The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1626: Is it against the sky?

Chapter 1626 Is It Against The Sky?

"Mr. Wang," Shana called.

Wang Juhuai looked over and was a little familiar with Shana, but she was not familiar with it.

Although a popular youth idol, Wang Juhuai has always paid no attention to this, especially now that he has been in the country.

Those who can have a relationship with him are all big coffee class. Like Shana, Wang Juhuai really has no chance to know.

"Hello, this is Shana." Shana introduced, and immediately said several works that she had performed.

Wang Juhuai had such a slight impression, "Hello, I have the opportunity to listen to your song."

"Then I'm really honored. If there are any shortcomings, please correct me." Shana said immediately, "I always wanted to have the opportunity to meet you. I never expected to see you here today. You follow Man is-- "

"She is my daughter." Wang Juhuai was kind.

With that said, Howard's face was really ashamed now.

Just now Lu Man was chatting with Wang Juhuai, and it was naturally in Chinese.

Seeing how familiar the two were, but actually said something, Howard couldn't understand.

Now that he heard Wang Juhuai introduce in English, Howard could not help but take a breath.

In this way, how could he embarrass Lu Man and avenge Bulbott?

Is Lu Man's family relationship against the sky? !!

Shana was shocked, and thanked herself for not offending Long Man.

There is not much communication between the two, so there is nothing to offend.

"Mr. Wang, I don't know if I have the honor. Can you write a song?" Shana said at the opportunity.

Howard couldn't help showing sarcasm.

Wang Juhuai has never written a song for any singer, even the most famous ones in the world, even the classical bel canto, he has never written.

Most of Wang Juhuai's composition appears in movies.

So far, Wang Juhuai's film has not been complied with.

Whether it is a large-scale money-burning blockbuster, or a high-content literary film, a social movie, the former has a box office sale, and the latter has a reputation.

The quality of a movie is indispensable, from the script, the director, the actor, to the clothing channel. The real expert just has to look at the staff list to get an idea of ​​the quality of the movie.

As long as he saw that the music was created by Wang Juhuai, the expert knew that this movie could not be worse.

Even if Wang Juhuai is a composer, he still looks at the work.

Can you please move Wang Juhuai, not only to have money, but also to have good quality.

It can be seen how difficult Wang Juhuai is.

Among the individuals who can invite Wang Juhuai to compose, so far there is only one pianist ranked first in the world.

At a concert, as a special show, the performance surprised the audience.

Later I learned that it was Wang Juhuai who composed.

And Sana, a singer who just became popular, wanted to ask Wang Juhuai to compose?

I have to say that she is really courageous.

Wang Juhuai refused politely and politely, "My wife is pregnant. I have to concentrate on taking care of her recently. I have stopped all work. It is not necessarily when I will work again. After all, I will take care of the child when it is born."

The reason for this ...

Shana didn't know how to refute.

Does the child need you to take care of you?

To be clear is to excuse her.

However, Wang Juhuai did not lie.

He has just finished working on a film.

At that time, Xia Qingwei had just found out that she was pregnant, Wang Juhuai had been in retreat for a long time, and finally completed the work.

After that, she suspended all work and stayed with Xia Qingwei.

This is the third change. I was afraid that you would have to wait for a long time. I wrote a chapter and a chapter, but some people said that it was squeezing toothpaste. So today, after trying to write three more updates, it should be better. There are three more, I continue to write. If you change six at a time, I'm afraid you will wait until the evening, so I wrote three more first ...

(End of this chapter)

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