The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1625: Your eyes are confused

Chapter 1625: My Eyes Are Blind

It was nothing more than fear.

Howard flushed.

He was tricked!

But in the presence of Han Zhuo Ling, he did not dare to say a word.

Howard quietly clenched his hands into fists, shaking with anger.

He has never been so bullied!

At this moment, someone shouted happily, "Long."

Everyone saw that it was Wang Juhuai and Xia Qing's future.

On the side there is Director He.

Principal Liu had to continue to greet the VIPs outside.

Shana and others were shocked to see Wang Juhuai.

Even after they came here, they have always been high-profile, this look down on, not look down on, and met Wang Juhuai was also surprised.

Why did Wang Juhuai come here!

Just now Wang Juhuai called "man" in Chinese, and they all understood it.

However, the tone of Chinese characters is still a bit difficult to understand.

For a while, it was difficult to associate Longman with Lu Man.

"Dad, mom." Lu Man saw the two of them coming, and took a few steps to get over. "Why are you two here? There are so many people here, messy, how bad it is to bump into each other."

"It's okay, let's take a look at it and leave in a while. The school prepared a restroom for you. Mom has a separate room for you. You can rest assured." Wang Juhuai said with a smile. "Oh, my girl is almost unrecognizable."

"It's still dad, you are sincere." Lu Man said to him, "Zhuo Ligang also told me that my face is painted like this and it looks good. This is too false, just to make me happy."

Han Zhuoli suddenly hit an arrow on his knee and was a little aggressive.

Wang Juhuai laughed, "He didn't say anything wrong. Although he didn't recognize it, he was still that pretty girl."

Everyone: "..."

Ha ha, Lu Man not only has a spouse wife and a mad husband, but also a mutual daughter madness father.

The eyes of these two people are confused.

All these words can be said.

Lu Man usually looks pretty, but I can't say it looks good with this makeup.

The face shape is still that face, but the whole person is ugly.

As a result, the two of them were able to say good things, it was simply too much.

Seeing Wang Juhuai like this, I don't know if Lu Man is his daughter.

When I was here just now, the voice inside was also heard.

Although I didn't know the cause, I also guessed that it must be Howard's troublesome moth, which caused unhappiness.

Director He did not inquire about the cause and effect.

Anyway, it's not their side that's losing, obviously Howard is losing.

If he had asked the cause and effect, he would have to plead with Howard for his good looks, and he would not do such a thing.

Therefore, Director He pretended not to know anything, and said with a smile: "How are you all preparing? The performance is about to begin. The exchange group is the finale, the first one to be from the Donghua Film Academy Classmates. Everyone allocates time reasonably, don't wait to be on the court soon, and another mess. "

"Students who are already prepared are not the first performance. You can go to the seats in the competition area and sit and prepare. The exchange match will officially start soon." Director He said, smiling like an old fox.

Shana couldn't remember asking Director He for help now, and her attention was now on Wang Juhuai.

(End of this chapter)

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