The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1250: Fully reduced by two-thirds!

Chapter 1250 Fully Reduced by Two Thirds!

He ignored everyone's gaze and answered the phone. "Lao Gu."

"Lao Xia, I'll figure it out for you." Lao Gu's voice was a little heavy.

"How's it going?" Xia Zhancheng mentioned his throat.

"The Han family has a clan order." Old Gu Shen said.

Xia Zhancheng was a spirit, his hands and feet were cold, "Can you be sure?"

"It's not that I'm capable of inquiring about this, but that the Han family hasn't concealed it at all. So just ask a little bit and you will know it." Lao Gu said, "Lao Xia, I have limited ability and can inquire about you at most There's so much more I can't help. "

The old Gu now thinks about whether to quickly clarify the relationship with Xia Zhancheng, so as not to be accidentally injured by the Han family.

"This is ..." Gu asked hesitantly, "Is it related to Han Zhuo Ling and your daughter's divorce? Today I saw Han Zhuo Ling's lawyer issued a divorce statement ..."

Even his son has returned to Xia's house. Isn't it obvious that there is something tricky in it?

As soon as the divorce statement was issued, the Han family began to deal with the Xia family.

He even issued a clan order to devote all his strength to kill the Xia family.

I am afraid that many people's guesses are correct. It is estimated that Xia Yixin put a green hat on Han Zhuo Ling, and even that son was not Han Zhuo Ling.

The old Gu took a breath and had to say that Xia Yixin was so brave!

How dare she!

Now everyone knows that the Han family sent a clan order to deal with the Xia family. Without the clan order, many people would surely laugh at Han Zhuoling secretly.

Although he is afraid to be brazen, he will always watch Han Zhuo Ling's drama behind his back.

The Han family, who has always been high above others, is so humiliated.

But now the clan order comes out, who dares?

Han Zhuo Ling was betrayed, but dare to humiliate the Han family like this, Xia family.

There is a saying that there is an owner and a debtor, but the Han family is not.

Find the whole family behind you when you are looking!

How dare you bet the entire family to offend the Han family?

Now everyone is attracted by the Han family's generosity and frightened in their hearts. No one dares to laugh at Han Zhuoling for this reason.

His wife was wearing a green hat, but his ex-wife didn't even end up taking Xia's family!

Everyone is left afraid, who dares to watch a good show.

Regarding Lao Gu's question, Xia Zhancheng did not answer, "Thank you for this."

"It's okay." The old Gu laughed twice and didn't continue to question.

From Xia Zhancheng's reaction, he also knew it.

Hanging up the phone, Xia Zhancheng continued to find ways to maintain the normal operation of the mall.

However, after only 10 days, Xia Zhan achievements had to start shrinking the mall.

More shops in various places are closed.

The original brands that remained in the mall but did not withdraw were integrated into one mall.

The market share of Xiajia Shopping Mall has been reduced by two-thirds!

As for the theater, Xia Zhancheng could only contact other theater lines because of the withdrawal of Han Bang.

Once because of the relationship between Operation Wolf, Red Tiger and Commando, the Hanbang theater line can be said to have long complained with the remaining three theater lines.

Xia Zhancheng was aware of this, so he contacted the three.

However, even if they had a bad time with Han Bang, they were still unwilling to mess with Han Bang at this time.

The Han family made it clear that Xia's family was going to die.

This is entirely a personal grudge of the Han and Xia families.

There are no more stores in Xia Jiaxian. It is not worthwhile to offend the Han family for Xia family.

(End of this chapter)

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