The LoL System in Marvel

Chapter 299 Blockade

The moonlight is still so cold,

A bright moon hangs high in the sky,

It looks lonely.

It's just that a private jet appeared next to the moon at some point. The dazzling red and gold color scheme broke the silence in the sky, like a star with two colors, instantly suppressing the moon.

Happy glanced at the ground below through the window next to him. He had just finished the task that Tony had given him, and he dropped a large black box to the place Tony designated by him.

Although his stomach is getting bigger and bigger, but all the skills that Happy has mastered are still in his heart, not to mention just a simple stance to drop a wave of airdrops. When he was still young,

Even masturbating, he has done it countless times, but as he grows older, his energy and physical strength can't keep up.


Hapi's eyelids trembled. Even in the air, he seemed to be able to feel the vibration from the black box falling to the ground, but Ryan who was underground obviously felt it more clearly.


Another burst of rubble fell, accompanied by a lot of smoke and dust, making the underground environment even worse.

"what have you done?"

Ryan raised his head and looked. Although it was shaken again, the ceiling was generally in good condition, except that there were some small cracks around it.

"Lock this area."

While Tony was talking,

Two red light spots lit up on the black box that seemed to be embedded in the grass. At the same time, all the residents within five kilometers around suddenly found that their network was disconnected.

"Didn't you say that this base can't stand the toss?"

Venom's hoarse voice matches the temperament of the entire underground factory,

If you look at it from the eyes of ordinary people, perhaps it is more suitable to play a villain role than the upcoming robots.

"I mean the back one."

Tony clicked his chin on the back,

Just because of Ultron's attitude of looking down on humans, it obviously didn't cooperate with Hydra,

In other words, this base should have been abandoned long ago due to the above reasons. Ultron just occupied the magpie's nest and built a platform behind the base that was no longer used for temporary use.

"It's been trapped in this area, we"

Halfway through Tony's speech, the sound of metal knocking suddenly stopped, and a dozen pairs of red eyes burst out from behind a bus-sized machine.


Almost at the moment of appearance, dozens of red rays shot towards Ryan and the others, and the red hot eyes all over the sky were flying like ribbons.

It's just that it's different from the colored ribbons used for people to watch, as long as these thermal sights touch a little bit, a hole will immediately appear on the body.

The magic power in Ryan's body flowed quickly, and the phantom trail allowed him to span a long distance in an instant. After easily dodging the first wave of attacks from the opposite side, he threw out the light ball that he had held for a long time with his backhand.

The speed of the light ball is very fast, and the air does not seem to be able to exert resistance on it. After falling on a robot, there is no scene of explosion, and there are no electric sparks dancing around.

Like ice cream meeting a mass of flames, the robot's head was melted directly, and the molten iron flowed down the body until the headless body fell to the ground.

Two balls of flames vacated under Tony's feet, and they rose into the air before the heat sight reached, and a pulse cannon from the backhand knocked down a robot,

Venom, on the other hand, hid behind a nearby instrument the moment the robot appeared. This complex terrain gave them more places to hide.

It doesn't have the ability to attack remotely, but this special terrain gives it other options. Instead of standing with Ryan and Tony, it walks quietly among the messy equipment.

"It's a good thing I didn't bring Coulson and Hank."

Seeing that the robots were preparing for the second round of salvo, Ryan could not help muttering, if two ordinary people were brought along, it would only take a face-to-face effort, and they would directly GG.

"We just need to kill them all, and then completely destroy this piece, and we should be able to say goodbye to it completely."

Tony finished what he just said in the sky,

Although he can't really build a cage to lock Ultron in it, he can use other methods to completely cut off Ultron's retreat.

While delaying time with words just now, Ultron also made enough time for his arrangement. The black box above is like an enlarged version of the shielding device.

It is enough to completely lose contact with the outside world for a few kilometers around, let alone a wireless network, even if a network cable is plugged in, it cannot be connected to the Internet at all.

"Including these devices?" Ryan asked,

Then, like a disembodied ghost, it came to the side of a robot in the blink of an eye. While lifting its feet, a red halo suddenly appeared on the feet.


Although the amazing footwork looks a little weak, but if it really kicks someone, then its power is still very powerful. At least the robot in front of me doesn't even have time to resist.

He was kicked out with great force, his silvery body collapsing in the air, and various parts kept falling like rain.


Tony replied,

Although he is in the air, the frequency and power of his attacks are not much slower than Ryan's. All kinds of miniature missiles shoot out of his armor as if they don't need money.

After countless improvements, this generation of armor completely crushed the temporary products made by Ultron in a hurry in terms of combat effectiveness.

"That's really troublesome."

Ryan shifted to the top of the equipment. Looking far away, the entire factory below was almost the size of two football fields, and various instruments and equipment almost filled the entire space.

"Then speed up."

Tony dodges a ray of light, throwing his hands up as he falls to the ground.


The same red light was released in his hand, and as his body twisted, an area with a diameter of about ten meters was completely destroyed by him.

Ryan wasn't idle either, a yellow magic chain had already appeared in both hands,

He didn't use the chain to bind the robot in front of him, but used the chain as a whip, and slammed it around.


The moment the robot came into contact with the chain, it was lifted up by the huge force on the chain. After a close contact with the wall, the body finally couldn't bear the pressure.

It directly turned into a ball of flame and burned up.

"Where's Eddie?"

After killing the last robot, Ryan suddenly found that the largest of them had disappeared.

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