The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1593: I'm downstairs in your house

Chapter 1593 I'm Downstairs In Your House

Shi Xiaoya quickly shook her head, how could that be.

"Ling Shao, what's the matter?" Shi Xiaoya asked.

She was holding a mobile phone in one hand, and it was inconvenient to hold two suitcases at the door.

"Are you ready? Are you out?" Han Zhuo Ling asked.

At this moment, the person was downstairs from Shi Xiaoya's house, and came half an hour in advance, waiting for her to come out.

I remember she said that she started at 6:30 and didn't see her out for half an hour. She knew she hadn't left yet.

"I'm getting ready to leave," Shi Xiaoya said. "Just getting ready to call a car, you're on the phone."

Han Zhuo Ling smiled. "You don't need to call a car. You come down now. I'm downstairs."

Shi Xiaoya was so shocked that she almost dropped her cell phone, and quickly got steady, "Why ... what?"

"I said, I'm waiting downstairs in your house." Han Zhuo Ling said again patiently.

If others are like her, stupid, Han Zhuo Ling must feel that the other party's IQ is problematic, and he can't understand the sentence.

But now the subject is replaced by Shi Xiaoya, Han Zhuo Ling doesn't think so, but she feels cute.

Silly, the response in the slow half-shot became very cute.

Listening to her reaction, she knew that she had never expected that he would come over.

Han Zhuoling said with a smile: "You are here now, you can come down at any time. If you are not ready, don't worry, think about whether something has fallen before going out."

"I'll go down now," Shi Xiaoya said immediately, "the belt should be brought, it should not be left."

"Mobile phones, wallets, ID cards, these three are the most important." Han Zhuo Ling said.

Shi Xiaoya quickly flipped through the bag and determined, "I brought it."

"Umbrellas, raincoats?" Han Zhuoling said, "You go with makeup, if it rains and snows, it will be inconvenient to make umbrellas, raincoats are better."

"I brought it too." Shi Xiaoya nodded.

"Okay, then you come down." Han Zhuoling sneered, very short, and quickly made Shi Xiaoya wonder if she heard it wrong.

Then, I heard Han Zhuoling said, "Even if nothing really happens, it will be sent to you by then."

Hanging up the phone, Shi Xiaoya put away the phone and dragged out two suitcases.

Out of the elevator, across the glass door, he saw Han Zhuoling's phantom stopped at the door.

As soon as he walked to the door, he saw Han Zhuoling getting out of the car.

Because I was nervous in front of Han Zhuo Ling, I didn't pay attention to it.

At this moment across a glass door, Shi Xiaoya looked at Han Zhuo Ling's long body, how she looked so beautiful, how she looked attractive.

I used to record the show on the small island next to Nanhai City. At that time, he was wearing a simple short-sleeved T-shirt. The place blocked by the T-shirt could not be seen. The good-looking ones will not make people look stressful and scary.

The lines are smooth, just like the actors who are specially trained for the photo.

Shi Xiaoya also thought at the time, I don't know if he has a block of abdominal muscles under his T-shirt.

If so, I don't know what it looks like.

But now wearing a suit, the whole person looks thin and long, with wide shoulders, narrow hips and long legs, like a person coming out of a picture book.

Shi Xiaoya has seen a lot of supermodels, and I don't think Han Zhuoling is so good-looking.

(End of this chapter)

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