The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1561: Easy to go wrong

Chapter 1561: It's Easy

But later, Xia Qingwei's health got better, and he married Wang Juhuai.

Lu Man is now a more popular artist, both in terms of public relations and performance.

Wu Lize's mother really did not regret it.

But it was too late to say anything, now Lu Man has become Han Zhuoli's wife.

Wu Li looked at the road that even when his girlfriend was a little bit "high," but now he has a high-flying existence, and his heart is really mixed.

"Manager Wu." Lu Man didn't know Wu Lize's tangles in his heart.

She didn't even remember Wu Lize.

Wu Li opened her mouth and shouted a little bit, "Mrs."

Lu Man smiled and left.

Going to Han Zhuoli's office, Zheng Tianming said with a smile: "The president is alone."

Lu Man didn't even knock on the door, and pushed in directly.

Han Zhuoli just finished the job.

Close the file and walk straight up the road.

Lu Man just closed the door and walked for two steps. Han Zhuoli strode in front of her, and suddenly pulled her into her arms and kissed him heavily.

The road was unprepared and caught tightly by him.

I was still thinking about what happened to this man.

As soon as he thought about it, he was already on the sofa.

"You called me just now and called me a husband. At that time, I thought, if you're just in front of my eyes, I must do this." Han Zhuo Li said dumbly.

Lu Man was hot all over his face, "You're all done?"

"Just as you finish your work when you enter the door." Han Zhuo sneered, "I just can leave you all the time."

After speaking, she pressed her lips again and kissed deeply.

The hand was already on her waist, and across the sweater, Lu Man felt hot and squeezed into his arms unconsciously.

After being kissed by him, Lu Man quickly said, "I'm going to the old house."

If it is really for him, after finishing it, others can see at a glance what they have done.

In the face of the elders, how embarrassing it is.

Han Zhuo Li didn't get up, restrained and didn't take the next step. "What's going on with the phone just now? Why did you call my husband so well?"

Lu Man didn't dare to say that it was to anger Dong Jingxi.

Otherwise, the man must be angry.

Knowing that she was calling her to be mad at others, she must be careful.

"Nothing, I just want to call you like this." This is not a lie, I really want to call him that.

Han Zhuo Li chuckled, "If I drive in the future, or if something is at hand, don't call me that."

The road was puzzled, "Why?"

Han Zhuoli explained, "Because it's easy."

Seeing that Lu Man hadn't responded yet, Han Zhuoli explained further, "I'll respond when you call it."

Lu Man finally understood that he didn't dare to move.

"It's ... it's too late. It's not good to go to the old house again." Lu Man sedated, stuttering.

Han Zhuo Li pressed her back with her palms and pressed her tightly against her.

Some funny thoughts, usually those who are confused by Lu Man's life, do you know that this little girl has become so irritating in front of herself?

However, because it was not early, Han Zhuoli knew that it was really not good to do anything here.

Can only be so dry pressing the road to solve the problem.

(End of this chapter)

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