The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1598: Afraid of you

Chapter 1598: Afraid Of You

Although it was four days to go and recorded the program for two days, I was afraid that the time would be too fast, so I reserved another two days to return.

But the luggage case is a 28-inch.

When Shi Xiaoya was dragging, the box was probably between her waist and hips.

It looks particularly big.

But at this time in the hands of Han Zhuo Ling, the 28-inch large suitcase was so small that it was still down to his thighs. It looked as if she was dragging a 24-inch suitcase, not at all. Laborious.

The nearest door was Gate 5 of the airport. Guo Yujie had already arrived and just sent a picture to Shi Xiaoya to tell her where she was, which happened to be near Gate 5.

After Shi Xiaoya entered the door, she looked around and found Guo Yujie. She was busy using her WeChat voice to wave her and beckoned to her, "Yu Jie, I'm here, we're at the gate 5."

Guo Yujie also wondered how Shi Xiaoya used "us", but she found it, and she was scared to the ground.

How did Han Zhuoling follow me!

This great **** also helped Shi Xiaoya tow the boxes, one with his left hand and one with his right hand.

I really do n’t know how Shi Xiaoya did it!

Guo Yujie hurriedly came over, "Xiaoya."

Then he called out very carefully, "Ling Shao."

Han Zhuo Ling nodded, "Help you with the consignment first."

Guo Yujie himself also dragged a large 28-inch box, because he did n’t need to carry the makeup case like Shi Xiaoya, so he could bring one less box.

Now she was dragging herself, but she didn't dare to bother Han Zhuoli to help her.

Besides, this treatment is also available to Shi Xiaoya, but others dare not.

Han Zhuo Ling walked in front, Guo Yujie whispered to Shi Xiaoya, "How come Han Dashao? A special trip to get you?"

Guo Yujie said, and winked at Shi Xiaoya.

Shi Xiaoya could not deny it at this moment.

Didn't Han Zhuoling make a special trip to send her?

Shi Xiaoya had the courage to ask it, but someone said "shun" to pass her off.

So now, Shi Xiaoya can't explain herself, so she has to move Han Zhuoling's answer intact, "He said by the way."

Guo Yujie said, "Hey, he went from your house to your house to take you to the airport and back to Hanbang. This Lushun is a bit big."

Shi Xiaoya: "..."

"I didn't say anything else, what are you blushing?" Guo Yujie whispered.

Shi Xiaoya is now empty with both hands, which is especially convenient, so she pokes Guo Yujie's side waist.

Guo Yujie was afraid of itching and laughed while hiding, "Hey, I'm afraid of you, I'm afraid of you, don't do it, don't do it."

I don't know if it was because they heard the laughter behind them. Han Zhuo Ling turned back and saw Shi Xiaoya and Guo Yujie almost seem to be in a mess.

Seeing him look back, Shi Xiaoya stood up quickly, and she didn't dare to make trouble again.

Han Zhuo Ling ticked his lips and asked, "Do you order economy or first class?"

"First Class." Shi Xiaoya said.

It ’s been a long time to go to the city, and she does n’t need to rely on home. She earns a lot of money in her studio, and it ’s okay to go out in first class.

If you can be comfortable during the trip, try to be as comfortable as possible.

As long as Guo Yujie is on a business trip with her, she will always sit first.

Guo Yujie also said that Shi Xiaoya is the biggest boss she has ever met.

Han Zhuoling nodded and dragged his luggage to the first-class check-in aisle.

There was no need to wait in line there, Shi Xiaoya handed in her ID card with Guo Yujie and said she was going to the city.

Seventh and three more ~

(End of this chapter)

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