The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1404: It shouldn't have been this way

Chapter 1404

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Lu Qiyuan said angrily, "what did I do to Xia Qingwei and Lu Man for you and Kiki for the first time, don't you know? I have driven you out of my house now?"

Xia Qingyang is not afraid of Lu Qiyuan now. Anyway, the money is almost in Lu Qi's pocket. Lu Qiyuan doesn't know yet.

"But you never hit Kiki before, you never hit her!" Xia Qingyang exclaimed.

Lu Qi cried on the ground in a timely manner, "Dad, I know it was wrong, I didn't expect anyone to hear it. It was in Zhengbai's office."

"I feel like we have been feeling a little weaker for a while. I ca n’t say, anyway, it feels different from the previous one. I had a hard time meeting him last time, and the previous feeling is back. In order to keep him, I do n’t want to talk to him What's wrong between him? He can't hold it so much, I'll ... "Lu Qi covered her face and cried, trembling, pitifully.

Lu Qiyuan was angry, blame Lu Qi regardless of the occasion, dare to agree in that kind of place.

If the office is soundproof, it's OK, but the soundproofing is bad.

The recording should not be too clear.

But he hated He Zhengbai even more, Lu Qi didn't know, could he still not know?

Luqi was entangled in that kind of place, but she did not respect Luqi.

Seeing Lu Qi like this, it was his pain from big to big, that Lu Qiyuan relented. "Get up first."

"Dad, I don't know what happened recently. Nothing goes well." Lu Qi had dreamed before and always felt that her life should not be like this.

It seems wrong from the beginning of framing.

She felt that the life that originally belonged to her should not be like this.

The real life should be as she planned at first, and Lu Man was successfully framed and imprisoned by her.

And she got better and better in the entertainment industry, and finally married He Zhengbai.

He Zhengbai's director career is booming, and Lujia's company is getting better and better.

When she married He Zhengbai, she did n’t even need to calculate what the Lu family said. Everything about Lu Qiyuan belonged to her, which Lu Qiyuan willingly gave.

Lu Qi didn't know that this had happened.

If she told Lu Man to listen, Lu Man might tell her that these were true in her last life.

"It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this." Lu Qi sat on the sofa.

Xia Qingyang also followed the excitement, "Qi Yuan, I don't know why, I also have this kind of thought in my heart, as if our lives were stolen."

"Say something god!" Lu Qiyuan was displeased.

I was already upset and had to listen to Xia Qingyang's comments about these strange things.

Xia Qingyang pursed her lips for a while and said, "Don't you think that it's a little strange that the road has changed a lot? From the time she asked her to help Qiqi plead guilty, she was like a different person."

Xia Qingyang rolled her eyes. "If she had this kind of mind before, she would be so distraught after that."

After listening for a long time, Lu Qiyuan didn't know what Xia Qingyang wanted to express, and he waved impatiently, "Okay, what do you want to do! Now let's quickly think about how to solve Qiqi's affairs."

Xia Qingyang said restlessly: "Of course I think. Should we go and look for Han Zhuo Li? Didn't you say it last time, even if Lu Man didn't go home, she is still from our family, she is still named Lu. Han Zhuo Li Is that our son-in-law? "

6 more complete, see you at night ~

(End of this chapter)

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