The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1615: support

Chapter 1615

Although Lu Man is developing in the entertainment industry, such a large family will definitely value his son-in-law, and will not let Lu Man drag his children back for his career.

However, Wang Juhuai did not answer this for Lu Man and Han Zhuoli.

Still smiling, with a good temper, "This is a matter for their young people, and the two of them have their own plans. Besides, we both have a consensus on this matter, so that young people can let it go and not pressure them. What time is it now, but not as old-fashioned as you think. "

The reporters can only follow and laugh, what do they think in the big family, how can they know.

Anyway, what Wang Juhuai said, let them listen.

Principal Liu personally came to meet Wang Juhuai. Today there are many people, for fear that Xia Qing didn't do anything here.

"We have specially prepared a lounge for Mrs. Wang. Would you like to take a break first? There are a lot of people here and there will be a large number of spectators coming in. There will inevitably be collisions. It ’s better to wait for the audience to sit down. You two will go to the guest seats again. "Principal Liu explained.

Because of Wang Juhuai's relationship, the school specially arranged a guest seat for them.

"It's okay." Wang Juhuai was also very worried at the beginning. It was quite appropriate to hear President Liu's arrangement.

"I don't know if it's appropriate for me to go to the background right now? I want to check it out." Xia Qing asked with a smile.

"Of course, no problem." Principal Liu said with a smile. "There are not many people in the back office. Students are still preparing in the dressing room. Wait a second, I will let you take you there."


As for the dressing room, Han Zhuo Li and Han Zhuo Ling went straight here.

One is looking for a way, the other is looking for Shi Xiaoya.

Previously, the two people came out of the company together, drove over, and parked their cars in the parking lot together, even the two cars were parked together.

Rarely, Han Zhuoli did not laugh at Han Zhuoling.

Even after getting off the bus, Han Zhuo Ling tacitly went to the backstage with Han Zhuo Li, but Han Zhuo Li didn't take the opportunity to hit him.

When the two came to the door of the dressing room, they just heard Howard's words in it, threatening Shi Xiaoya.

Han Zhuo Ling's face was calm, and he suddenly asked Han Zhuo Li in English, "Hasn't Han Bang acquired Sai Lei Pictures?"

Sai Lei Pictures is also an established Hollywood production company. In the past, it has dominated the world and launched many classic movies.

Hundreds of miles around the world, there are films launched by Sailei Pictures.

It is just because of the recent changes in the popular trend of the Hollywood movie market that Selec Pictures did not seize the opportunity well and made a wrong decision.

Coupled with the blood loss of the two previous films, Sai Lei's competitiveness in the market is getting weaker and weaker.

Now many major production companies in Hollywood have begun to introduce foreign investment, and although there is still a big gap between the domestic film level and Hollywood, there are many rich men in China who cannot stand it.

Several large domestic film and television companies have more or less invested in production companies in Hollywood, but they have fewer shares and have less right to speak.

Now there is only one Korean state, seizing the opportunity to directly enter the main Sai Lei film industry, becoming one of its largest shareholders.

After the film produced by Sai Lei Pictures, at the beginning of the film, the introduction of the logo of the producer was started, and Han Bang was always ranked first.

Thanks to Hanbang's investment, Sailei Pictures was able to restore its vitality. It took two years to complete a fantasy movie and achieved great success at the global box office. Sailei Pictures has regained its position as a giant.

(End of this chapter)

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