The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1268: Is that fool talking to him?

Chapter 1268: Is That Fool Confessing To Him?

It's kind of cola to hear a fool say that someone else is a fool.

She was stupid enough to say that she was stupid.

Han Zhuoling's rare smile appeared in his eyes, moistening the corners of his eyes, and tempering his temperament.

The corners of his mouth were faintly raised, and he looked less cold.

Unfortunately, Shi Xiaoya closed her eyes in annoyance and missed the change of Han Zhuo Ling.

When she opened her eyes, she did not dare to look up, her face flushed, "Excuse me!"

After Shi Xiaoya finished speaking, she almost wanted to bow to Han Zhuo Ling.

Fortunately, she can think that this is too irritating. She kept holding back and hurriedly lowered her head and ran past Han Zhuo Ling.

Like a gust of wind, Han Zhuo Ling blinked, and no one was in front of him.

Han Zhuo Ling: "..."

Hehe, he really met a fool today.

But is that fool confessing to him?

Han Zhuo Ling touched his chin, but he did not expect that even when he returned to China at first, there was still a little girl who liked it.

It's quite interesting.

Han Zhuo Ling shook his head and chuckled twice, then restored Duan Su's appearance.


Fortunately, Shi Xiaoya could find a way back, and buried her head back in her seat.

Cris didn't notice it at the beginning and was chatting with others.

When I looked back at her, I realized that she kept her head down.

"Why? Why lower your head?" Cris asked strangely.

Shi Xiaoya felt embarrassed, but she hasn't slowed down yet.

To be honest, she hasn't been so shameful when she is so big.

Cris saw that she kept looking up and didn't respond a few times, then she was worried, "Xiaoya, what's wrong with you? Who bullied you?"

Seeing her bowing her head and thinking she was crying, Cris couldn't sit still, "What's going on?"

"Ah, it's okay." Shi Xiaoya saw that he had misunderstood, and then looked up.

Seeing that she didn't cry and didn't seem to be bullied, Cris was relieved and relieved.

"Why is your face so red?" Cris asked again.

Shi Xiaoya covered her face. "It's okay, it's just a shame outside."

Cris raised an eyebrow with interest. "What shameful thing, say it to make my brother happy."

"Go to you!" Shi Xiaoya pushed him aside.

When Han Zhuo Ling came in, she saw Shi Xiaoya's "fighting and scolding" with Cris, and his face sank before he returned to his seat.

Seeing that Wang Juhuai and Xia Qing were both on the road, Han Zhuo passed away.

It happened that it was very unhappy to see Han Zhuoling come over with a calm face.

The two of them are just a back and forth effort, what is the unhappiness of Han Zhuoling?

"Brother?" Han Zhuo screamed in doubt.

"It's okay." Han Zhuo Ling said, glancing lightly at Shi Xiaoya.

Seeing that she was sitting and talking with Cris, although she didn't bother, she still spoke very tacitly, especially intimately.

On the side of Lu Man, Wang Juhuai was sitting by the side, waiting for a young actor named Li Zhengqin who was supposed to be sitting here.

Seeing Wang Juhuai occupying his seat, he was embarrassed and flattered.

Want to be more flattered, after all, this is Wang Juhuai sitting in his position!

Everyone else wanted to talk to Wang Juhuai without knowing how to start.

Isn't this giving him ready-made opportunities?

Li Zhengqin came quickly, "Mr. Wang, hello, hello! I'm Li Zhengqin, I didn't expect to see you here today, I'm really honored."

(End of this chapter)

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