The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1650: invite

Chapter 1650: Invitation

In this way, the strength of the performance will be further discounted.

In fact, including him, he did not expect that Guodian's performance would be so good, completely unexpected, hit them by surprise.

At this time, the host did not invite Guodian's people to step down.

After Xu Jiashan and Deng Xu scrambled to invite each other, Robert also followed the crowd. "The typhoon on the road is very good, as if born for the stage. Her performance on the stage is very appropriate, if not sitting Here, knowing that you are still a student, I ca n’t believe it. I will think you are an actor with many years of stage experience. "

Lu Man smiled and thanked.

Just listening to Robert saying, "If I have the chance, I would love to see you on the Broadway stage. I also have a good command of your English, and I know that you are a person who has a good plan for yourself. .If one day you think the time is right, I hope you can take a look at Broadway. "

Robert did not immediately say that she was invited to go.

After all, Robert can only be regarded as recommending Lu Man in the past. With the current talents over there, Lu Man may stand out and be very eye-catching, but when he is there, he must work hard from the bottom.

And to go there to develop, whether it is language or performance skills, Lu Man needs to improve a little more.

Otherwise, it would be better to develop here.

Robert said that he really planned for Lu Man.

If Lu Man really intends, then from now on, he will steadily fight to make his own name. With a high starting point, development will naturally be different.

When Lu Man heard Robert's meaning, he said, "Thank you, I will work hard to meet you on that stage."

Seeing that Lu Man knew what he meant, Robert appreciated it even more.

If you change to someone who is more narrow-minded, or you can't hear him, you might think that this is what he said, and he didn't want to help at all.

On the contrary, they have to be remembered and hated, and have become enemies.

But Lu Man suddenly understood Robert's intentions and knew that he was for her good.

Otherwise, even if there is Robert, Lu Man will not be reused and will be excluded.

I wasted time, and I missed the best time for domestic development.

Robert is very happy that Lu Man is not only an excellent acting man, but also a smart man.

For Robert's words, it did not make much waves in the audience.

After all, not everyone can hear Robert's kindness, only thinking that he is just talking good words.

Only a few people could hear Robert's appreciation and kindness for Lu Man.

The replaced Dong Jingxi was also hiding in the vast ocean of audiences at this time.

She came to see the joke.

When she came, she felt that although she was there, the school team could not win, but at least she was already one of the best schools in the school.

Better than Luo Yijun.

Taking Luo Yijun to replace her, the strength of the team is greatly reduced, and it will definitely lose even more.

What's the use even if there is a road?

Can she bring up the strength of the entire team alone?

Therefore, she will come to see how miserable this team is.

See the regretful expressions of those principals!

Who knows, the more stupid it is, Lu Man was given such a high evaluation, and he was invited by two directors. On the spot, a movie and a drama were identified.

(End of this chapter)

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