long, Ye Yaoyao hurried over.

The big python also noticed Ye Rongyao, looked at Ye Rongrong with its head, and kept sticking its tongue out, in order to threaten Ye Rongrong not to come.

It's a pity that it threatened the wrong person. Ye Guangyao was not afraid of it at all, and walked over directly, grabbing the python's head when the python's mouth was about to bite him.

The big python felt that his head was under control and couldn't move, so he let go of the little monkey and wrapped around Ye Guangyao.

But before the boa constrictor's body approached Ye Yaoyao, Ye Guangyao grabbed the boa constrictor's head and threw the boa constrictor a dozen or so far away.

This python is a national protected animal, Ye Yaoyao is too lazy to kill it, throwing it so far is to give it a way to survive. If it doesn't know what to do, Ye Yaoyao will not be polite.

However, this big python also realized that it was not Ye Rongyao's opponent. After landing on the ground, after struggling for a while, it quickly swam into the grass and disappeared. (To be continued.)


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