The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1278: Really shameless!

Chapter 1278 Really Shameless!

Zhang Xiaoying suddenly thought of the past, Lu Man was rumored in the school.

Later, the Han family directly came to clarify for Lu Man. Later, Lu Man's fiance often came to pick her up at school.

At that time, the Han family was Han Zhuoli's mother and the old woman of the Han family?

Zhang Xiaoying now knows what kind of big men they were facing.

Later, it was Lu Man, Han Zhuoli, who picked up in person, and they didn't even recognize it!

So for a long time, Lu Man's boyfriend, fiance, and husband now are all Han Zhuoli!

Earlier, I saw Han Zhuoli's announcement of the marriage on the Internet, and showed the photo of the two holding the marriage certificate together. Because they saw that the wedding ring on the woman's hand was not the same as Lu Man, it was determined that it was definitely not Lu Man.

But the result?

They all thought wrong!

And at this time.

School dormitory.

Zhuang Tingting is using a tablet to watch the webcast of the awards ceremony.

When he saw the lens of the man in the capital, Lu Man won the Best Newcomer Award.

Zhuang Tingting's already jealous five internal organs are about to squeeze together.

As a result, before she could say anything to other people, she saw that Lu Man had pinched Han Zhuoli's neck!

Zhuang Tingting yelled: "Lu Man is really cheap! Suddenly hug Han Zhuoli on this occasion, don't you just want to tie Han Zhuoli to a scandal?"

Fan Xiyue is also watching the live broadcast and followed the interface: "But Han Zhuo Li is already married, and everyone has made it public. Lu Man is not waiting to be pointed at his nose and scolded?"

"So what is it, Lu Man is clever. I must have considered the pros and cons before," Yu Jinglian said calmly. "The heat and topicality brought to her by this incident must be greater than the disadvantages, so she chose to do so."

"But she is not afraid of Han Zhuoli's revenge afterwards? Han Zhuoli is not so easy to be used." Fan Xiyue asked.

"Probably Lu Man feels that Wang Juhuai's stepfather is here. Don't be afraid of anything. I heard that Wang Juhuai is a friend of Han Zhuoli's father and has a good relationship with the Han family. With this relationship, even if Han Zhuoli is angry, Wang Juhuai begged Begging, Han Zhuoli can't take Lu Man. "Yu Jing fiber said.

"Oh! Really shameless!" Zhuang Tingting's teeth tickled. "It's almost shameless and shameless! For the sake of fame, all the tricks are used. It's disgusting!"

"That's it!" Fan Xiyueqi's eyes were all red. "This kind of person even has fans who like to maintain it. Now she sees the shameless things she does, and who will protect her! Han Zhuoli should push her away, I don't know Integrity! "

"The key point is that Han Zhuoli is married. Although Han Zhuoli is in such a position, women are usually indulged in embracing. Marriage does not affect those women, but at least in public, they will be more cautious. Lu Man has already Don't be shameless. "Yu Jingxian shrugged," it's too late. "

"My God! Han Zhuo Li is crazy!" Fan Xiyue screamed suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Yu Jingxian and Zhuang Tingting both looked at her in confusion.

"You guys ... you look at the screen!" Fan Xiyue sat on the upper floor, holding the tablet on his knees, and straightly pointing his finger at the screen.

Yu Jingxian and Zhuang Tingting looked back at the screens of their laptops and tablets.

I saw that Han Zhuo Li even embraced Lu Man and kissed him!

(End of this chapter)

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