The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1597: Wait till you come back

Chapter 1597: Waiting For You To Come Back

Shi Xiaoya was still calm after listening.

She believed in the results of Han Zhuo Ling's investigation, but she didn't know what Yuan Yina's brain circuit was.

"When it comes to competition, we have nothing to argue with recently. The only thing that can be said to intersect is probably the" Survivor "show, but there is no competition. It is not that I replaced her. . "

"You think so, but she doesn't have to." Han Zhuo Ling gently touched the steering wheel with a few fingertips. "You also entered the" Survivor "show group at the same time, but she was eventually kicked out in that way. She felt There is no face. In fact, there are six makeup artists in her own body. Only she was driven away, and even if she really wanted to be resentful, she couldn't put it on your head. But you used to be at odds with her. She has always regarded you as an enemy. Naturally I ca n’t see anyone, I just feel like I lost to you, and I lose face in front of you, I think it made you laugh. You may be laughing at her behind, hate it. These and other situations, in her narrow-minded It's possible in everyone. "

Han Zhuo Ling paused, and sighed slightly. "It's my fault again. I kicked her out of the show and asked you to make up for me. Maybe that's what you remember."

"That's not to blame you," Shi Xiaoya muttered. "It was she who was not at ease, thinking about doing ..."

Shi Xiaoya couldn't help but say the word "go. Lead" and swallowed it.

Han Zhuo Ling laughed and didn't ask Shi Xiaoya what he planned to do. Shi Xiaoya did what Shi Xiaoya did, and it didn't conflict with what he did.

Lu Man is preparing for the race recently, and he is embarrassed to disturb Lu Man at this time.

Although talking to Lu Man, Lu Man will definitely help.

However, Han Zhuo Ling still felt that it was better to let Lu Man concentrate on preparing for the game. He planned to send Shi Xiaoya to the airport in a while, and then returned to the company to find Wei Zilin.

As a public relations **** who is juxtaposed with Lu Man, it doesn't matter if you leave it alone.

Sending Shi Xiaoya to the airport, Han Zhuo Ling drove the car into the parking lot and stopped.

Just after it was turned off, Shi Xiaoya suddenly patted her head, "Oh, I received your call at home before, but I didn't even think of bringing my tie!"

Shi Xiaoya couldn't be more upset, even if it was outside.

She got a call from Han Zhuoling at home, and she could put her tie on.

Even if I met Han Zhuo Ling when I was out, I had time to go upstairs again.

As a result, she forgot it.

Han Zhuo Ling's mouth was hooked, and when she saw her look of annoyance, she was extraordinarily good. "It's okay, wait until you come back."

Shi Xiaoya responded, and that's all.

She unfastened her seat belt and smiled and said to Han Zhuo Ling, "Thank you so much for sending me here."

The airport is so far away, he will waste a lot of time.

Han Zhuo Ling did not speak, but got out of the car, took Shi Xiaoya's luggage from the trunk, locked the car and went to the airport.

Shi Xiaoya followed in surprise, "Ling Shao, I—"

She wanted to say that she would drag her luggage over.

Han Zhuo Ling glanced at her lightly, "Send you there."

Shi Xiaoya climbed into the blush on her cheek, followed Han Zhuoling nicely, and asked to drag a box by herself.

Even drag the little one.

But Han Zhuo Ling did not agree.

Shi Xiaoya hadn't been there because the city was cold, and Shi Nancang bought a lot of things for her, so Shi Xiaoya also had a little luggage.

Add more today, a total of 10 more, and 4 more, I will write as soon as possible

(End of this chapter)

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