The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1277: This is so amazing!

Chapter 1277 This is so special!

The other hand clasped her back.

Lu Man's person had been lifted up by him, palms pressed slightly against her back, Lu Man naturally lowered his head.

It's really that he has done too much and is very skilled.

Lu Man really cultivated many tacit understanding with him.

Han Zhuoli smiled lightly, and kissed Lu Man's lips in front of the crowd.

The chief director of the award ceremony was stunned, but for a long time he did not respond.

When he reacted, he asked the director to pull all the shots on Lu Man and Han Zhuoli's faces. "Close-up! Give close-ups! !Oh shit!"

It really is ... whatever activity Lu Man participates in, what activities are going to be hot.

Not convinced!

I came to an awards ceremony today.

It's so hot!

The cameras responsible for each camera did not respond.

After the director said for a long time, they returned to their minds and hurriedly aimed the camera in the past.


Lu Man and Han Zhuoli!

How the two of them got together!

What's the relationship?

There was a quick response, thinking that Han Zhuoli and Lu Man had previously announced their wedding news.

But at that time, no one thought of them together!

Can these two be married? !!

What a lucky man!

There is Wang Juhuai, the stepfather, and Han Zhuoli, the husband.

Even if he wasn't congenital, he had a scumbag like Lu Qiyuan.

But they are great!

Both Qiao Luna and Jiang Yuhan have stink faces like that.

How could Lu Man ... how could ...

Before I felt that the road was lacking in background, a Wang Juhuai came out.

Later, I felt that Lu Man was nothing special except Wang Juhuai, and a Han Zhuoli came out again!

Han Zhuoli!

Giorna wants to curse.

Go to him. Mother!

Do not bring such bullying!

Han Zhuoli is a big bug!

With Han Zhuo Li, Lu Man in the entertainment industry must not walk sideways?

When Lu Zhanli wasn't revealed to the public, Lu Man would be able to slay anyone.

With Han Zhuo Li now, who else can she be afraid of after her journey?

Not to become a crab in the entertainment industry, walk sideways!

Wang Shuyi, Zhang Lun, that face cannot be described as miserable.

Especially Wang Shuyi, in addition to Zhang Lun's apprentice, he has not achieved much success.

I was looking for ways to hug my thighs everywhere and drill camps everywhere.

As a result, Han Zhuoli and his wife were offended first.

Wang Shuyi's face was uglier than crying, and he really wanted to fan himself with a big mouth.

Zhang Lun gritted his teeth and his intestines were regretful.

Now he knows why the rehearsal of "Hero Fighting" was compressed so poorly by Han Bang.

He confronted Han Zhuoli's wife. Doesn't Han Zhuoli help his wife?

Oh shit!

Lu Man this girl film, it's too harmful, too irritating!

But now the worst thing is that Liang Chengbing is afraid.

At this moment, Liang Chengbing was so pale that he couldn't even deceive himself.

Now I have to say that Lu Man has nothing to do with Han Zhuo Li. In addition to being blind, this person is still mentally retarded!

"Guide Liang?" Someone looked at Liang Chengbing's complexion next to him, I was afraid he would just pass by.

Liang Chengbing clenched his teeth and couldn't tell whether he was afraid or hated the road even more.

Zhang Xiaoying and Ni Xue also attended the award ceremony.

However, the two sat a bit further back, and they both widened their eyes when they saw Lu Man and Han Zhuoli.

6 more complete, good night ~

(End of this chapter)

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