The Long-awaited Mr Han

Chapter 1651: Grandson and grandson

Chapter 1651: Grandma and Grandson

With Deng Xu's strength, I am afraid it is another international award-winning work.

Will Lu Man follow suit and enter the international market?

Even the others did not show any mistakes and completed the whole scene very well.

Dong Jingxi can only hope that the strength of the exchange group will be stronger, and the arrogant arrogance will be beaten down!

Lest the arrogant road never know what his last name is!

Even if she is in the limelight today?

The final result is not lost?

Dong Jingxi did not care about winning or losing in the school for his own pleasure.

And here, Lu Man was finally stepped down by the host.

They didn't return to the race seat immediately, but instead went backstage to remove their makeup.

When Lu Man and others left, the old lady whispered to Shen Nuo, "It seems that Director Deng Xu is still very visionary, no wonder he won so many awards. It turned out that Man Man had already told her to act as a heroine. . "

Shen Nuo said with a smile: "Yeah, yeah, it is indeed a great director, there are reasons to win so many awards."

The rest: "..."

What the hell?

Isn't it possible to get so many awards because of their good filming?

What has to do with Lu Man!

This is the first time they've seen this grandson and grandson!

Are you Han family blowing your own family, are you so shameless?

Xia Qingwei couldn't help but covered his face and smiled on Wang Juhuai's shoulder.

Here, a team of Lu Man returned to the backstage to prepare for makeup removal. It happened that in the backstage they met a team of exchange groups who were about to go on stage.

Shana walked at the front. When she saw Lu Man, she nodded slightly, and her attitude was not very good.

Shana had no conflict with Lu Man before.

But just now, Robert had said so much to Lu Man.

You know, Robert was invited by their school, but Robert has never invited her.

Could it be that in Robert's eyes, her performance is not as long as the road?

Even though Lu Man had no likes and dislikes before, but now he was consciously compared with Lu Man because of his invisibility. He unconsciously regarded Lu Man as a competitor.

Although Shana thought this idea was actually ridiculous.

When the game is over, she will return to the United States.

She will always stand on such a big stage in the world, but Lu Man can only develop on this small stage in China.

The two people's starting points are different, and their future development will be further apart.

Lu Man is not comparable to her at all.

But at the moment, Shana is still not happy that she has been compared.

At least here, Shana is treating Lu Man as a competitor.

And Howard behind Shana had eyes, not eyes, and noses.

As they passed the Guodian team, Howard said coldly, "Don't be proud. You think you'll be overwhelmed by a few judges boasting. This is a team game, and it is not enough for one of them to perform well. You as a whole, still can't. "

When everyone heard him, they became angry.

They didn't say anything. Every time, Howard was the first to pick things up. The so-called first mover was cheap, and Howard was cheap.

They don't understand, this group of people has come here so high, so high.

Others didn't recruit them, they rushed to find it uncomfortable.

Li Zeyu couldn't help but yell at each other, and Lu Man said coldly, "My classmates performed very well. Without them, this play would not have achieved such a good effect. The game is acting, Not mouth gun skills, I hope your performance can be as high as your mouth gun skills. "

(End of this chapter)

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