The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 914 The Great God Covenant

"Sorry, I've been busy recently!" Ye Rongrong said.

"Is that "Devil Slayer" originally created by you?" Qilin asked.

Even so, it has not appeared on the Internet, but in order to avoid unexpected copyright issues, Kirin still has to ask solemnly.

"I wrote it." Ye Rongrong said.

Although this "Devil Slayer" was drawn by Ye Rongyao in the "Lazy Man System" lottery, but this "Lazy Man System" belongs to Ye Rongrong, let alone this "Devil Slayer".

Therefore, Ye Rongrong's face did not blushed, and he admitted without a heartbeat that he wrote this "Destroyer of Demons" himself.

"That's great, let's sign."

Kirin said bluntly.

Originally, the signing was to find the signing editor, but Qilin was worried that the "Taoyuan Hermit" was dragging on like this again, and ignored the signing editor. Just in case, Qilin decided to sign the "Taoyuan Hermit" himself.

"Wait, I want to ask, can I sign a platinum contract?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

To become a "platinum author" at the starting point, you must sign this platinum contract. After signing this platinum contract, Ye Rongrong can be regarded as a platinum author.

"I'm afraid this won't work. Platinum writers have conditions. It is necessary to have one finished novel with a value of more than 10,000, and the second book must be more than 10,000 before you can apply for a platinum contract. I want to sign with you now. It's a to sign a contract."

Kirin said.

Compared with the contracts of other levels of authors, the platinum contract has much better conditions, so it is also much stricter. Without that condition, you would never even think about signing a platinum contract.

This platinum contract does not even have the authority of the editor-in-chief. After all, the company can only sign the contract after the company's top management meets to study and agree.

"A sign?"

Ye Rongrong was a little dissatisfied.

Although Ye Rongrong didn't sign the contract, people who often read novels certainly knew the starting point of the a-money contract, which was the last money in hand.

"I'll discuss with the editor-in-chief to see if I can get you a big deal.


Kirin said. After all, this "Devil Slayer" is very popular now, and there is no recommendation yet. The collection has reached 250,000, and the reward has exceeded one million.

This kind of achievement is better than the works of all platinum writers. Although it does not meet the conditions for signing a platinum contract, it is possible to sign a great contract.

"Great God contract? Can you fight for a platinum contract!" Ye Rongrong said.

The task of the "lazy system" this time is to become a platinum writer at the starting point, and it is necessary to sign this platinum contract.

"This, I'll ask the editor-in-chief!" Qilin said with some thought.

After all, this platinum contract is not something that the editor-in-chief can apply for. The editor-in-chief must apply to see if he can sign a platinum contract with this "Taoyuan Hermit".

"All right!"

Ye Rongyao also knew the request, which made the editor in charge a little embarrassed.

If it was so easy to sign a platinum contract, there would not be so few platinum writers at the beginning.

Ten minutes later, Kirin appeared again on QQ.

"I discussed with the editor-in-chief just now. The editor-in-chief said that at most, you can only sign a contract with the Great God, but if your average subscription reaches 50,000, the editor-in-chief can apply for a platinum contract for you."

Kirin said.

For online sites, authors who can bring a lot of income and influence to the site can apply for a platinum contract.

After all, the share ratio of this platinum contract is the same as that of other writers from Qidian. After signing the platinum contract, Qidian website, in addition to a large number of recommendations, also gives priority to the development of publishing, game and film and television copyrights.

"All right!"

This matter, the authority is on the Internet, Ye Yaoyao can only reluctantly agree.

"Contract, do you see if there is any problem?"

Qilin sent Ye Rongyao a contract template of the Great God's Covenant.

"it is good."

Ye Rongyao read it roughly and found no major problems. The only thing that made Ye Rongyao uncomfortable was that there was a stipulation in the contract that the author was not allowed to open books on other websites.

"no problem."

Ye Rongyao said after reading it.

"Wait, I'll take care of it."

As Qilin said, he was working on the contract of this great covenant.

Soon Ye Rongyao's QQ interface jumped out of the prompt to accept the file.

Ye Rongyao clicked "Agree" and received the file soon.

"Print out the contract, and write all the places that need your signature. It is in triplicate, and three copies of the front and back of the ID card are also required. After all are completed, they will be mailed to this address."

Kirin said.

"it is good."

Ye Rongrong felt that there was no problem.

"Don't make a mistake in remembering the ID number and bank information, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

Kirin said.


Ye Rongrong replied.

"Well, when the contract arrives, I will transfer the status for you immediately. The backstage of the signed book has a regular release function. At that time, you can release the chapters regularly."

"This is good."

Ye Rongrong said happily.

After all, Ye Rongyao was not used to posting chapters on the computer regularly every day, so Ye Rongyao either didn't publish chapters, or published chapters twenty or thirty all at once.

"It's best to update two chapters a day before it's on the shelves. After it's on the shelves, it can break out properly, but it's better not to keep coming and going for a few days like it is now. This is the biggest taboo in writing online articles, and..."

Because Ye Rongyao is a novice author, Qilin introduced Ye Rongyao the things to pay attention to when writing online articles.

Under normal circumstances, the editor-in-charge would not give the author such careful notice of matters to be aware of, but Ye Rongrong was different. The "Destroyer of Demons" he wrote is really popular now.

The editor-in-chief and the editor-in-chief of the analysis, if this is on the shelves, it is estimated that it is not less than 30,000 yuan.

"Okay, I'll fill out the contract and send it to you."

Ye Rongyao said, turned on the computer on the desk, and transferred the files on the mobile phone to the computer in the study.

Ye Rongyao's current study has a printer and a copier, so there is no need to go to a special copy shop to print and copy.

Soon Ye Rongyao printed out all the documents, printed three copies in total, and filled out the three contracts according to the prompts.

Soon Ye Rongyao filled out the three contracts, checked them carefully, and there was no problem, so he made three copies of the front and back ID cards.

Basically, the contract was settled, Ye Rongyao decided to go to the SF Express in town to send the contract after lunch.

After all, in China, this SF Express is the fastest.


"It's killing me, I can't sit still."

After lunch, Zhao Jie touched her round belly and said.

It's not that Zhao Jie is fat, and it's not that Zhao Jie is pregnant. How could she be pregnant with a big girl.

This is all food. It was the first time I ate Ye Rongrong's food. After the first bite of food, Zhao Jie didn't stop her chopsticks. That person looked like someone who had been hungry for three days and three nights. It seems.

Zhao Jie reluctantly put down her chopsticks until her stomach couldn't hold it anymore. If her stomach could hold another bite of food, Zhao Jie would never put down her chopsticks.

This dish is so delicious, it's simply human food.

Zhao Jie has never eaten such delicious dishes, even the dishes prepared by the chefs of the five-star hotels are not as delicious as the dishes on this table.

"Who made you eat so fiercely!"

Ye Xiaoqin looked at her daughter with a smile and said.

To be honest, Ye Xiaoqin ate a lot of food herself, but she didn't gobble it like her daughter.

After all, there is still her own mother here, so Ye Xiaoqin should also pay attention to her image. She can't let her sister-in-law's parents look down on her!

It's just that this meal from her brother's house is so delicious that Ye Xiaoqin doesn't feel like she has enough.

But the dishes on the table were empty, and there was nothing to eat.

"Mom, this dish is really delicious!"

Zhao Jie touched her stomach and said a little embarrassedly.

This table dish is so delicious that I can't even care about my image!

Now thinking about the way she had eaten just now, Zhao Jie felt that she was too unladylike, and it was too embarrassing!

"Yeah, Aunt Liu, your dishes are really delicious!"

Ye Xiaoqin said to Aunt Liu, who was sitting opposite her.

You must know that Aunt Liu cooked all the dishes today.

Ye Xiaoqin and Aunt Liu have known each other for not a day or two. When Liu Shen married in Taoyuan Village, Ye Xiaoqin was already in junior high school.

Aunt Liu joined Taoyuan Village, and Ye has 20 years. Ye Xiaojuan has never heard that Aunt Liu is very good at cooking.

Who knew she could have such cooking skills.

There was just one thing that Ye Xiaoqin couldn't figure out. Aunt Liu's cooking skills were so superb, why didn't she open a restaurant.

You must know that with the cooking skills of Aunt Liu, the Kay Hotel is definitely making a steady profit, which is much better than that of her younger brother's house.

"Xiaoqin, don't compliment me. Where is my cooking skills? It's because your food is so good."

Aunt Liu shook her head and said.

Although under the guidance of Ye Rongrong, Aunt Liu's cooking skills are already very good, but Aunt Liu knows that this dish is so delicious.


Ye Xiaoqin didn't understand what Aunt Liu meant.

"Sister, the dishes I ate today were all grown by me. This fish is also raised in my own fish pond. It's all natural. It tastes better than ordinary dishes. Of course, Aunt Liu's cooking skills are also better. It was much better before..."

Ye Rongrong said.

Apart from the conditions of the dish itself, there is nothing to say about Aunt Liu's cooking skills. Now Aunt Liu's cooking skills are no worse than the chefs of ordinary hotels.

"Brother, have you grown vegetables?"

Ye Xiaoqin asked suspiciously.

Ye Xiaoqin still knows very well what kind of person his younger brother is. He is a person who does not distinguish between five grains. His parents have especially spoiled him since he was a child, and they never let him work in the fields. He doesn't do it.

Now listening to her brother's farming suddenly, Ye Xiaoqin finds it inconceivable.

What happened in these short two years has brought about such a big change in his younger brother.

"Sister, where can I plant what? I asked the villagers to help me plant the land. Now I make money by selling vegetables!"

Seeing that his sister looked at him suspiciously, Ye Rongrong explained.

"Growing vegetables makes so much money?"

Ye Xiaoqin asked suspiciously.

"Sister, haven't you tried the taste of this dish? The price of such a delicious dish is definitely not cheap."

Ye Rongrong explained.


After lunch, Ye Rongrong didn't rest, so he drove to the "SF Express Company" in the town.

After putting the contract in a paper bag, and paying the courier fee of 20 yuan, Ye Rongrong went out of the door of SF Express, ready to drive back.

"Quick, someone over there is going to jump off the building!"

"What, someone is going to jump off the building!"

"It's a little girl who wants to go to the top of the building and wants to die!"


The second is much later. (To be continued.)


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