The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 913 2 missions


Ye Rongyao was in a good mood now, so he gave the little monkey a peach.


The little monkey holding the peach was so excited that he brought the peach to his nose and sniffed the fragrance of the peach with his eyes closed.


The parrot "Sakura", who was enjoying the shade on the longan tree, saw the peach in the hands of the little monkey, and his eyes lit up. While the little monkey was still intoxicated, he flew over and took a big bite on the peach.


The little monkey, who was still intoxicated, was blinded by "Sakura" all of a sudden, reacted, took the peach behind his back, and then roared at "Sakura" dissatisfied.

The little monkey was really angry, this peach was reluctant to take a bite, but was bitten by this broken bird.

The little monkey has the heart to kill this broken bird.

"Okay, stop arguing."

Ye Rongyao couldn't help shouting loudly.

Now that there are children at home, no noise is allowed in the yard.

Seeing that the master had spoken, the little monkey could only reluctantly run out of the yard with the peach bitten by "Sakura".

Seeing that the yard was quiet, Ye Rongyao went to the door of the guest room, but after thinking about it, Ye Rongrong turned around and walked towards the study.

It's not noon, and it's always easy to feel weird going to the guest room to sleep.

Walking into the study, Ye Rongyao closed the door, sat down on the sofa in the study, and thought entered his mind.

As soon as Ye Rongyao's thoughts entered his mind, the electronically synthesized voice of the "lazy system" sounded in his mind: "Congratulations to the host for completing the upgrade task of the lazy system, the upgrade of the lazy system is completed."

"The host has learned a lot of skills by completing the tasks of the lazy system, becoming an excellent lazy person, and a rich lazy person."

"But these are just pre-transformations of the host, in order to allow the host to have the basic conditions to upgrade to an excellent and perfect lazy person."

"Excellent lazy man, perfect lazy man,

It is not to make the host a lazy person who eats and waits to die, but to cultivate the host into an almighty lazy person, a lazy person who will last forever. "

"Only after thousands of lives, the story of the host is still circulating in people's mouths, is a perfect lazy person, the highest state of a lazy person."

"After the upgrade of the lazy system, the functions of fame and honorary titles have been added, and the items in the lottery will be more colorful..."

Soon, the electronic synth sounds of the "lazy system" were gone.

"View properties!"

After waiting for two minutes, the electronic synthesis sound of the "Lazy System" did not sound, Ye Rongyao said silently in his mind.

Host gender: male

Host Age: 29

Host Reputation: None

Host honor: none

Host level: Excellent lazy person.

The host's physical condition: general elite.

Host life skills: God-level chef (cook), intermediate-level acupuncture, intermediate-level medicine, advanced animal taming, 10,000 language experts, winemaking, master-level Go skills, advanced carving.

Host's other skills: Taijiquan, Iron Cloth Shirt, Grandmaster-level Qin Art, Grandmaster-level Painting Skill, God-level Hacking Technology, Gambling Skill, Advanced Driving Skill, Lingbo Microstep.

Host Special Attributes: Water Attribute, Psychic, Detection, Treasure Sensing, Wind Attribute

Host Glory: 60

Looking at the attributes, Ye Rongyao found that the attributes increased the host's reputation and the host's honor, and the host's knowledge reserve was missing.

Nothing else has changed from before.

As for the host's reputation and host's honor, the display is nothing, which makes Ye Yaoyao a little confused. I don't know how to get this fame and honor.

"The lazy person system task, the host completes the honorary title of becoming a starting point platinum writer within one month, the lazy person system rewards 200 glory points, if the task fails, the host will be punished for failing to receive the lazy person system task for one year."

Qidian is a serial website for online novels. It is the website with the largest number of readers, authors, books, and positive news. It is awarded the title of Qiqi "Platinum Writer", and the host can become one of the most influential figures in the online literature world.

Just when Ye Rongrong was struggling with the host's reputation and how to obtain the host's reputation, the electronic synthesis voice of the "lazy system" came from his mind.

It turns out that this host honor is also accomplished by doing quests.

It's just that it's a bit difficult to become the title of "Qiqian Platinum Writer", after all, I have just published a novel on Qiaodian Chinese website.

And this novel, I still want to write it, I don't want to write it, I don't want to write it, and this update is completely at my own will.

You must know that in order to become a "Qi Qi Platinum Writer", you must have considerable popularity and bring considerable profits to Qi Qi Chinese website.

Although I have made a lot of money for this "Devil Slayer", I still have a considerable distance from being a "Platinum Writer".

Although he had a headache, Ye Rongyao could only do it bravely. After all, this "lazy system" is just such a urgency. If you don't complete the task, it won't tell you sympathy. How should you punish it? how to punish.

"The lazy person system task, the host completes the 'Squire Celebrity' fame task within half a year. The lazy person system rewards the host with 300 glory points for completing the task. If the task fails, the host will be randomly selected for a skill."

Just when Ye Ronghao had a headache how to complete the task of "Starting Point Platinum Writer", there was an electronic synthesis sound of "Lazy System" in his mind.

Mission again?

Ye Rongyao couldn't help but feel happy, it was the first time that Ye Rongyao had encountered two consecutive missions like this.

After thinking exited from the "lazy system", Ye Rongrong thought about it, and then boarded QQ, which was basically never logged in.

Soon, a message for adding a friend popped up, Ye Rongyao clicked, it was Qilin's.

Of course, Ye Rongyao knew about this unicorn. It was the editor in charge of Qiqi Fantasy. Ye Rongyao saw the message he sent to himself in the background of Qidian writer.

Ye Yaoyao clicked "Agree" to enter the communication interface.

Before Ye Rongyao could send a message, Qilin's message came: "My brother, you finally appeared, I've been waiting for the beard to be white."

Qilin is really depressed. She has never been so frustrated by that writer. She has been waiting for a few days, and the writers at the starting point have sent him messages.

The author named "Taoyuan Hermit" was stunned that he would not reply to him, and even his application for friend information had never been passed.

If it were an ordinary author, Qilin would have been dead long ago. If you don’t want to sign a contract, don’t even think about signing it. Now there are more people writing online novels, one more is not much, and one is less.

But the novel written by this "Taoyuan Hermit" is very good. For such an author, don't talk about yourself, the editor-in-chief asks three times a day.

If he doesn't sign the contract again, Kirin's hair will turn white.


I’m sorry, my body can’t take it anymore, let’s update it with 2,000 words first, what I owe, I will feel better in a few days and make up a chapter. (To be continued.)

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