The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1405: Let Lu Qi cook it herself

Chapter 1405 Let Lu Qi Carry Herself

Lu Qiyuan didn't really want to go to Han Zhuoli this time.

Not because he was afraid that Han Zhuo Li would not agree, but because he didn't want to waste the opportunity to find Han Zhuo Li on Lu Qi.

I didn't want to contact Han Zhuoli just to ask him for help.

Lu Qiyuan thought about it. First, he should contact each other's feelings and get closer to Han Zhuo Li.

If there is any problem then, it is easy to talk.

But the most important thing is to allow Han Zhuo Li to take a look at Luchi.

It would be too wasteful to go to Han Zhuo Li with Lu Qi's business.

Lu Qiyuan pursed his lips and said, "Have you seen Lu Man contact us? Never! She doesn't take us anymore. Do you think she will let Han Zhuoli help?"

Because the illness was getting better at the beginning, he was always busy with the company, so he couldn't pay attention to the situation on the other side of the road.

If you let him know that Lu Man ran to Yiyuan every day to see Xia Qingwei and Wang Juhuai, but he never came to Lujia and didn't know what to look like.

Xia Qingyang quit as soon as she heard, "Isn't that what you said at the beginning? No matter how she runs, she can't escape the blood relationship with you. No matter how she is your daughter, this can't be escaped. Son-in-law. "

"I said so, but we still have to think long and hard. Do we go to Han Bang and tell Han Zhuo Li, you are my son-in-law, can you help me? You see if he can help me!" Lu Qiyuan was not angry. Say it.

Although he was thick-skinned and didn't plan to let go of the road to benefit him, he also had a good sense.

"What now? Even if you don't find Han Zhuo Li, find Lu Man to help. What's wrong with Qi Qi? What are the benefits to her? They are sisters, and they always affect her reputation." Xia Qingyang said anxiously.

Lu Qiyuan asked Lu Qi, "Have you ever been contacted by He Zhengbai? He Zhengbai also has a responsibility in this matter. Is he a big man?

"Zhengbai contacted me. He also asked about professional public relations and provided me a way." Lu Qi said.

"What is it?" Lu Qiyuan asked Shen Shen.

Lu Qi said He Zhengbai's proposal.

Lu Qiyuan found that the best option at the moment was He Zhengbai. "You can call him. You can't do it alone. He is the party. Of course, he has to come out with you. How can we just let him You come out and apologize, as if he has no responsibility? Can he throw the pot at you? "

Lu Qi and Xia Qingyang reacted suddenly.

Yes indeed!

He Zhengbai only asked her to admit it and apologize, but he said nothing at all, which was obviously not possible.

"Wait." Xia Qingyang responded, "Do you really want Qiqi to admit it online?"

"This is the best way at the moment," said Lu Qiyuan, Shen Sheng. "Admit it well, make a good apology, and earn some sympathy points. Now that the evidence has come out, even if you deny it, it is useless. But you must let He Zhengbai Come out together and help Qiqi carry some. Since it was He Zhengbai who had to entangle at that time, he also had a responsibility. "

Lu Qi heard it, too.

She was so panicked just now that she forgot this.

"Forget it, I'll call He Zhengbai in person!" Lu Qiyuan felt that Lu Qi might have been bypassed by He Zhengbai.

Lu Qiyuan found He Zhengbai's number and dialed it.

As soon as He Zhengbai saw it, he knew what he was doing.

It turned out that he really wanted Lu Qi to take the lead himself.

(End of this chapter)

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