The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1592: Han Zhuoling called early in the morning

Chapter 1592: Han Zhuoling Called Early

One is to eat melons to see the excitement, followed by coaxing.

The other category is also very interesting. I didn't say that Shi Xiaoya Qiang pulled Han Zhuo Ling CP, just crying that he was about to lose a husband.

such as:

"Originally, Han Zhuoli said that he had a fiancee, and I haven't got rid of it. I told myself in case of a breakup. As a result, Han Zhuoli got married. I could only become a former wife and came to Han Zhuoling's arms. As a result, now you tell me that Han Zhuoling also wants to take off. Alright? Lose my husband! "

Shi Xiaoya squeezed her cheek, and it was not hot anymore.

These people are really ... really joking.

But Shi Xiaoya couldn't control her Weibo, which had been staring at Han Zhuoling, and couldn't look away.

Obviously it is such a common typeface, but the more she looks at the heartbeat, the faster.

It was a different feeling to see his name circled by him alone.

Looking through the few Weibos he has posted, I haven't seen who he has circled alone.

She didn't care before she slept. Generally, she didn't bother to take care of this kind of thing.

But now that I saw Han Zhuo Ling ’s post, I went to look at the others, and found that Shi Nancang ’s friends had already posted it before Han Zhuo Ling.

Because of their participation, her relationship with Han Zhuo Ling has been weakened.

It was Han Zhuo Ling who suddenly sent that one and pushed the heat up again.

What Shi Xiaoya didn't understand was that if Han Zhuo Ling wanted to help her, she was obviously fine before, even if he didn't post Weibo.

Shi Xiaoya finally reluctant to retreat, but opened a WeChat a little, found the dialog box of Han Zhuo Ling, have clicked in, but did not enter text.

I don't know if Han Zhuo Ling is resting now.

What can she tell him even if he doesn't rest?

Ask him why he posted such a Weibo?

How to ask.

Shi Xiaoya was tangled for a long time. When she saw the time, it was more than twelve o'clock, so she simply didn't ask.

When she returns from the show crew, things have passed and she won't be so entangled when she wants to come.

Shi Xiaoya put her phone down again. Unfortunately, this time she was unable to fall asleep.

When she actually slept, she didn't know how late.

So that she was woken up by the alarm clock set by her mobile phone at one o'clock in the morning at six o'clock in the morning, she immediately felt a deep lack of sleep.

After washing his face and looking in the mirror, he was startled.

The dark circles under his eyes were stunned.

Because she had to catch a plane, Shi Xiaoya planned to go to the airport to go through security check, and then find a restaurant in the airport to have breakfast.

I didn't apply makeup in the morning, so I just covered the dark circles with a concealer alone.

It's all finished at 6.20.

Shi Xiaoya was about to call a car. She just picked up her mobile phone and just happened to have a call.

Looking at the screen, Han Zhuoling's name was displayed.

This moment reminded her of the tangled things last night.

Who knew that Han Zhuo Ling had called early in the morning.

Shi Xiaoya shook her hand. Everyone was already at the door and stood to answer the phone.

"Ling Shao?" Shi Xiaoya called.

Han Zhuo Ling was accustomed to getting up early, so he didn't get upset, but he felt much better when he heard Shi Xiaoya's voice early in the morning.

"It's me." Han Zhuo Ling's voice sounded as usual, but somehow, Shi Xiaoya seemed to hear some warmth from his voice, as if you could see Han Zhuo Ling smiling with a smile on her mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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