The LoL System in Marvel

Chapter 298 I'm done too


Another explosion,

Although the red card is no longer the most powerful skill in Ryan's hands, the movement it creates is definitely the biggest one.

The entire base below seemed to tremble, and some gravel fell from the top of the head from time to time, hitting the computer and the table with dense and fine sounds.

"Stop." Tony loudly stopped Ryan from continuing to throw the red card. He raised his head and used Jarvis and perspective technology to scan around the structure of the basement, "If you continue to blow up like this,

The entire secret passage will collapse in a moment, and the damn Hydra will cut corners when building the base! "

The card that was just about to be thrown out suddenly turned into a bright light and dissipated in the air. Ryan flipped his wrist, and an orange magic ball appeared between his fingers.

This is the ability from the enchantress. Although it looks ordinary, there are countless complex runes hidden in the magic ball. When it hits people or objects, the huge power will make them melt directly. .

Venom also stood up from the ground at this time, the two piercing wounds on his chest had been filled with tissues from other places, and there was a trace of vigilance on his ferocious face,

Eddie, who was hiding in his body, was still muttering inwardly. Fortunately, he didn't come in rashly after discovering this place. Otherwise, he would have to confess here directly if there were a few more lasers like the one just now.

The silver robot was shattered by the explosion, and a small wall fell to the ground with its palm. The five fingers were still fluctuating, as if it was still fulfilling the tasks assigned to it by the system.

"Be careful." Tony ordered.

There was only a narrow passage in the secret door that was just opened. If the situation just now happened again, there would be no room for them to avoid the attack.

"I'll go first."

Relying on his own armor protection, Tony walked in the front, Venom followed him, and Ryan was placed at the end of the team as the last hole card.

The three walked very fast this time, because they were afraid that the previous robot would appear on the road again, so they ran after taking two steps,

After running for about two minutes, their eyes suddenly widened again, which was different from the previous one.

This time not only the road has become wider,

Even the floor height has directly increased to more than ten meters, like a giant factory built underground.

The layout of the whole factory is very chaotic, with instruments and equipment arranged randomly in front, but it is very strange that there is no one in front of all the instruments, but all the instruments are running in an orderly manner. The most advanced automatic factory in the world is compared with the present one It all looks a little behind.

It's like a worker who has just learned how to build a bicycle is looking up at the plane passing by in the sky. Not only is he lagging far behind in technology, but the two seem to have a world of difference in their understanding of machinery.


The three of them were awakened by the sudden sound, and saw the combination of several large machines in front, which looked like a face that had been distorted countless times.


Tony took a step forward, he turned his head and glanced at the irregular instrument, "What the hell are you trying to do?"

If you just want to make some trouble, Tony feels that there are countless ways to choose, the most direct one is to completely collapse the Internet.

While technology has changed human life, it has also completely changed human beings. When people are used to tap water, it is obviously unrealistic for you to ask them to fetch water from the river every day.

And when people get used to the ubiquity of the Internet, cutting off the Internet is equivalent to breaking their hands.

Although it cannot completely destroy human beings, its impact on the entire human world is definitely much stronger than any known super criminal.

"What do I want to do?"

The machine was running, and many small parts on one assembly line were being sent to another machine. The two robotic arms that were sorting suddenly turned to both sides, a bit like the corners of a person's mouth suddenly opened to both sides.

"Don't you want world peace?"

The mechanical arm was deflected a little further, and even sparks were emitted from the connection due to the excessive deviation of the arc.

"I'm just using my method to fulfill your wish."

Tony ignored Ultron's deliberate show off, but asked, "Why are you with Hydra?"

Different identities determine different perspectives on the world. The so-called peace obviously has absolutely different meanings for humans and artificial intelligence. Instead of having a debate with a heretic,

It's better to find out how it got mixed up with Hydra, or what role Hydra played in Ultron's plan.


Although the voices coming from all directions are still dry and metallic, the ups and downs of the tone and the expression of emotions are obviously much better than before.

After being connected to the Internet, Ultron was receiving massive amounts of information every second, which also allowed it to catch up with Jarvis's several years of evolution in just one day.

"You mean the garbage that was defeated by you not long ago?"

Just a little search for information about Hydra on the Internet, Ultron immediately understood the grievances and resentments between Tony and Hydra.

"It seems to be stalling for time."

Ryan, who was standing at the back, walked up to Tony and whispered,

He just glanced at the instruments around him, and found that during the time when Ultron and Tony were talking nonsense to each other, the speed of these instruments had increased significantly, and countless parts that seemed to be semi-finished products were transported into the second half of the factory. part.


Tony nodded slightly, and swung his left hand back slightly, "This is the base of Hydra." He continued to say to Ultron.

"Do you think I will cooperate with a bunch of trash?" Ultron's tone sounded contemptuous, and he didn't know how the Baron, who was studying mutants in the mountains far away, would feel if he heard this sentence.

"I'm not targeting Hydra."

Ultron paused for a moment, as if he had searched for something on the Internet that interested him, and the surrounding instruments were still running fast, making a "click, click" sound, like a stopwatch counting down.

"I mean you, all humans, are just rubbish in my eyes."

As soon as Ultron's voice fell, there was a sudden sound of surging air in the second half of the factory that Ryan and others could not see.

"Look, you human beings are so stupid." Ultron seemed very complacent. While it was speaking, the sound of a dense metal hitting the ground became louder and louder.

"I knew it." Ryan pursed his lips, and the magic ball in his hand swelled a little.

"Don't panic, I'm done too." Tony said, he raised his finger and pointed to the top of his head, "Listen."



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