The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 915 A young life

"Anyone going to jump off the building?"

Ye Rongyao saw a group of people running forward before Ye Rongyao reached his parking spot.

Listening to their conversation, Ye Rongyao understood that someone was about to jump off the building.

This seems to be the second time I have jumped off a building. What's wrong with people now?

Thinking of Wang Yan's eldest sister who was rescued by him last time, Ye Rongrong didn't know what it was for this time, and someone else jumped off the building because of his anger?

You know, apart from extreme helplessness and sadness, no one should choose to end their life early.

It is the nature of Chinese people to like to watch the fun, and it is the same for Ye Rongyao.

Curiosity urged Ye Rongyao to walk forward.

Soon Ye Rongyao came to follow the crowd to the bottom of a building, where a group of people watching the fun was already inside and out.

People pointed to the top of the building.

Ye Rongyao looked up and saw a young girl standing at the top of the building. Although she was far away, Ye Rongyao's eyes were much better than the average person. At a glance, she could see that this was an eighteen or nineteen-year-old girl. A girl in the flower season, in a pure white dress.

Suicide at such a young age?

This made Ye Rongyao a little puzzled, what kind of blow did this girl suffer.

However, Ye Yaoyao heard screams when he regained his senses from thinking.

Ye Rongrong immediately raised his head and saw that the girl had already jumped from the top floor.


Ye Rongrong came back to his senses, and immediately used Lingbo to walk to the position where the girl had fallen.

It's a pity that the girl fell too fast. When Yerong Yao arrived at the position, the girl had already landed.

The whole person was already bloody, and Ye Guangyao didn't even need to take a second look at that tragic appearance, he knew that he was no longer saved.

The girl is dead.

Jumping from a building as tall as thirty, unless there is a miracle,

Otherwise it's a dead end.

Looking at the bloody girl, Ye Rongrong felt a little regretful.

Almost, almost, I can save this girl myself.

But now he can only watch her die in front of him, this feeling, Ye Rongrong feels particularly bad.

It seems that he is not omnipotent, and the god of luck will not always revolve around him. Sometimes, many things, even if they are strong enough for their own sake, are powerless.

However, Ye Rongrong felt that he had done his best, so he didn't blame himself very much.

After all, this is a jump from a high-rise building, and the process only takes two or three seconds, and it is too late to react quickly.

In fact, Ye Rongyao's behavior just now is also very dangerous. Although Ye Rongyao's "iron shirt" has become a big one, but if Ye Rongyao wants to pick it up with his hands, he will take a lot of risks. Both hands will be dislocated.

"Whoa... Whoa..."

At this time, the police and firefighters had just arrived, but unfortunately they were late, and the girl had already passed away.

But this time, everyone didn't say that the police were too slow to dispatch the police. The process was too fast. Even Ye Rongrong hurried over when he heard that someone was about to jump off the building. It didn't take a minute for the girl to jump off the building.

Ye Rongrong estimated that the girl jumped downstairs without thinking much when she reached the top of the building, and did not give everyone a chance to persuade or rescue her.

Otherwise, with Ye Rongyao's ability, she would definitely be able to save this girl, but unfortunately, she did not give Ye Rongyao a chance to rescue her.

This may be the time, the fate, everything is predestined, and no one can change it.

"Light rain, light rain, woo woo..."

Just when the police came to the scene, a middle-aged woman also came over. Seeing the girl who was dead on the ground and covered in blood, she jumped up and cried.

Soon, there were several people around the dead girl's body, all of whom were the girl's relatives. The middle-aged woman who was holding the girl and crying was the girl's mother.

It turned out that their family lived in this building. The girl's mother was entertaining guests at home. She didn't even know that her woman ran to the top of the building and jumped off the building. She only knew when someone called her and hurried over.

It's a pity that it's still a step too late, the mother and daughter are already separated by yin and yang, and they can't say a word in this life.

"what happened?"

Now the police are starting to ask what happened and why it happened.

Because Ye Rongrong was so close, he also roughly understood why the girl chose to commit suicide by jumping off the building.

It turned out that the girl who jumped off the building was named Chen Xiaoyu, who was a college student this year and was admitted to the Modu University of Posts and Telecommunications with a score of 578.

Just three days before she was going to sign up, she received an unfamiliar phone call. The other party claimed that she had a 2,000 yuan bursary to be distributed to her.

Before this unfamiliar phone call, Chen Xiaoyu had received a notice from the education department for grants.

It turned out that on August 26, she received a call from the education department, asking her to go through the procedures for the bursary, saying that the money would be paid in a few days.

Since the call from the education department received the day before was genuine, they did not doubt the authenticity of the call at that time.

According to the request of the other party, Chen Xiaoyu put the 12,000 yuan that he was going to pay for the tuition into the account provided by the liar...

However, when it was time to sign up, the money was never called back, and even when the phone was called again, no one answered. Chen Xiaoyu realized that he had been deceived.

This made Chen Xiaoyu very sad. After all, the 12,000 yuan was borrowed by Chen Xiaoyu's mother to get her to apply for university.

This is all gone at once, which is undoubtedly unbearable for this single-parent family who lost their father very early.

Hearing that all the money was defrauded by the liar, Chen Xiaoyu's mother couldn't stand the excitement and beat Chen Xiaoyu.

The original registration on September 1 has not been completed, and there is no money. How can I sign up?

These days, Chen Xiaoyu's mother has been borrowing money everywhere to see if she can get her daughter's university studies together.

Although Chen Xiaoyu's mother was angry that her daughter was not up to the standard, money was so easily deceived by a liar, and she complained that her daughter was such a big deal, she didn't discuss it with her in advance.

But he still worked hard to raise money to fulfill his daughter's dream of going to college.

As for missing the registration time, Chen Xiaoyu's mother felt that if she went to ask the leaders of the university to send some gifts, she should be able to accommodate her.

It's a pity that Chen Xiaoyu's mother never thought that her daughter would find a shortcoming.


Hearing the cry of the teenage mother who was still lying on the ground dripping with blood, Ye Rongrong couldn't help but feel a deep hatred for these information frauds.

I don't know how many people this information fraud has harmed.

Ye Rongyao also often received some fraudulent text messages.

There are even countless scam calls, but fortunately, Ye Rongyao only knows so many people, some unfamiliar numbers, call them, and they are close to him, and Ye Rongyao always hangs up without saying who he is for a long time.

This kind of set is close, and if you don't say who he is for a long time, 99% of them are liars.

The most annoying thing about Ye Rongyao is a kind of liar. If he doesn't come to call you, he hangs up after one or two rings and waits for your call back.

If you don't call back, he calls you again, rings once or twice and hangs up.

This made many people a little confused. They would call back and hear the music, but no one answered the phone for a long time.

But after you hung up, within a few minutes, he called again, and hung up after one or two rings.

Repeating this several times makes you very irritable.

But unknowingly, a large amount of mobile phone bills have been deducted. The deduction is very severe. Listening to the music on the mobile phone for one minute can deduct your 100 yuan mobile phone bill.

There are also a lot of information frauds, with various methods, making it hard to prevent, and even high-level intellectuals such as university professors have been defrauded of huge amounts of property by the scammers' telecommunication.

Not to mention this young prospective college student who has not yet entered the society?

Being deceived by these well-planned liars is really normal.

Looking at the middle-aged woman who was crying holding the dead girl, Ye Rongrong could not do anything except feel sorry for a young life.

After all, no matter how superb Ye Rong's medical skills were, he couldn't save this girl who had already disappeared.

After watching for a while, Ye Rongyao shook his head and left.

Ye Rongrong couldn't bear to see this scene of the white-haired man sending the black-haired man, and was very sad.


In the morning, Ye Rongyao got up early.

Since there was another child in the family, Ye Rongyao was no longer able to sleep late in the morning. Every morning, Ye Rongyao would be woken up by the little guy "Dudu".

Help Qingqing change diapers and breastfeed "Dudu".

Now Ye Rongyao can be regarded as a qualified nursing father, at least the work of making milk powder and washing milk bottles for the children is still in place.

After Ye Rongrong cleaned the bottle with boiling water, he got some boiling water in the bottle and put it in it to cool.

"Wife, I'm going out for a walk."

Ye Rongrong said to Liu Qingqing.


Liu Qingqing nodded and replied.

In the early morning, Ye Rongrong's large yard was particularly beautiful.

Looking at the vast lake in front of me, the morning light shines on the water, the vegetation on the shore is lush, and all kinds of beautiful flowers are blooming. lake.

Several egrets with snow-white feathers swam on the lake in pairs, rushing into the water from time to time to catch food.

The water is dotted with clusters of beautiful lotus flowers, and the morning breeze hits and keeps shaking.

A few dragonflies landed on the lotus, greedily sucking the dewdrops.

This reminded Ye Rongrong of a poem, "The spring is silent and cherishes the trickle, the shade of the tree shines on the water and loves the softness; the little lotus has a sharp horn, and a dragonfly has already stood on it."

"Morning uncle."

Zhao Jie, who was running in the morning, saw her uncle and ran over to say hello.

"Morning, how about running?"

Ye Rongrong looked at his eldest niece and said.

"Well, I've been running in the morning for several years, and I'm used to it," Zhao Jie said.

"It's a good habit."

Ye Rongyao nodded and said.

Morning jogging is a good way to exercise, and Ye Rongyao is very supportive.

"Uncle, I have something to ask you?"

Zhao Jie thought about it and asked Ye Rongrong. (To be continued.)

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