The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1599: You two are already dating?

Chapter 1599: Are You Already Dating?

Han Zhuo Ling moved Shi Xiaoya's luggage to the checked belt.

Shi Xiaoya was not allowed to do anything throughout the process. He didn't talk much, but he was extremely gentleman in every move.

Shi Xiaoya has always felt that since she decided to live independently, these trivial things usually do not want to bother her family.

Therefore, no matter on a business trip or whatever, she and Guo Yujie have always done it alone, and there is no need to send someone at home.

Shi Xiaoya has not enjoyed such treatment for a long time.

And Han Zhuoling took care of her all the way, but unlike the people sent by her family, she just did it for her.

When Han Zhuo Ling was on the side, he had a particularly reliable feeling, which meant he was a little close.

Shi Xiaoya was half a step behind Han Zhuo Ling, watching him busy for her.

Such a large suitcase, if it was her, would be cumbersome to lift.

But in the hands of Han Zhuo Ling, it became light and unusual.

Han Zhuoling helped Shi Xiaoya bring her luggage up, and then she helped Guo Yujie.

Guo Yujie was stumped with fright, "No ... no, I can come by myself, Shao!"

"It doesn't matter." Han Zhuo Ling said, took Guo Yujie's suitcase and moved it up.

Guo Yujie secretly said to Shi Xiaoya while Han Zhuo Ling was moving his luggage: "I didn't expect it. In my lifetime, I can enjoy the treatment of being helped to carry luggage by Han Dasong. Thank you."

Shi Xiaoya was embarrassed. "Don't tell me! I was heard."

Just kidding or something in private, others don't know.

The parties are here now, how embarrassed to be heard.

Guo Yujie put out his tongue, "Stop talking, stop talking."

As soon as they finished speaking, Han Zhuoling came over, "It's all done, let's go."

Seeing Shi Xiaoya, Han Zhuoling was in a position to send them directly to security check.

At the security checkpoint, Han Zhuoling said, "Then I'll go first."

"Well, hurry and get busy. This morning has delayed you a lot." Shi Xiaoya said quickly.

Han Zhuo Ling nodded and Guo Yujie was there, which was always inconvenient.

Han Zhuo Ling thought for a while, and said, "After you arrive at the hotel, tell me. When you see if there is anything missing, also tell me."

Shi Xiaoya blushed and said "OK".

Seeing that Han Zhuo Ling was gone, Shi Xiaoya and Guo Yujie went to press the button.

Guo Yujie asked with a stunned expression, "Xiaoya, you two are already dating?"

"No!" Shi Xiaoya was startled. "Don't talk nonsense."

"But looking at your interaction, it really looks like you're dating." Guo Yujie said, "If it's a normal relationship, where would you say something?" . Do n’t be too obvious.

"Stop talking." Shi Xiaoya said seriously, "This kind of thing, don't discuss too much, it's not good to guess too much. Besides, he didn't say anything. What happened when we misunderstood it? "

Guo Yujie thought about it too, and didn't dare to make more excitement in such matters.

If you really sway Shi Xiaoya's thoughts here, there will be no response from Han Zhuoling.

It was Shi Xiaoya who was injured.

Although Guo Yujie felt that Han Zhuoling's performance was really nothing like nothing.

Guo Yujie stopped talking and turned to the topic, talking to Shi Xiaoya about work.

Eighth more, and two more ~

(End of this chapter)

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