The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1562: I'll hit my bachelor all my life

Chapter 1562: Hit My Singles

Finally, she kissed her in her arms, and stretched her hands into the sweater, unsatisfied, and touched her from top to bottom.

Before leaving, Lu Man looked into the mirror for a long time before making himself look normal.

She and Han Zhuoli went to the old house.

When I arrived at the old house, it was already more than three o'clock. It happened that the second old man had finished his nap and was drinking tea in the living room.

When the two came in, they found that there were still several empty glasses on the coffee table, apparently for them.

Han Xizheng was currently attending a conference abroad, so only Shen Nuo was here.

Lin Liye was also there.

When I saw Han Zhuoli and Lu Man came.

The old lady, Lin Liye and Shen Nuo were particularly excited.

The kind with bright eyes.

Han Zhuoli: "..."

Lu Man: "..."

Except for the first time Han Zhuoli returned from the road, I rarely saw them so excited.

Both of them said hello to the elders.

When they sat down, the old lady couldn't wait to ask, "I heard your brother is chasing a little girl recently?"

Han Zhuoli looked at Lin Liye inexhaustible.

How did she tell the old lady that she became the young girl Han Zhuoling?

Han Zhuoli organized the language and said, "Is the elder brother chasing someone? This is hard to say. I'm not sure. The elder brother's attitude towards her is really different from others. In fact, this can be clearly seen. "

Thinking about it, Han Zhuoli himself laughed first. "Everyone's brother doesn't care about any woman, and he doesn't like to talk. He just likes to talk to Shi Xiaoya, but also actively talks to people and sends them home."

Although it seemed that Lu Man first proposed it, Han Zhuo Li was very sure. Even if Lu Man didn't mention it, Han Zhuo Ling would take the initiative to raise it.

Lu Man just gave Han Zhuo Ling a step down, just to let him logically send Shi Xiaoya home.

Otherwise, until Han Zhuo Ling puts it forward, I don't know how much effort it will take.

"Don't you dare to say, but it's definitely different for her." Han Zhuoli said.

Han Zhuoli said this because he wanted the old lady and Lin Liye not to be so excited, so calm down.

Who knows not to say so, so to speak, the old lady is more confident.

The old lady patted her thighs. "This is no longer running. Your elder brother is chasing someone else's girl! I usually don't even take a closer look at it. Now I not only look at it, but also chat and send it home."

The old lady leaned forward and leaned forward. "If it's not interesting to others, then he will be a bachelor for a lifetime!"

Han Zhuoli: "..."

Lu Man: "..."

The old ladies have already determined so, and they can't help Han Zhuo Ling.

"Do you know that little girl? It's Shi Xiaoya." The old lady asked again.

"She is a makeup artist contracted by Han Bang, but she has a studio under the name of Han Bang. She is now a very famous makeup artist who has also put on makeup before me." Lu Man explained, "She is a human pretty good."

"Shi Xiaoya, the last name is very special. There are not many last names. I remember a poet. I wonder if it has anything to do with Shi Xiaoya?" Shen Nuo asked.

Han Zhuoli nodded. "Shi Xiaoya is the poet ’s youngest daughter. She did n’t work in her own house and ran out as a makeup artist herself."

"The poet is still very good." Shen Nuo said, "I have met Mrs. Poet on several occasions. He is a polite and not hypocritical person. The poet ’s reputation has always been very good. I have never heard anything from the poet. Bad things."

(End of this chapter)

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