The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1249: Angry, restless

Chapter 1249 Angry, Anxious

"We are here too, and they are not willing to come back. And, some have said explicitly, even if we opened the conditions better, they will not come back, dare not return. Promised the Korean family, they dare not repent. They said They can't offend the Han family. "

Xia Zhancheng suddenly thought of Xia Yixin.

Marrying into the Han family, but restlessly guarding himself, so the entire Xia family received revenge from the Han family.

The Han family does not have the general knowledge of a woman from Xia Yixin, they directly go to the Xia family behind to settle accounts.

Xia Zhancheng's mouth was bitter, and even those people understood the reason, but Xia's family touched the Han's inverse scale.

No, it should be Xia Yixin touching the inverse scale of the Han family.

What many people understand, Xia Yixin doesn't understand!

"Hurry up and contact the merchants who can now settle in and see who they can contact. Regardless of the brand size, let them in first, and the door will be replaced in the fastest time." Xia Zhancheng said.

"We're in touch, but—" said a person in charge.

"But what? Don't talk about it!" Xia Zhancheng was impatient.

"No one dares to agree. I don't know how the Han family did it. In such a short period of time, they even contacted the merchants we could reach before us." The other party said, "It happened too suddenly, and we immediately The emergency response plan was opened, and they were divided into two groups at the first time. One group contacted the merchants who had suddenly withdrawn, and the other group contacted the merchants who could fill the place.

"As a result, the withdrawn merchants refused to come back. In such a short period of time, the Han family had anticipated every step of our plans, and even the emergency merchants we would have expected to greet them in advance. "The person in charge was depressed." To be honest, we are compared to the Han family ... So the Han family only needs one sentence, and those businesses are afraid to cooperate with us. For example, we are looking for a preliminary business, whose size and strength are definitely It ’s not as good as those who withdrew. They are even less afraid to offend the Han family. "

"Where is the supermarket?" Xia Zhancheng asked again.

"The cooperating supermarkets have all retired and refused to return." Xia Zhancheng expected that the answer was the same.

"What about our own supermarket?"

"At our own supermarket, we are already contacting other purchasing channels for purchasing. However, this source of supply is selected after multiple comparisons. From quality to price, all of them are selected. This is a long time of selection. One family is not necessarily assured. If there is a problem with the quality of the supply, it will cause big trouble. "

Xia Zhancheng rubbed his temples and they all made sense, but he couldn't control the anger and anxiety.

Because knowing that no matter what, they can't think of a suitable method. If this goes on, their group won't be able to persist for a long time.

So more and more angry and anxious.

At this time, Xia Zhancheng's cell phone rang.

But Xia Zhancheng was now in a state of restlessness, and he didn't even hear his own ringtone.

He yelled, "What time is it, who doesn't turn off the phone when they have a meeting!"

You look at me, and I look at you.

They took out their phones to see, as a result, everyone turned on mute, and no one called.

Everyone looked at Xia Zhancheng.

It seems that the ringtone was uploaded from him.

Xia Zhancheng also reacted and took out his mobile phone to take a look.

(End of this chapter)

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