The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1282: What is this Nima lineup

Chapter 1282 What Lineup Is This Nima

I used to think it was a coincidence, but now I think, absolutely not!

"Lao Hu, do you think it is too late for us to apologize to Lu Man now?" Deputy Director Wang asked.

"What do you say?" Director Hu was unhappy.

There are really not too many people who want to apologize to Lu Man now.

"Forget it, there's something. Go to the TV station tomorrow and discuss it. I can't think of one because I'm in a mess now." Hu Taichang said.

Deputy Director Wang thinks the same, but tomorrow is Saturday, and he must hurry to inform him that everyone will go back to the meeting.

Hanging up the phone, Hu Taichang held his heart and felt painful.

"This road is long!" It is really harmful!

"Lao Hu, are you okay?" Mrs. Hu supported Chief Chang Hu and watched his body sway, his face fainting, always fainting.

"I'm a little dizzy, just help me sit for a while." Director Hu was really excited this time.

The same situation happened in Ge Guangzhen's house.

Unlike Director Hu, Ge Guangzhen watched the live broadcast at home.

As a result, we saw Lu Man and Han Zhuoli.

He suddenly became ill.

Lu Man, isn't this a pitman?

If she had said that she had a relationship with Han Zhuoli, he would not dare to mess with Lu Man!

Sun Changfang, Li Lingmei, Liu Lijin, these three people have been judges in the Huayi Cup, at this time in their respective crew.

Because of the trouble of the Huayi Cup before, the trio's reputation was a lot worse, the play was less, and the play was not so heavy.

Now in the hotel provided by the crew, watch the live webcast of the film festival.

They are in different places, but they all change their faces.

Lu Man and Han Zhuoli!

It's no wonder that when they cracked down on scoring, Han Zhuoli actually came forward to invite Ma Xiangyi and Lian Fang.

Not at all for the fame of Han Bang, but also for the road!

Li Lingmei called Liu Lijin in a panic, "Did you watch the film live?"

Liu Lijin said in a heavy tone, "I'm watching, I've seen it."

"Do you think Han Zhuoli will come to us to settle accounts?" Li Lingmei asked anxiously.

Liu Lijin is much calmer. I don't know if I really think so. I'm still comforting Li Lingmei. I'm also comforting myself. Han Zhuoli didn't do anything to us anymore, and he probably won't. "

That is to say, but Han Zhuoli and Lu Man disclosed their relationship at the award ceremony of the film festival, and they really panicked a lot of people.

Online, more lively.

A large number of netizens are already lively on Weibo.

"Lu Man and Han Zhuoli, my gosh!"

"Are the two married?"

"Absolutely yes, otherwise it can't be like this in the live broadcast, the two are not stupid."

"Isn't everyone still guessing, who is Han Zhuoli's wife? Well, finally there is an answer now."

"But this answer is really killing me, I can't think of it. How did Lu Man and Han Zhuo Li meet together?"

"Roman is simply too bad, Han Zhuoli! Forgive me for being incoherent, I can't find any words to express my shock at this time."

"Lu Man is really too bad, his stepfather is Wang Juhuai, and her husband is Han Zhuoli, what is the lineup of Nima!"

"... I think that Lu Man's dominance in the entertainment industry is just around the corner."

(End of this chapter)

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