The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1614: Have a child

Chapter 1614: A Child

Howard couldn't believe it. Someone really cares about his future and is full of morality.

But after a while, he wanted to understand.

Howard sneered at Shi Xiaoya, "Do you think Lu Man's background is stronger, so you want to hug her thighs? Do you think she can make use of their company's resources for you for Han Zhuoli to open the way in Hollywood Don't dream about it! It takes a lot of resources to support someone, and you think that as long as you coax Lu Man, Han Zhuoli will be able to help you all, so hard? "

Howard sneered, "I advise you, think about it, who is more worthy of relying!"

Shi Xiaoya felt that the young man in front of her was afraid of not having a pit in her head.

She is interested in developing internationally, just because she wants to meet greater challenges.

But I really didn't cling to it.

In the future, she thinks it is okay. If she wants to go abroad, Howard really has the ability to stop her.

Then she will be in the country.

I really don't like the nasty problems of some people.

Han Zhuo Li and Han Zhuo Ling happened to work overtime today.

The elders of the Han family are here.

The old lady has long wanted to see Shi Xiaoya herself. After listening to Lu Man saying that Shi Xiaoya will stay to watch the game, where can she sit still?

Immediately asked Han Zhuo Li to ask the school for a few tickets, brought Shen Nuo and Lin Liye together, and waited for a while to see Shi Xiaoya.

Even Wang Juhuai and Xia Qingwei came to support Lu Man.

Xia Qingwei's belly was a bit bigger, and Wang Juhuai took care of it all the way.

Because there are many fans in the four school teams.

Lu Man, Fu Kaiqi, and Li Zeyu have the most fans, and everyone else has their own fan base, so the tickets are very easy to sell.

Coupled with the exchange group, Shana is here. As a rare international movie star, it has attracted the attention of many media.

There were many reporters present today.

Many media reporters saw Wang Ju's care for Xia Qing's future and all followed.

Fortunately, I still remember that Xia Qingwei was a pregnant woman and she was an elderly pregnant woman, so everyone was very careful. They did n’t dare to come too close, and they gave Wang Juhuai and Xia Qingwei enough safety space.

The problems of journalists cannot be separated from Xia Qing's pregnancy.

"Mrs. Wang has been pregnant for several months?"

"Have you checked to see if you are pregnant with a baby or a baby?"

Wang Juhuai answered patiently. This is a good thing, and the reporters are still very sensible. They didn't come around, so Wang Juhuai was in a good mood, and he also gave back to him, patiently answering their questions.

Regarding the question of whether the child is male or female, Wang Juhuai said with a smile: "We didn't ask the doctor. To us, boys and girls don't matter, so I'll keep waiting for them to have a surprise. Know early It's not interesting anymore. "

"Then don't need to buy some children's clothes or something according to gender in advance?"

"It doesn't matter." Wang Juhuai can be said to be very Buddhist. "A baby born just now, where can I see what gender is different, just buy some neutral colors and styles. Children grow fast , I will buy a new one soon, and then I will replace it with a new one. "

After caring about Xia Qingwei, the reporter cared about Lu Man again. "It has been a while since Lu Man and Han Shao got married. I wonder when the two of them intend to have a child?"

(End of this chapter)

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