The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1283: As long as it is you

Chapter 1283: As Long As It Is You

In just one minute, the topic "Han Zhuo Li Luman" directly reached the top of the hot search list, and the logo behind it was not "hot" but "explosive".

Hot discussions on the Internet leave aside for the time being.

Now at the award ceremony, Han Zhuoli finally let go of Lu Man.

Fortunately, in order to prevent the award ceremony from taking too long, Shi Xiaoya applied makeup to Lu Man with a lipstick and raincoat.

After being kissed by Han Zhuoli in this way, the lip makeup was not much spent, and it was still intact.

Han Zhuoli lowered Lu Man and stood still, and took out the ring box from his pants pocket.

Open it, it is the largest part of Lu Man's wedding ring.

Lu Man looked at him in surprise. He even brought this with him, without telling her.

Han Zhuoli put Lu Man on that half, and the two parts finally joined together, and became the ring that Han Zhuoli had publicly exposed.

Several seats are focusing on Han Zhuoli's side.

Seeing him take out the ring, the camera immediately followed up and gave the ring a big close-up.

Everyone now recognizes that, isn't that ring that Han Zhuo Li once exposed?

Now wearing Lu Man's hands, what else to say.

"Come on." Han Zhuoli squeezed her hand and trimmed her hair again.

Lu Man smiled at him, and looked at Wang Juhuai and Xia Qingwei, and then took the skirt to the stage.

Walked in front of Dong Qinrong, apologized in a low voice, "Sorry, I have kept you waiting."

Dong Qinrong smiled and shook his head, "Nothing, this is a good thing, congratulations."

Lu Man smiled and took the trophy from Dong Qinrong.

Dong Qinrong retreated to the back of Lu Man, giving way to Lu Man.

Next, Lu Man's award speech.

"I was just offstage before, maybe it scared everyone." Lu Man smiled slightly. "I would like to thank a lot of people for winning this newcomer award. Thanks to my mother, who has always supported me in trying to be an actor. Thanks to my father Wang Juhuai. Everyone knows that he is my stepfather. But in my eyes, he is my father. Without that step character, he is my only father. He never minds my origin and treats me like a daughter. "

"I'm not saying that it's nice, even if it's for my biological daughter, that's all he can do. He has repeatedly broken his principles and habits for me. As long as he can help me, he will always look back. Yes He made me realize my father's love when I was so old. I am not only grateful to him, but also grateful. Thank him for giving me such a proud father. "

"I am grateful that fate made them meet again after more than ten years of divorce each other. Even after taking a lot of paths, they can still find each other for the rest of their lives. In the matter of love, don't be afraid to meet late, as long as you finally It's you and me. "

"A bit off topic." Lu Man smiled.

But she said it on purpose.

She didn't know if Lin Jinshu would watch the award ceremony, if it was, it would be just right.

Before that, Wang Juhuai had clarified that he and Lin Jinshu had divorced long ago.

But she didn't believe Lin Jinshu would just give up.

A woman who had separated Jiuhuai Huai and Xia Qingwei, and even gave up a day after ten years of divorce, would give up so easily?

Road was unbelieving.

So, she was directly on this stage and hit Lin Jinshu's face again!

Lin Jinshu was watching the live broadcast right now, and when he heard that Lu Man was talking about the award, he mentioned this, and his face turned blue.

I do n’t have a face, I have 6 more and more up early ~~

Ask for a monthly pass and continue to smack tomorrow ~

Good night ~~

(End of this chapter)

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