The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1269: Almost knelt down to Wang Juhuai

Chapter 1269 Almost Kneel To Wang Juhuai

"Hello." Wang Juhuai saw that he had just arrived, and the crowd that had previously been crowded out of the road did not have him, so he was very kind to Li Zhengqin.

"How do you ..." Li Zhengqin wanted to ask Wang Juhuai how to sit in his position.

When I saw Lu Man, I remembered that Wang Juhuai was Lu Man's stepfather.

Although Li Zhengqin knew the reason, he was even more afraid to say it directly.

Lu Man still made a clearance for him. "Dad, you are sitting in his seat."

"Oh?" Wang Juhuai looked back. Li Zhengqin's name tag was stuck on the back of the chair, and he was sorry, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's taking your place."

"It's all right, all right." Li Zhengqin waved his hand.

I thought Wang Juhuai was going to let it go. Who knew Wang Juhuai said, "Will we change seats?"

Ouch I go!

I'm dripping Master Wang!

Li Zhengqin almost knelt down to Wang Juhuai.

Wang Juhuai's coffee must be in the first row.

He was sitting in the fifth row of the little transparent, and changed position with Wang Juhuai, sitting in the first row?

Wang Juhuai did not dare to sit if he wanted to change!

The awards ceremony tonight will be broadcast live on major video portals. Looking back, the camera swept to the first row. Seeing him sitting there transparently, ca n’t it turn the Internet?

Wang Juhuai was in the middle of the first row.

They were sitting with Han Zhuoli.

That's the C of the C!

Around the circle are all big brothers.

He didn't dare to let him sit over.

"Mr. Wang, I don't dare! This is too inappropriate." Li Zhengqin scared.

"What's wrong with this," Wang Juhuai said, "I'm looking for the organizer."

Wang Juhuai directly called Kirkbo, "Mr. Ke."

"Mr. Wang, what can I do for you?" Kirkbo said politely.

Wang Juhuai was also very polite, "Mr. Ke, this is my daughter, Lu Man."

Kirkbo naturally heard about it, and greeted Lu Man busyly.

"It's like that, it's been arranged to sit here, and there is no one around," said Wang Juhuai. "My wife and I want to sit here with her."

"Oh, this is not suitable, Mr. Wang, you are a VIP and an important guest this time. You can sit here and it will be difficult for you to scan the lens." Kirkbo said.

Wang Juhuai sank his face as soon as he heard, "Then you still arrange here to sit here? She is with the crew of" Action Wolf "and" Red Tiger ". The other main creators of the crew are sitting in front of you, so you arrange Is she bullying her here? "

"No, it's all misunderstanding," Kirkbo said quickly, "it was a mistake in our work arrangements."

When we ranked earlier, we didn't know that Wang Juhuai and Lu Man were both father and daughter.

Liang Chengbing used some relationships to let the person who arranged the seat move Lu Man back a little.

However, the person who arranged the seats did not dare to go too far. After all, Lu Man was not popular enough, but he was popular enough, and there were still two works shortlisted, so she couldn't be ranked too far behind.

Now that Liang Chengbing has spoken, the other party naturally wants to give Liang Chengbing the face.

So within the allowable range, Lu Man was assigned such a position.

But for the old people who have been in the entertainment industry for a long time, such as Liu Chuanhui and Zhang Jian, the other party would not dare.

As for the main creator of Operation Wolf, Zhang Shuidong is an actor of the film grade, and naturally he has to be arranged in front.

The fifth one is before 1:30.

(End of this chapter)

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